Citrus and Mint Iced Tea
I make this tea throughout the summer, though with the way the weather has been in Seattle this year I have not thought about it until this week. It is both refreshing and thirst-quenching, and uses some of the garden produce. We always have an abundance of mint as I grow apple, chocolate and spearmint. All of them work well for this recipe though the chocolate mint is stronger in flavour and so you will need less.
I am hoping that when my seaberry bushes start producing I will be able to substitute their juice for the orange juice. If you grow it in the garden substitute lemon verbena for the lemon juice.
Last year I posted an article about how our food choices are manipulated by the global mall. I talked about Stevia:
which is 10 times sweeter than sugar, easy to grow and with virtually no calories. However it was banned from the American market about the same time that Monsanto introduced its artificial sweetener aspartame because an “anonymous firm” lodged a complaint with the FDA Read more
This year I don’t have any stevia plants because the harvest last year was so abundant. I miss the enjoyment of getting our visitors to sample the incredibly sweet leaves. So now I find myself needing to experiment with using it as a sweetener. I harvest the leaves when the branches look as though they are about to flower and dry them in the microwave – it only takes a minute or two. I usually start with 30 seconds then continue in 10 second increments until the leaves are just dry. When they cool down they will be totally dry.
At this stage I use stevia mainly for beverages, though my friend Cheryl has found that adding 5 stevia leaves straight off the plant to a pot of pears before she cooks them is ample to sweeten home preserved fruit.
I make a Ginger Stevia syrup that I then add to different summer beverages.
- 2 cups water
- 1 – 2 tablespoon dried stevia, crushed – I use a mortar and pestle
- ¾ cup ginger root, finely chopped or grated
- 2 tablespoons vanilla
- ¼ cup lemon juice or 1/2 cup lemon verbena leaves chopped
- 1 cup mint leaves (optional)
Bring water to boil. Add ginger & stevia, as well as the lemon verbena and mint if you are using them. Boil for 10 minutes, strain into a heat resistant container. Add vanilla and lemon juice. This syrup will store in the refrigerator for several weeks.
Homemade Stevia ginger ale
I first started making this recipe when I discovered that most ginger ales have no ginger in them at all and were usually full of high fructose corn syrup.
Add 1-2 oz syrup to a glass depending on how sweet you like your drinks, top with 6 oz sparkling water and ice cubes. Enjoy.
Citrus/ Mint Iced tea punch
- 8 teaspoons Loose Leaf red or black tea Or 8-10 Teabags (I like to use fruit flavoured teas
- l cup (or more) Fresh Mint Leaves
- 8 cups Boiling Water
- 1 cup Orange Juice – or seaberry juice if you have this available
- 1/2 cup lemon juice – or use lemon verbena from the garden
- 1 Orange, Cut Into Thin Slices
- 1 Lemon,Cut Into Thin Slices
- 1 Lime,Cut Into Thin Slices
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup ginger stevia syrup
- 2 litre bottle sparkling mineral water or soda water.
This is a favourite for our summer BBQs & picnics. Put tea & mint in a heat resistant glass or ceramic pot. Pour in the boiling water & steep for 30 minutes. Strain & refrigerate. Pour into a large pitcher. Add orange juice. Add orange, lemon & lime rinds. Add ginger syrup & mineral water and serve with ice cubes. If you prefer a more lemony flavour add 1/2 cup lemon juice or a cup of lemon verbena leaves to the tea mix.
For more stevia recipes visit
My weekly round up of prayers that are posted each morning on facebook at Light for the Journey and on twitter.
Lord Jesus Christ,
All things come from you,
In whom the ways of life are hidden.
All things hold together in you,
In whom the fulness of God dwells.
All things are reconciled through you,
In whom all things in heaven and earth find peace.
Thanks and praise and glory to you, Lord Christ,
You are the way the truth and the life.
May your kingdom come O Lord,
On earth as it is in heaven,
May our words proclaim it,
And our deeds reveal it
May your kingdom come,
Through me, through us,
This day and every day,
May we feel its heartbeat of love.
May we give thanks today,
For the wonder of love poured out,
For the beauty of life that is given,
For the joy of salvation received,
For the abundance of provision that is shared,
For the richness of friendship we enjoy,
For the glimmer of faith in the midst of doubt,
For light at the end of the tunnel,
For the glory of God in every thought and every moment,
We praise and than our God today.
