Waking Up to God in our Midst

A Lenten Reflection

by Christine Sine

by Karen Wilk

The other day, I was shovelling snow and was startled by the unexpected movement of a white-
tailed jackrabbit on the lawn. It had clearly been there (watching me) since I had ventured
outside but I was totally unaware of its presence. Perhaps you also have had the experience of
suddenly realizing that ‘something was there all along.’ What if, amid the crises and chaos of
today’s world something – the presence and activity of God –has been there all along? What if
our attention, like mine on clearing our walkways, is so focused on our activities, that we don’t
notice, what is there all along? How might we ‘wake-up’ (again for the first time) to God in our
midst—right next door, in our lives, communities and world?

I wonder if at least in part, that is what the Lenten journey is all about. It’s an opportunity to turn
our attention intentionally and steadily to what God is up to in the subversive, small and seed-
like ways of His Kingdom. As in days of old when Lent was primarily focused on preparation for
Baptism, how might we wake up again or for the first time to participate in what is going on all
along–God’s work; preparing us to be transformed anew through the power of the Resurrection
and the revelation that, in Christ, God’s Kingdom has come near.

‘God’s Kingdom has come near’ was the good news that Jesus embodied, taught in word and
deed, and died to secure for all time and all people. Yet it turns out, God’s Kingdom was, and is,
quite different from how we have often framed, boxed and packaged it and quite contrary to our
‘kingdoms’ –both then and now. God’s Kingdom, for example, is not about the love of law but
about the law of love. Waking up to this contrary, counter-intuitive Kingdom come near is not
only an invitation, but I believe, our calling and ‘mission.’ Those who seek to follow Jesus, begin
and continue the journey by recognizing God at work out ahead of us, here and now, doing a
new thing on the way to the redemption of all things—and as we do, we join in!

The Suffering Love of Lent
Love Eternal, Love Divine,
Love pursuing a heart like mine
The Christ
Grace though disgraced
Robbed yet rich in acceptance
Extending Generosity before repentance
Securing Relationship not the law
Compassion never to withdraw.
Undeserved. Unearned. Undeniable.
Relentless. Agonizing.
Love Eternal, Love Divine,
Love pursuing a heart like mine.

On May 11 from 10 am to 12 pm PT (check my timezone) We will discuss connections between community, spirituality and gardening. Explore the wonderful ways that God and God’s story are revealed through the rhythms of planting, growing and harvesting as well as the beauty of nature. This webinar is for anyone who admires the beauty of God’s good creation, likes to walk in nature, sit by the ocean or just relax and listen to the birds in the trees. It is based on Christine Sine’s popular book, To Garden with Godand each participant will receive a digital copy of this book. 

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