I’m on a pilgrimage of sorts…a trip celebrating our 35-38th Anniversaries(thanks to covid ) with two of our oldest friends from our college and our newlywed days…
It’s not a designated pilgrimage journey, but I believe strongly in being a pilgrim rather than just a tourist whenever I travel so it’s been fun to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me and see where the Spirit leads! An aspect of being a pilgrim is to be free to receive the gifts along the journey….to be open to whatever happens and to watch for, and pay attention to signs Jesus might give us. I have been led this pilgrimage by pink flowers which represent God’s love and presence with me, the color turquoise because it brings me joy and reminds me to pray for my friend Jerusalem, and seeking out churches, especially those where God has been worshiped since the early centuries of the faith.
St. Sebald or Sebaldus, was an 8th-century hermit, missionary and patron saint of Nuremberg. I wanted to see the Church of St. Sebald in Nuremberg… but the first tour on our journey didn’t allow time for it. Happily, the guide on our second trip into the city was a big fan of this church and even led tours here as a volunteer.
We walked into the church and were greeted by beautiful strings filling the large sanctuary with music! WOW! The Spirit was so alive with the music. I think everyone felt it.

strings from tel aviv
While we didn’t have nearly enough time to experience the church …I had a chance to find the CROSS OF NAILS from Coventry Cathedral. This is a CROSS of RECONCILIATION that the cathedral in England sent as a symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation after the horrific bombing in WWII.

Cross of Nails
This Cross is one of the Crosses of Reconciliation that sparked a movement of forgiveness and wholeness between churches and believers in Germany and England and Beyond! READ MUCH MORE ABOUT THIS HERE.

st sebald nuremberg
With all that is going on in our world, with so much brokenness and division due to war, politics and racist actions, we need to pray this prayer of reconciliation now more and than ever!
The Litany of Reconciliation
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
The hatred which divides nation from nation, race from are, lass from class. FATHER FORGIVE
The covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own. FATHER FORGIVE
The Greed which exploited the work of human hands and lays waste the earth. FATHER FORGIVE
Our envy of welfare and happiness of others. FATHER FORGIVE
Our indifference to the plight of imprisoned, the homeless, the refugee. FATHER FORGIVE
The lust which dishonors the bodies of men, women, and children. FATHER FORGIVE
The pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God. FATHER FORGIVE
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each others, just as in Christ, God forgave you! AMEN
It just happened that the musicians playing in the Church were from Israel….another beautiful sign of healing and reconciliation, and another beautiful gift along my pilgrim journey!
more soon!
©lillylewin and freerangeworship.com
We are collecting recipes across our Godspace community for our first-ever cookbook. Send your recipe written in your own words, where it came from, and why it’s special to you to godspacelight@gmail.com – if you send 3 or more recipes in, you will receive a FREE digital copy of the finished cookbook! For more information check out this post: https://godspacelight.com/2022/08/03/the-great-godspace-cookbook-gathering/
I want Jesus to walk with me
I want Jesus to walk with me
All along my pilgrim journey
I want Jesus to walk with me
In my trials, Lord, walk with me
In my trials, Lord, walk with me
When the shades of life are falling
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me
In my sorrows, Lord walk with me
In my sorrows, Lord walk with me
When my heart is aching
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me
In my troubles, Lord walk with me
In my troubles, Lord walk with me
When my life becomes a burden,
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me
This African American spiritual seems appropriate to many of us in life. We have not experienced the horrors of slavery, yet, I imagine that some of us in our own pilgrim journey have had some kind of heartache, trial, disappointment, or personal burden in life. It seems to go along with being human.
As I think about the life of the 7th century Queen Hereswith of East Anglia in England, this spiritual seems appropriate, as this saint also had trials in her life. Most folks did not become saints without some kind of trial or trials that made them into who they were.
When I became enamored with the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon saints almost two decades ago, I came upon St. Hilda of Whitby who has become a personal saint of mine. She in turn introduced me to her older sister, St. Hereswith who is not as well-known. I met both of these saints through Bede who wrote admiringly about St. Hilda of Whitby and her sister Hereswith in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Book Four, Chapter 23).
These two sisters were born into a royal family of Deira in Northumbria in Northeastern England. Their parents were Hereric (nephew of King Edwin of Northumbria) and his wife Breguswith. Hereswith’s name must have been a compound name formed from her two parent’s names. She was likely baptized with her family by the famous Paulinus when her uncle King Edwin had all the family baptized at a hastily built wooden church in York in 626/7.
