Prepare for the Coming Season

by Christine Sine
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by Christine Sine

Churching is changing, the world is changing, and we are changing and it seems that everywhere we turn we are being reminded of these changes. In the Northern Hemisphere, as we rush towards the summer, many of us are conflicted about returning to the church building or enjoying a season of travel, hospitality, and fun while continuing to join our church communities on Zoom.

Yet, God’s eyes guide me in the midst of all these activities as I talked about in my Meditation Monday last week. All we need is a little help in connecting all the wonderful, joy-filled moments of the season to our faith. We need to slow down, observe and take notice.

In the midst of all change, we need points of stability and security. This is something I realized years ago during my often destabilizing experiences on the Mercy Ship M/V Anastasis. Working in villages where children were dying of malnutrition, screening patients with deforming cleft lip and palate abnormalities, and working with refugees were often overwhelming. On top of that, my life was filled with travel, and in the midst I realized the need for what I called “at home” items. It was then that I created my first portable sacred space, a travel kit of sacred objects I could take with me no matter where I was. I have continued to created sacred spaces for my life ever since.

At our retreat Making Time for A Sacred SummerLilly Lewin and I will help all of us create sacred spaces that can form points of stability for the season ahead. Portable sacred spaces for our travel and sacred centerpieces for our desks, dining room tables, or even our gardens. Whether you are heading into summer or winter, these are incredibly important for our lives. I hope you will join us for this time of refreshment and renewal and find points of stability for your life too.

As we are preparing for this retreat and for our new theme on Godspace: Making Time for a Sacred Summer or Winter, we wanted to look back at some of our favorite posts about Summer (or Winter) practices. Check out some of our posts below:

Meditation Mondays by Christine Sine

Free Range Fridays by Lilly Lewin

Sign up to join us for this virtual retreat experience Making Time for a Sacred Summer with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin!

Making time for a Sacred summer with link

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