Here is a list of resources on hospitality from a post a few years ago if anyone is interested in further reads as we close last months theme!
The series on hospitality over the last few months has been one of the most enriching and instructive I have facilitated… at least for me. I hope that it has been for you too. And in case you missed some of the posts, here is the complete list. And if you are in a hurry and only want to read the most popular, check out ones with stars ❆.
- Injustice At the Table by Andy Wade
- The Guest House by Rumi
- Faith, Hospitality and Foreign Language Learning
- Granola Extraordinaire – A Great Staple for Hospitality
- When Hospitality Hurts by Amy Boucher Pye
- Can We Show Hospitality to Vandals ❆
- Litany and Lectio Divina from Celtic Retreat
- Litany from the afternoon gathering at Celtic Retreat
- Celtic Retreat Morning Liturgy ❆
- Guess Who’s Coming to Sunday Lunch by April Yamasaki
- Celebrating with LongTerm Friends I have Never Met
- The Ministry of Hospitality to the Lonely – Steve Wickham
- Taxes by Leroy Barber
- The Healing in the Ministry of Hospitality – Steve Wickham
- Hospitality and the Prosperity Gospel: What’s in it for me? by Meredith Griffin ❆
- Hospitality and Listening by Lynne Baab
- Hospitality to the Poor, Oppressed and Marginalized As a Way of Life – Mark Votava
- Embracing the Wild Hospitality of God
- A Hospitality of Openness by Kate Kennington Steer
- An Adventure of Amazing Hospitality by Fay Williams
- Hospitality for the Gluten Free
- Hospitality as a Call for All of Life by Lynne Baab
- A Celtic Hospitality Liturgy
- Radical Hospitality Reading List❆
- An Invitation to Summer Hospitality
- The Most Delicious Carrot Cake I Have Ever Tasted
- Redeeming the Curse – Count your Blessings
- Welcoming Angels Unawares by Amy Boucher Pye
- Guests of the World
- Cooking Is Not a Spectator Sport
- Strangers, Friends, Angels Unawares
- Communion not Conversion, Slow Church Not Fast Food ❆
- Sharing Food, Sharing Life
- Pear and Raspberry Bread
- Making Bread
- Amazing Quinoa Muffins
- Hunza Pie – Great Way to Use Greens
- A Wonderful Apple Cake