To help seal diplomatic relations between Northumbria and East Anglia, Hereswith was married to King Æthelric of East Anglia. Hereswith’s husband was likely the nephew of King Rædwald who was buried with his magnificent treasure at Sutton Hoo in East Anglia. After Hereswith’s husband was killed in battle or he may have repudiated her, she was exiled from England to a convent in Merovingian France.
Often Queens were sent into exile after their husband, the King, died or when they were repudiated, likely to keep them from causing trouble and perhaps bearing another son or daughter who might think he or she should be the rightful next monarch. Bede tells us that Queen Hereswith was sent to a convent known as Chelles (also called Calle) in central France where she became a professed nun. It is possible that she may have gone to Faremoutiers Abbey, also in France.
We cannot even begin to imagine the sorrow Hereswith must have experienced to lose her husband through a horrific death or from being personally rejected as a spouse, had to leave her young son, the future King Aldwulf behind and perhaps another son also, to journey in exile to another country, France. Hereswith lived out the spirituals’ words and we grieve with her, “in my trials Lord, walk with me, in my sorrows Lord, walk with me, in my troubles Lord, walk with me.” God did walk with Hereswith and her deep faith influenced her family. Her son and grandson were long-time Kings of East Anglia and faithful followers of Christ as were her granddaughters and nieces who were Abbesses in England.
We join St. Hereswith as a trusted guide who has journeyed to unknown places and found new life and resurrection on earth and on the other side of the thin veil. She discovered as many of us have in our own personal pilgrim journey, that life can be filled with seasons of joy and also with unknown times of fear, heartbreak, and sadness when tears overflow. At times, we too, like Queen Hereswith desperately want and need Jesus to walk with us.
Oh, yes, I want Jesus to walk with me.
If you would like to read more about Celtic and Anglo-Saxon saints including Queen Hereswith, you are invited to visit www.saintsbridge.org.
Digging Deeper: The Art of Contemplative Gardening
Christine Sine’s latest book is packed full of contemplative wisdom and inspiration for creating your own meditative focus. Click for more details!
photos and writings by June Friesen
September 21, 2022. World Gratitude Day is celebrated on September 21 annually. This day aims to remind us of the importance of expressing gestures of thanks and appreciation.
“Appreciation is a worldwide practice today and a personal one that we can all use to improve our lives — but it goes back to 1965. World Gratitude Day was invented by Sri Chinmoy, a spiritual leader and meditation teacher. It was conceived at a Thanksgiving dinner in the United Nations’ meditation room.” (World Gratitude Day from National Day website)
It was first observed Worldwide in 1966. Maybe this is the first time you have heard about this day. Or maybe you had never realized how it came to be acknowledged as a worldwide celebration. If I am honest, I have come to believe as well as I try to practice every day as a day to be grateful. In so many ways, particularly in North America, we have lost our attitude of appreciation and gratitude. How often does one hear, ‘I deserve better,’ or ‘I should have a better life,’ etc. as opposed to being grateful for one’s breath moment by moment as well as so much else that we often take for granted and even at times think that we deserve. So what are some ways we may consider today to make gratitude a way of life? Some questions we might include are: What are the negatives that you dislike in your life? As well, one needs to consider: what are the positives in your life? What are the things that you dislike about yourself yet maybe they are signs of something positive? What are some things that I take for granted that are really blessings/gifts?
Let me share personally about something in my life – a real negative from the human perspective yet it was how God got my attention as a 17-year-old teenager and set me on His path for my life. You see I had a path in place but I was so far off track with God, and if I am honest – I was really angry at God. I was going to show Him and everyone else just how angry I was and how I was going to turn my back on everyone of them, God included. I had to quit my senior year in high school and graduated one year later. This also changed my course of further education – instead of Nursing college first and then maybe Bible College it was reversed. This whole revolution in my life allowed me to meet my husband from 2,000 miles away, in another country and we have been married over 50 years. The medical world was able to treat my disease and get it under control yet through my twenties and thirties I had to take medication as precautionary.
Fast forward to when my two sons were in their 30’s both were diagnosed with thyroid cancer – which may or may not be a result of the medication I was taking to keep my body in check medically. Now, why do I share this story? Because I have learned that gratitude has helped me see that, despite the negatives in my life story God has taken them and made beauty from them which leads me to the passage from the Scripture on gratitude first of all from when Jesus healed the ten lepers.
Taking a good look at them, Jesus said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” They went, and while still on their way, became clean. One of them, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God. He kneeled at Jesus’ feet, so grateful. He couldn’t thank him enough.
