Musings from a Sacred Summer

by Christine Sine
Musings from a Sacred Summer 2

post and photos by Lisa DeRosa,

Trust in the Lord and do good;

    dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

Take delight in the Lord,

    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

 (Psalm 37:3-4 NIV)

Because this is our last summer in Seattle before my husband and I move back to California, we decided that we would be intentional with our summer plans. We made our Seattle Bucket List, which includes places to visit, restaurants to enjoy, people to connect with, and fun activities to do before our moving date in November. Due to COVID restrictions and closures last year, we feel like we are making up for lost months with our summertime. We are diligently taking photographic evidence because photos from 2020 are practically nonexistent.

Some highlights so far include renting paddle boards on Green Lake, watching the sunrise on Lake Washington, hiking around Mt. Rainier, and walking through the UW Wetlands and Horticultural Center. That all took place in the last month!

Musings from a Sacred Summer

As I reflect on the time, I am grateful for the capacity to do these things and that we live in a beautiful place with lots of parks, water, and views to behold. I am also aware that this season has forced me to ask myself how I want to spend my remaining time here and how to leave well. Do I start packing months in advance? Or, do I resist the temptation until a few weeks before so I continue to “dwell in the land” (Psalm 37:3 NIV) rather than constantly thinking about packing? Do I go back to meeting in person at church? Or, do I use that time on Sunday for other things? These are questions that I had to grapple with and process. Though I feel that I have some clarification now, it was not easy.

Reflections Turned to Lessons

The lessons that arose from this reflection time for the next few months apply to our lives in general.

  1. We are living like we have limited time in Seattle.
  2. Our Seattle Bucket List is helpful but is also a plan to deviate from as needed.
  3. Intentionality with time and connection to creation (including people!) are our goals.
  4. We trust God to provide for our needs.

We all live with limited time; we don’t know how long we have to live on this earth. Our moving date gives us a timeframe, but we don’t get that in life. God knows, but I don’t. 

While I think I have control over my day-to-day schedule, life happens, situations arise, events get canceled, etc. I need to see plans as deviations from what could happen, like penciling them in rather than writing them in permanent ink.

I don’t foresee changing our goal of intentionality and connection once we move. I want to carry the lessons that I have learned in my community to our family and friends in California. Our Mustard Seed House community eats dinner together once a week, which involves an activity too. We talked about trying a weekly rotation idea like this with our parents to see them more often and switch who hosts. It seems silly to move back to be geographically closer without setting times to be together regularly! We also want to get to know our neighbors and invite them over for meals, games nights, or a glass of lemonade. I am excited to scope out the local parks, little free libraries, garage sales, and beautiful landscape that our new home will provide.

Trusting God to provide is challenging! We are requesting what seems like impossible scenarios, but God is good. God is sovereign despite the outcome. God provides when moving, as we need housing, a new-to-us car, and a community of believers, but also in daily life! God is the ultimate source of all things. We are chosen stewards of the creation bestowed upon us, so we have responsibility for it, but money and all material things belong to God.

What is Your Response?

  1. What does it look like to dwell in the land where you live? How is God calling you to do that? 
  2. Are you living with the perspective of limited time? How?
  3. What would your day look like if you were to pencil in plans?
  4. Who do you need to connect with today?
  5. How do you need to connect with creation? Where can you go to do that?
  6. How are you trusting God with every aspect of your life?

Embark on this healing journey with Christine Sine, Lilly Lewin, and Bethany Dearborn Hiser with the Time to Heal Online Course. Each session is lead by one of our instructors and allows you 180 days of access for only $39.99. The goal of this course is to provide time, space, and tools to work toward healing.

Time to Heal Online Course 1

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rodney.marsh38 July 29, 2021 - 2:04 am

Thanks for a lovely article Lisa and all the wonderful work you have been doing for Godspacelight.
Every blessing with your move.

Lisa DeRosa July 30, 2021 - 6:48 am

Thank you, Rodney!

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