Lord may I come with all my heart,
And see it centred in you.
May I come with all my mind,
And allow it to be transformed.
May I come with all my being,
And welcome your life in all its fullness.
Jesus expand the borders of our love,
That we might care for friends and strangers.
Jesus increase the love within our hearts,
Thant we might share with neighbours near and far.
Jesus bind us with your cords of love,
That we might be transformed into your image.
God may we look and see what you have placed in our hands,
Five loaves, two fishes, a banquet feast for thousands,
Generosity overflowing, an inexhaustible supply,
May we taste and see, and have faith to share,
Your abundance will never run dry.
I also thought that some of you might enjoy this prayer that comes from Prayer Changes Things
I pray today for ~
Those who are homeless to find Shelter.
Those who are depressed to discover Joy.
Those who are addicted to find Release.
Those who are lonely to find Friend.
Those who are confused or lost to find a Path.
Those who are Heartbroken to know that it will Pass.
Those who are sick to find Healing.
Those who live in darkness to be covered in Light.
Those who are Dying
to know that they have Lived.
I pray today for Peace where there is Unrest,
for love to prevail over All. In The Name Of God Amen…
This morning I posted a link to this inspiring article An Urban Farm in Portland Feeds Local Neighbourhood with Help from the Disabled . It comes from one of my favourite urban farm sites City Farmer News. That made me realize that it is a while since I have posted any urban garden resources so I thought it was time to change that.
Here is the list that I posted last year in More Resources for Creating a Faith based Community Garden
Here are some other great sites to check out:
City Farmer News. This really is a site worth spending some time on. It is based in Vancouver but shares stories from all round the world.
Growing Cities provides a great hub for the urban farming movement in the US but also includes stories from all over the world.
Eagle Street Rooftop Farm. I love this inspiring example of creativity – rooftop farming on the top of an old bagel factor in Brooklyn NY
Reading International Solidarity Centre. This site has some great information on English urban gardens – from rooftops to schools.
Urban Beekeeping for those keen to have there own honey
Vertical Veg another great UK site for those that need to grow up rather than out.
Community Gardens At A Rocha Community gardens are growing in number and size across Canada and elsewhere. A Rocha resources help facilitate starting and maintaining a community garden. Hopefully A Rocha US will soon start a similar network in the US.
Backyard for those wanting to join the current craze for keeping chickens.
Obviously there are many sites out there with great resources for the urban farmer. What are your favourites?
Yesterday I posted on Why Does God’s Path Always Seem So Narrow?, a reflection on our need to be thankful for the abundant blessings of God that are already present in this moment. Out of that has flowed this litany of thankfulness to God. Enjoy!
God the fulfiller of enduring promises,
Christ the sharer of abundant love,
Spirit the giver of eternal life,
Holy Trinity, One in essence, Three in person,
For your welcome to this lavish feast of plenty,
We praise and thank you today.
God of the plentiful and ever giving heart,
Christ of the generous and overflowing bounty,
Spirit who gives enough for our own needs and abundance for every good work,
Holy Trinity, One in essence, Three in person,
For the wonder of your provision that never runs dry,
We praise and thank you today.
God whose love never gives up,
Christ whose forgiveness never says no,
Spirit whose mercy never lets go,
Holy Trinity, One in essence, Three in person,
For the hope and promise of your inexhaustible abundance,
We praise and thank you today.
God may we look and see your abundance pressing in all around,
Rich fruit, luxuriant growth, laden branches hanging low,
May we remember they can obscure the path that winds so narrow out before us,
Holy Trinity, One in essence, Three in person,
May we remember your provision is inexhaustible, a harvest that never ends,
And give you praise and thanks this day.
God as we eat from your table of plenty,
May we see what you have placed in our hands,
Beauty beyond words, creativity beyond imagining, generosity overflowing,
Everything God bathed, Son drenched, Spirit inspired,
May we taste and see that all you give is good,
And raise our voices in praise and thanks and gratitude.
Our 21st annual Celtic retreat is only three weeks away. This year our theme is gratitude and thanksgiving. In preparation, at the MSA team meeting last week, as part of our discernment process, we took time to look back with heartfelt gratitude for the many blessings of God and for the incredible and often unexpected ways that God has provided. We thanked God for the gifts of friendships woven into a community of faithfulness.