How often have I gone around with an ungrateful spirit and a grumbling attitude when in fact God has blessed me with infinite blessings – and quite honestly way beyond what I could ever pay Him back for or what I deserve, and no way can I say I have earned them. Here I believe Jesus wants the cleansed lepers to bring glory to Him and to help others see what God is doing in and through the life of Jesus as He walked upon this earth. Yet, instead so many became complainers, ungrateful and even set about trying to get rid of Jesus – to the point of trying to trap Him and kill Him. One more scripture from the writings of Paul:
Carrying out this social relief work involves far more than helping meet the bare needs of poor Christians. It also produces abundant and bountiful thanksgivings to God. This relief offering is a prod to live at your very best, showing your gratitude to God by being openly obedient to the plain meaning of the Message of Christ. You show your gratitude through your generous offerings to your needy brothers and sisters, and really toward everyone. Meanwhile, moved by the extravagance of God in your lives, they’ll respond by praying for you in passionate intercession for whatever you need. Thank God for this gift, his gift. No language can praise it enough!”
Challenging but beautiful words: caring for others is more than just meeting the bare essentials (often bare essentials is defined differently by many) so that in itself can be a struggle. God gifts all of us differently so that we can bless and care for the wider needs of those in need so they too can have hearts of gratitude. Most often we think of providing food for people yet shelter, health care, adequate clothing, job training emotional and mental support as well are needed. When God gifts us with opportunity to bless and help it is not about asking them five questions to see if they qualify or to ask for them to say a certain prayer or to ask them to come to our church. No, we should be grateful we can help them and also encourage them to live their lives in a grateful manner. Many, many years ago we got to know of a few homeless people because they often were in a park within walking distance of our church. They knew the last Sunday of every month we had a potluck – and soon learned that we would invite them in to share. As a church we learned how to love them in a more complete way – and the changes that happened to all of us from the church, as well as those from the homeless community, were incredible. Several were able to get off the streets, get the assistance they needed, find jobs etc. I remember when I first met up with one of the ladies and I offered her a bowl of warm soup on a cold day – she asked if she could pray for me. I responded, “okay,” not knowing what to expect. She took my hands in her hands (her hands were so cold and so rough) – she lifted them towards heaven and prayed a prayer of gratitude towards God as well as a blessing – my friends so many people are grateful for the little things yet how often do we ignore and thus deprive someone of something so simple. Let us consider today – how can you and I first of all show gratitude for all we have? And second, how can we reach out so others around us and in the world too can join us sincerely in a World Day of Gratitude?
God, you have shown us from the beginning of creation how to have a grateful heart,
As you created the world and all that is within as well as upon the earth –
You took time to observe each day with gratitude for what You created.
Jesus, too, lived an example of gratitude when He was here on this earth –
He gave thanks before the feeding of the thousands,
He gave thanks before He served the Last Supper to His disciples,
He gave thanks for the times that You, His Father hid the truth about His identity from His enemies,
Yes, Jesus encouraged those he helped in any way to be thankful –
He also taught His disciples to be thankful.
Today we have much to be thankful for in spite of the struggles we face,
We complain about the illnesses we face, especially Covid and cancer,
We complain about the lack of freedom to always do what we please, the way we please, where we please and when we please;
We complain about the things we do not have,
We complain about the things we do have because it is not exactly what we want –
Yes we fall into a negative complaining way so easily.
Today – World Gratitude Day 2022 –
I challenge us to begin to ‘Live brand new!’
What do you and I need to change today?
What do we need to trade to Jesus for something brand new?
What/who do we need to let go of, even if reluctantly,
To allow God to trade us for something/someone of His choice?
How can you and I begin to live a grateful life showing others God’s blessings?
There is no time better than today to begin –
Begin today on a new one year journey one day at a time –
Being grateful for this moment, this day, this experience, this great life enhanced and empowered by the God whom we love and serve!
Amen and amen!
We are collecting recipes across our Godspace community for our first-ever cookbook. Send your recipe written in your own words, where it came from, and why it’s special to you to godspacelight@gmail.com – if you send 3 or more recipes in, you will receive a FREE digital copy of the finished cookbook! For more information check out this post: https://godspacelight.com/2022/08/03/the-great-godspace-cookbook-gathering/
The very nature of God is welcoming. There are many scriptures of invitation…
“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Come up here and see. Follow me. I stand at the door and knock. You’ve prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”
When Jesus died on the cross and took all of the sin of the world into his body as the ultimate sacrifice, there was no longer a separate holy of holies. There was only direct access, an invitation through his body into the very presence of God, the Creator of all things. The thick curtain of separation was torn directly in two, making the presence of God available to all people.
“See I have opened a door that no one can shut…” We are even welcomed into our future with the promise of a future hope. It is a gift to us. We may approach the throne of God freely and with confidence. There’s no longer any protocol or mediator through which we need to pause to gain access to his holy presence.
