Sacred Summer Saturday

by Christine Sine
Sacred Summer Saturday by Lisa DeRosa

poem and photo by Lisa DeRosa,

Saturday dawns,
An excuse to leave the alarm off for the morning,
The gift of rest built into the day.

Away from the grind, the screen, the notifications,
warm beverage in hand,
we set off for the adventure of wonder.

Today, our eyes will adjust to see further than the end of our typing fingertips.
Today, our souls awaken to the possibilities that the day holds.
Today, our imaginations come alive as we choose where to begin.

Is it too much to expect from a day?
This day is a gift waiting to be unwrapped.

We leave in search of awe and wonder of the Creator and Created,
guided by the Spirit within,
hoping to behold the majesty of the world around us.

Preparation for a day like this comes in many forms,
we decide what we take with us and what we leave behind,
for serenity, for peace, for enjoyment.

Where is our grand adventure?
Have I left my room or am I reading a book?
Did I drive my car or am I just a short walk around the block?

That is part of the immense beauty of wonder,
it is everywhere,
but do you notice?

Where will you find wonder today?
Will you stop to take in the joy of the moment?
Who is with you on this journey?

As we are winding down our theme of Making Time for a Sacred Summer or Winter, I recognize that some are going back into lockdown, some haven’t come out of lockdown, and others are opening up without restrictions. Wherever you find yourself today, ask what awe and wonder God has for you today. Seek it out. Take notice. Even if you never get out of bed today, you can notice new things from where you are laying. If you decide to leave, where will you decide to go? What will you do that allows time and space for wonderment? Allow yourself to rest. Adventuring for awe and wonder does not mean endless planning and preparation.

Praying that you have a Sacred Summer (or Winter) Saturday!

The Spirituality of Gardening Online Course is available for 180 days of access for only $39.99. This interactive course includes video sessions with Christine Sine as well as 8 other guest gardeners. Visit our store page for more information.

Spirituality of Gardening Online Course

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