We thanked God for the amazing ways that both Andy Wade and Cindy Todd came to be a part of our team, unexpected and much appreciated blessings. We thanked God for the volunteers who expand our team – for Forrest and Ryan and Jessica working on the CCSP Cascadia project. For Hannah working in the garden and for Nick helping us in the office over the summer, for our summer intern Chris, and Jackie who gives administrative assistance. For others like Wolt and James and Jon, Ricci and Judy who assist on a regular basis. For our book keeper Nancy. For those who contribute to this and the MSA blog. For those who help us with the Celtic retreat. The list went on and on and as we talked about this gratitude, awe and expectation welled up within us.
Andy commented: God’s narrow path is a wide open way of blessing and joy. It is narrow because it is surrounded by amazing abundance, with fruit and luxuriant growth hanging down. It is only narrow and sometimes hard to find because it is filled with so much abundance.
I couldn’t help but think of that as I trimmed away my sage bush on Saturday so that the mailman could get to the letter box. The fragrance of discarded branches clung to my clothes. I also thought of it as I surveyed my hydrangeas so laden with flowers that they obscure the path beside them. Those I did not touch. When I focused on the beauty of the flowers it didn’t seem to matter that the pathway had disappeared.
How often do we miss the abundance of God because we want to make the pathway wider and easier to follow I wondered? How often do we cut down the luxuriant growth and fruit that God is growing because we are obsessed with always seeing and knowing where the way leads? How often do we missed what God has blessed us with here and now in this moment because our vision is focused somewhere out ahead where the pathway is still obscured?
God may we look and see your abundance pressing in all around.
Rich fruit, luxuriant growth, laden branches hanging low.
May we remember that sometimes they obscure the path that winds so narrow out before us.
May we remember that your provision is inexhaustible, like a plate of food that will never be empty.
May we taste and see that all you give is good,
And raise our voices in praise and thanks and gratitude.
Christ inescapable, inseparable, indescribable,
Why would I flee from you who hold the keys to eternal life?
May I flee to your arms and your ways.
May I walk in your footsteps,
And I find in you the greatest thing that life can hold.
Living Christ, your kingdom is above us,
May we seek it.
Redeeming lord your kingdom is around us
May we reveal it.
Loving Saviour your kingdom is within us,
May we live it.
Lord God almighty, may we cherish your love in our hearts,
May prayer become the house we inhabit,
May we speak and listen and wait in silence,
Until we commune with you in every thought and deed.
All that I am and all that I do I commend to your care O Lord,
I am as transient as a blade of grass, you are eternal.
I am as small as a grain of sand, you are all present.
I am as frail as a fallen leaf, you are all powerful.
My times are in your hands and I place my trust in you.
God may I always be ready to pray,
May every book become the word of God to me,
May every place become the mount of God for me,
May every new experience and every circumstance,
Become an occasion to make haste towards your heart.
This is a shorter list of prayers this morning and I thought I would add this one that I found at Prayers for the Earth and posted on my page To Garden With God.
How strong and good
and sure your earth smells,
and everything that grows there.
Bless us, our land,
and our people.
Bless our forests with mahogany,
wawa and cacao.
Bless our fields
with cassava and peanuts.
Be with us in our countries
and in all of Africa,
And in the whole world.
— Ashanti prayer (Ghana, Africa)
You can find more prayers at Prayers for the Earth
It is a beautiful sunny day here in Seattle which turned my thoughts to how we can harness the power of the sun for our daily lives. I itch to experiment with solar cookers and am looking forward to experiments in this and other energy efficient ways of preparing my food. Would love to hear from those who have experimented already. Here are some great videos I found on this topic.
I loved this one on using a parabolic mirror for cooking a turkey burger. There are similar videos available on how to cook ceese sandwiches and in fact anything else that you might want to grill.
And this one on how to build a solar generator is both intriguing and appealing to me.
The one that most touched me and in fact brought tears to my eyes is this one. It is amazing to think that rape and violence against women could be reduced by solar cooking. Solar cooking can bring peace and dignity to women’s lives. What impact I wonder could our own creativity provide for people at the margins?
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