In what ways is Jesus inviting us into his warm hospitality? For his mercies are new every day. His hospitality is for everyone – children, men and women, young and old, poor and rich, sick and healthy, everyone. His hospitality is for the humble who are able to receive. His hospitality is empowered through love. There are no mixed motives or underlying intentions. His hospitality is about relationship, and is altogether generous.
Take a seat at a table and place an empty chair on the other side of the table. Imagine Jesus is there sitting across from you, welcoming you to a time of feasting in his presence. What does he serve you? What meal are you sharing together? What are you drinking and what kind of conversation are you having? Imagine Jesus asks you a question. What is the question you imagine he asks you and what is your response? Take some time to write down the conversation as it unfolds.
At the feeding of the thousands, there were baskets of food left over. When God invites us into his hospitality, we can know that our needs will more than abundantly be met by the one who is the author of all hospitality. Think of the most comfortable home that you could ever walk into, the most warm and loving welcome, your home away from home. Think of how Jesus said that the Father, Son and Spirit will make their home in you, the ultimate hospitality. ”We will come to you and make our home in you.” You are now the temple of the living God.
We are also a place for the warm hospitality of God, receiving him inside of our very selves. His hospitality is not only about a visit, it is about an indwelling, it amounts to a lifetime of abiding. So we are the expression of God’s hospitality on this earth as we reach out to our friends and neighbours, and to our family, then to strangers, until they too become our friends. We open our door and say, “Welcome, welcome, make yourself at home.” When we encounter the hospitality of God, we can never be the same again.
Take some time to feel welcome in the hospitality of God with this poem by George Herbert:
“Love bade me welcome. Yet my soul drew back
Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning,
If I lacked any thing.
A guest, I answered, worthy to be here:
Love said, You shall be he.
I the unkind, ungrateful? Ah my dear,
I cannot look on thee.
Love took my hand, and smiling did reply,
Who made the eyes but I?
Truth Lord, but I have marred them: let my shame
Go where it doth deserve.
And know you not, says Love, who bore the blame?
My dear, then I will serve.
You must sit down, says Love, and taste my meat:
So I did sit and eat.”
Scriptures for reflection:
Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8 NIV
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Isaiah 55:1 NIV
All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. John 6:37 NIV
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. Revelation 22:17 NIV
My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.” Song of Songs 2:10 NIV
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18 NIV
But I, by your great love, can come into your house; in reverence I bow down toward your holy temple. Psalm 5:7 NIV
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt. 19:14 NIV
At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’ Luke 14:17 NIV
“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.” Luke 14:23 NIV
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35 NIV
Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?”
They knew it was the Lord. John 21:12 NIV
Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23 NIV
In closing:
Listen to Blessing of Hospitality by Marie Dunne CHF:
Photo by Juliette F. on Unsplash
Next Facebook Live!
Join Christine Sine, Randy Woodley, and Edith Woodley for a discussion on Hospitality and the Land. Wednesday, September 21st at 9 am PT. Happening live in the Godspace Light Community Group on Facebook – but if you can’t catch the live discussion, you can catch up later on YouTube!
I woke this morning to a completely dark house. It seemed as though the light and life of summer passed away in the night, and the encroaching darkness of autumn and winter quickly engulfed me. My first thought was to pull out all my candles, turn on the lights and act as though nothing changed. I don’t like the winter darkness. It seems to sap my energy and sometimes my emotions too spiral down into darkness.
Fortunately, my recent reading prepared my for the coming of darkness. Joan Chittister in her book Between the Dark and the Daylight quotes author Og Mandino: “I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” Chittister comments: “The stars that come with the darkness are the new insights, new directions, new awareness of the rest of life that darkness brings.” She is right. The darkness of winter is a time for soul searching, introspection and self-examination. It is meant to be a slow-down time that we do not run from, but that we invite into our lives as a welcome guest and embrace with as much enthusiasm as we embraced the summer. It’s a time to intentionally sit in the dark and savor the astonishing depths of God.
Matthew Fox in Original Blessing provided more guidance for me along this pathway. He suggests that light inundated spirituality shrivels our souls. “For growth of the human person takes place in the dark. Under ground. In subterranean passages. There, where “no image has ever reached into the soul’s foundation,” God alone works. A light-oriented spirituality is superficial, surface-like, lacking as it does the deep, dark roots that nourish and surprise and ground the large tree. (135) He suggests that we need to spend time regularly meditating on our very real and important relationship to the dark and “its ever-present companion, mystery” which often lies beyond the probings of our rational minds. “We need to retrieve our rights to mystery and to the darkness in which it is so often immersed and enmeshed.” Mystery and darkness enmeshed together exposing spiritual depths never noticed in the bright light of summer sun.
It was Barbara Brown Taylor in her inspirational book Learning to Walk in the Dark who first encouraged me to rethink my view of the dark. Taylor became increasingly uncomfortable with our tendency to associate all that is good with lightness and all that is evil and dangerous with darkness. Doesn’t God work in the nighttime as well, she asks? We must put aside our fears and anxieties and explore all that God has to teach us “in the dark.” She argues that we need to move away from our “solar spirituality” and ease our way into appreciating “lunar spirituality.” Mystery, courage, new perspectives, a profound closeness to God are all fruit of the darkness. They teach us how to find our footing in times of uncertainty and give us strength and hope to face all of life’s challenging moments.
It seems to me that nighttime spirituality is exactly what we need at the moment. We crave the light places where COVID no longer exists, economic hardships no longer drain us and racial discrimination no longer separates us. Yet it is in the darkness of these very challenges that we grow, putting down deep roots into our souls, strengthening our relationships with others and with God. So this year I plan to experiment with a new practice in my morning routine. Before I turn on the lights I will sit for a few minutes in the darkness, savoring the mystery of its encroaching presence and of the God who dwells in its depths. I will begin the day by letting go of myself and of all my ambitions for the day. and invite the darkness and the presence of God to guide me. In the dark and the silence, I will attempt to sink into the depths of my soul, and into the dark and hidden place of mystery where God dwells. I hope that you will join me.
The seasons are changing.
The dark of winter is approaching.
I love the lights and its summer brightness,
It illumines my path in a chaotic world.
But I willingly embrace the darkness,
As a welcome guest,
For it shows me the stars and the moon.
It grows my roots deep into the soil,
And anchors my life in the deep mystery of God.
New insights, new awareness, new perspectives,
In the midst of struggle
Resistance and turmoil give way
To the spirit of life.
Share your hospitality with Godspace!
From NOW until September 30th, we are collecting recipes across our Godspace community for our first-ever cookbook. A portion of royalties will benefit anti-hunger programs! Send your recipe written in your own words, where it came from, and why it’s special to you to godspacelight@gmail.com – if you send 3 or more recipes in, you will receive a FREE digital copy of the finished cookbook! For more information check out this post:
Editor’s Note: The following reflection was originally posted here: 7 Tips for Sustainable Living on a Limited Budget. The accompanying recipe is from the post. We hope you enjoy this series of seasonal hospitality reflections and recipes!
With our growing concern for sustainability and our concern for rising prices, we all feel a little overwhelmed but there are lots of ways we can live more sustainably and save money at the same time.
I homemake our yoghurt that we eat with berries from the garden and homemade granola in the morning. It only takes me about 15 minutes to make enough yoghurt to last me for a couple of weeks. I have been reading a lot lately about the impact of plastic on our environment – the horrific plastic seas growing in our oceans – this one in the Caribbean and the even bigger Great Pacific Garbage Patch and am determined to cut down on my own contribution to this problem not just by eliminating single use plastic but other forms of plastic as well.
To me, it is an important stewardship issue that I feel all Christians need to be aware of and prayerfully consider both their contribution to the pollution of our planet and the steps, however small they can take to reduce plastic and other forms of waste. I posted these suggestions like using public transport more, walking, committing to plant-based diets, and alternative energy are small steps we can all take, and most of them don’t just reduce pollution, they save money too.
A Small Step For Me
My yoghurt making is only a small step; it will only reduce plastic waste by 50 tubs each year, as well as save me $250. But for me, it is drawing a line in the sand and saying, “I must do more.” Like any journey, this journey into a life with less waste must begin with a single step and this is mine. And in doing it I become aware of what the next steps are that I need to take.
Inventory Where Your Waste Comes from
Making yoghurt has helped me to evaluate my lifestyle – where I am wasteful and where I already do “the right thing”. Sometimes I feel really virtuous because there is much I already do that helps reduce waste but there are a lot of other things I can improve on that I am considering. Have you done a waste inventory before? If not, start by creating a stack of all your food packaging for a week. Look at the stack and point out the single use plastic containers and bags that you use. Think about ways that you could reduce this waste by either reusing one or purchasing a more sustainable version of the item. More ideas on this in the “Swap Out Your Household Plastics” section below.
Those single use K-cups, now used by 1 in 3 American households, are particularly bad as this article argues and evidently will survive in the landfill for a good 4-500 years. They are also expensive so if you are really wanting to establish a more sustainable lifestyle they are a good item to consider ditching.
Cook Your Own Meals
Making meals from scratch is one great waste reducer I am good at and for me, it is both relaxing and satisfying. I grew up in a family where fast food and packaged meals were unheard of so this is easy for me, but I know some people find it overwhelming. So think of some small steps you could take. What is one simple thing you could do to reduce this kind of waste?
If you don’t feel you have time to cook all your meals from scratch, think about the ones that have the most packaging – like breakfast cereal. I have made my own granola for many years. Not only does it save me hundreds of dollars a year, it also keeps a lot of packaging out of the landfill. You may not like granola but here are some other recipes for cereal – everything from grape nuts to cornflakes can be homemade, though some of these look as though they will take quite a bit of time. What is one meal that you could start making from scratch without increasing the pressure on your life?
Perhaps you could invite friends over to cook meals together then divide these up into containers (glass with plastic or Silicone lids are the best) that can go in the freezer – homemade TV dinners that are more nutritious and more environmentally friendly than the store-bought kind. An added advantage is that you could buy ingredients together in bulk, saving even more packaging and dollars on the way. What is one food item you use regularly that you could buy in bulk and reduce packaging?
Grow Your Own Herbs
You don’t need to be a master gardener to grow your own herbs but it can save a lot of money and help you avoid a lot of small plastic packages. The plant itself, not even starting from seed, costs about the same as one small plastic package of herbs but the plant will continue to produce. Thyme, mint, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, parsley and basil will all grow in small pots on the windowsill. Experiment with your favourites and have some fun. Most of them are also hard to kill.
Join Your Local Buy Nothing Group
If you have a Facebook account and live in the U.S., look up your neighborhood Buy Nothing Group for more information about these groups. This is a wonderful tool to recycle and reuse things, as well as a way to meet more of your neighbours and show generosity! For example, when I end up with too many tomato starts, I advertise them on our local Buy Nothing group. I have not only met a lot of grateful people but have often been gifted with other vegetable starts in return.
Swap Out Your Household Plastics
Living in Seattle where plastic bags are no longer available in supermarkets, it is easy for me to think I am doing my part. But this really is the tip of the iceberg. What I was stunned to find out this week is that toothbrushes are one of the biggest plastic contributors to landfills. Most of us use 2-3 per year which doesn’t sound like much but when you consider that these will still be siting there in 100, possibly 1,000 years time, it is mind boggling. And there are affordable alternatives – bamboo toothbrushes can be as cheap as $2 a piece and are compostable. They also make bamboo replacement heads for electric toothbrushes or fully bamboo electric toothbrushes too.
In her post, Switch Out the Plastics – Simple Swaps, Hannah has some excellent suggestions on how to reduce plastic in our lives. One simple idea she mentions is replacing plastic storage containers when they wear out with glass. I find I don’t even need to buy new containers because we use empty glass peanut butter jars for my yoghurt, large olive jars for shelf storage items, and small jars that chicken bouillon comes in for freezing sauces. If they are going in the freezer, just make sure you leave enough space at the top so that they don’t crack when the contents expands… and if you live in Seattle and need a few extra storage jars, I have a lot I would like to share.
If you want to get a jumpstart on reducing plastics in your home, join the Team for Plastic Free Ecochallenge by YES! Magazine.
What To Do When You Order Online
Don’t you hate all the packaging that online purchases are often wrapped in? Evidently, we can do something about it. If you have a preferred place you purchase from, ask them for only recyclable or complain where it hurts like on their social media sites. This article is a fascinating look at some of what is happening to packaging to help reduce waste particularly because of consumer pressure. This has inspired a lot of companies to become more waste conscious.
Amazon, I suspect, is one of them. Amazon is working to make their packaging more recyclable. Now that is fine for me living in a community where all our recycling goes out on the curb every two weeks, but I know it is a challenge for those who have to drive miles to a recycling facility. Unfortunately, some of Amazon’s affiliates are not as good and I still have items arrive in Styrofoam packets. Some of this I am able to recycle in the bottom of planters. It means I need less soil and it makes the pot lighter. One simple way to help reduce this kind of waste is to make occasional purchases of multiple items that all arrive in one box rather than using the “Buy now with one click” button. Where do you make most of your online purchases? Is there a way to consolidate these or to request recyclable packaging?
What Is Your Response?
Prayerfully watch either of the videos embedded in this post.
Living in a way that is sustainable for our planet isn’t easy for us. More and more people are opting for a zero waste lifestyle. Unfortunately, for many, it is not even on the radar when we think of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Yet I think it is an important part of what Christ calls us to be and to do. We are meant to be responsible stewards of this earth, enabling it to flourish and thrive. I hope that you will take time this week to prayerfully consider changes in your lifestyle that God may be prompting you to make in order to be more faithful to the call to follow Christ.
Our house just started a membership with Ridwell which is a local business that is quickly expanding and currently serves over 30,000 homes in Seattle and Portland. They pick up waste and garbage that we usually throw away but reuse it for other purposes like turning plastic film bags into decking material. We are very excited about this new program as our household looks to reduce the plastic waste we accumulate with 8 people living here.
Basic Homemade Yoghurt

Homemade Yoghurt
(To make a gallon, just quadruple this recipe.)
- 1 qt. milk (any type)
- 1/4 c. dry milk powder for a thicker product more like Greek yoghurt (opt. I don’t use this)
- And/or 1 T. thickener; such as carrageenan, pectic, or gelatin (opt.)
- 2 T. plain yogurt with live cultures. You don’t need special yoghurt starters but if you are nervous about experimenting like this, you might like to try with a yoghurt starter the first time.
- Combine the milk, milk powder (if using), and thickener (if using) in a pot. Heat the mixture to 180F.
- Let the milk cool to 120F off the heat. Add the yoghurt; mix well.
- Keep covered, at 120F, for at least 6 hours, or until set to the consistency of thick cream. (For this step, I pour it into old glass peanut butter jars with metal lids and cover it with a warm blanket and place in a warm room. Alternatively, put it in your oven preheated to 150F and turn it off. Wrap the yoghurt in a blanket or towels and set it in a pan all wrapped up. After three hours REMOVE THE JARS , reheat the oven, turn it OFF again and put the jars back.)
- Refrigerate and serve cold. This will keep, refrigerated, for up to 2 weeks.
- Remember to save some of the old yogurt for your next batch!
Explore the wonderful ways that God and God’s story are revealed through the rhythms of planting, growing, and harvesting. Spiritual insights, practical advice for organic backyard gardeners, and time for reflection will enrich and deepen faith–sign up for 180 days of access to work at your own pace and get ready for your gardening season.
My friend Archie is taking over for me for freerangefriday this week …enjoy his pilgrim wisdom! Lilly
Camino De Santiago- St. James Pilgrimage
For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in” – Matthew 25:35 NASB
Behind the Camino metaphors and parallels, I heard the faint whisper of my inner voice of love.
During my Camino with hours and hours of walking, listening and welcoming (perhaps showing hospitality?) to whatever comes to mind, was one of the gifts of my pilgrimage. Prayers for families and friends came in abundance. What a thought to see these prayers as guests and to welcome them. At one point during my camino, I told my Facebook friends that I might have prayed for them- remember I had an abundance of space and time for prayers- and some of my friends asked for prayers- what an honor!-And yes, I got to pray for families, friends and nations-especially Ukraine- during my Camino de Santiago early this summer.
Listening turned into plumbing my past life experiences. Have you ever pulled the drain stopper in your bathroom sink to try and unclog it? You will find not just hairs, but also black grime and slime stuck on the drain stopper. Well, some of my listening was like unclogging a drain stopper but most were pleasant memories that evoked prayers of gratitudes and praise songs- yes, I was singing along the camino and one time I joined a group of young people doing the “macarena song and dance.”
Yes, plumbing my unconscious is welcoming and inviting guests from my past.

archie on pilgrimage
One of the literature for the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage says that the camino starts when our feet take the first step outside our home. I had decided to have two kinds of pilgrimages, first was what I called a friend-pilgrimage and the other was the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. My two- week pilgrimage took me to four countries, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Switzerland and Spain. I visited my European friends from my ministry years in Europe. My Friend Pilgrimage was to honor their friendships, prayers and support during my early years of being a missionary in Western Europe.
The second week of my pilgrimage was the Camino de Santiago. This pilgrimage is one of the most popular Catholic pilgrimages that started around the 7th century, neglected and forgotten over the preceding centuries, and during the late 20th century, it gained popularity once again and this time, not just for the Catholic pilgrims but for anyone wanting or willing to walk for miles and miles, day after day, weeks after weeks to go on a pilgrimage; either to fulfill a religious devotion for the devotee, or to find something new about themselves, or as one of the peregrinos (pilgrim) that I met told me her camino is a “reset” for her life, and for some, it could be to reach deep within their soul. These pilgrims on the Camino are seekers, simple hikers, adventure backpackers and tourists that trail the over 700 miles (or more depending which of the several Camino Way one chooses).
My Camino was the last segment of the Frances Way, from Sarria to Santiago Compostela (St. James Cathedral) where the apostle’s body was apparently buried-hence the pilgrimage-. This last segment of the Frances Way is 111 kms/68 miles, at least seven days hike. This is the minimum Camino one can do to earn a pilgrim certificate.
My first day of Camino, the terrain with a steep 500 feet elevation climb in the first 45 minutes looked relatively easy on paper. I underestimated the peaks, telling myself that I have conquered numerous 1,000 plus feet- elevation gain on one of California’s Sierra Nevada 10-11,000 feet summits. Well, at the end of my first five hour walk, I hyperextended my groin was sore from the steep hikes. I survived the first day but I questioned my recovery time, can I walk the following 6-8 hour day hike? I also have to mention that two weeks prior to my Camino, preparing for my walk, training on a stair-step machine at my local gym, I hurt my foot that triggered a gout flare. I told my wife Tamara that if I have another gout attack during my Camino, I would either rent a bike ( yes, you can do a bike Camino) or cut short my camino pilgrimage and go back to my friend Patric in Switzerland to heal if my feet can’t walk anymore Well, I limped my way to Santiago Compostela. Welcoming the physical pain and pushing my body too is like allowing invited guests to stay longer even if the food, drinks, games and stories had been exhausted.
During my Camino I paid attention to my gait, the weight of my backpack and overall listened to my body. The walk gives plenty of stunning vistas, the different kinds of roads, village attractions, like old stone chapels, Camino arts, dairy farms, small vineyards, stone houses, and an occasional chat with local town folks. These attentive moments were welcomed guests that formed a prayer. Whatever memory comes to my attention, I turned it to prayer. In between thoughts and prayers for family, friends, the world, I would pray different heart prayers like the Jesus Prayer- Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. I also prayed Psalms 91: – “O Lord come to my assistance, O Lord make haste to help me”. One of my other favorite prayers I pray throughout the day even before the Camino is : “ In You O Lord, I move and live and have my being, I me O Lord, You move and live and have Your being.”
Behind the Camino metaphors, parallels, and prayers for others, I heard a faint whisper; my inner voice of love, loving on me, God loving on me.
To talk about my Camino using metaphors and parallels connects my soul to its power until its power fades, the silent whisper is heard. Perhaps the metaphors and parallels gave way to a dead end, a dead end where metaphors come short. The inner voice of love came whispering to my ear when all my metaphors, the pain on my feet, my back from carrying my backpack and from walking for many hours had broken me through.
The first common metaphor was the backpack I was carrying. The weight on my back was light the first day or rather the first few hours and if you have carried a backpack for an extended period of time before you know what I am talking about. I have over a decade of wilderness backpacking, and know the technical know-how, but my years of backpacking experience didn’t spare my physical pain. I told my friends through Facebook about this metaphor and that I carry them through prayers in my backpack, not knowing the weight of their burden, I simply told them I just carry them in my backpack and giving them to Jesus unloads the burden of bearing the weight. I don’t know what it would be like if I had done the Camino prior to the internet age, so, everyday when I made it to my ‘albergue”- hostels- I would post my experience on social media. Of course, there would be instant replies and comments from my friends and my metaphor connected my experience to those of my friends.
Then it hit me, my metaphors and parallels appeared to have a life of their own. It is like a guest wanting more, demanding that I have a better narrative of my life different from what life I have; a metaphor that compares my Camino with my friends and others with their own “Camino pilgrimage”. So, this is where I came to a dead end and I heard the inner voice of love. Gone were the metaphors.
This Camino was about hearing the inner voice of God’s love, the unconditional love that can not and should not be compared to any other Caminos. I was in one of my hard and painful walks when I heard these words and it reminded me of Henri Nouwen’s “spiritual imperatives” where he wrote- as a secret journal- of his anguish and pain but also where he found freedom. This secret journal of his turned into a book called: “ The Inner Voice of Love”.
A friend made a comment on my first FB Camino post that sums this up when she said: “Have a good Camino Archie! It’s a wonderful experience and everyone has their own Camino.” It was a wonderful Camino, a glimpse of what my pilgrimage on God’s beautiful creation here on earth has been. A pilgrimage that gave me hints of the glimpses of what beauty awaits us when we see Jesus face to face and while we are already one and united with Jesus in the here and now, the inner voice of love was a whisper I will always need to hear.
Welcoming strangers and guest as Christ is the heart of hospitality, in my camino, I was the stranger.

archie makes it to santiago
Archie Honrado is a spiritual director, prayer retreat guide serving urban youth workers and a
certified substance abuse counselor. Archie was part of Youth Specialties Soul Shaper Board
and Soul Care Team together with Lilly Lewin. Archie and Lilly for over a decade have
collaborated and co-curated prayer sacred spaces for the National Youth Workers Convention.
Archie lives in the Redwoods, the land of Yurok Indigenous people in Northern California with
his beautiful wife and two young boys.
As an Amazon Associate, I receive a small amount for purchases made through appropriate links.
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