The Count Down Has Begun!

by Christine Sine

It is exactly 10 weeks until The Gift of Wonder will be published and I can hardly wait. I have worked hard over the last couple of months to get ready for the March 26 release  and want to invite you to help me.

One of the important elements of publishing a new book these days is a book launch team, a group of dedicated, wonderful people like you, who will dance and sing and share their love of this book with their friends, colleagues and social media networks.  

Would you consider joining The Gift of Wonder launch team?

I have recruited a lot of my friends, colleagues and associates but there is still a few spaces left on the team. Priority given to those who will dance and sing too of course!

I have already had very encouraging feedback from my endorsers. Some want to use it as a small group study book, with their mission leadership teams, or for MOPS, young parents or youth group, so I hope that you too will find it a helpful resource.

Here’s a Sneak Preview

So what on earth is this book about you may ask. The best way to find out is to check out the new Gift of Wonder page where you will find a brief synopsis, and can scroll through all the endorsements. Or watch this short video.

“Friends, Christine Sine’s The Gift of Wonder is a book of wisdom and delight!

It is truly an extraordinary, life-changing book because it is a book overflowing with Life!


Repeatedly while reading I found myself grinning and laughing from sheer joy.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “Only one response can maintain us: gratefulness for witnessing the wonder…”

Gratefulness in the form of paying attention, adoring the work of God in the world, and reveling in the mystery of our own life and our lives woven together pervades Christine’s The Gift of Wonder.

From philosophical and theological reflection to practical application, Christine shares how to see anew through appreciating God’s goodness infused all about us.  She gives full permission to play – to delight in the Lord’s delight of each of us!

Read this and then live it; it’s that good.”

Clint Baldwin, CEO Word Made Flesh

Interested? Here is where I need your help:

  1. If I send you a prepublication copy of The Gift of Wonder in advance of the March 26th release date, would you read it and be prepared to share all the goodness you find in it? Those outside the U.S and Canada will receive an electronic copy, those inside will receive a hard copy.
  2. Would you help me announce the release of the book March 26th and beyond?  Sharing about it on social media, with friends and colleagues, on blogs or podcasts, in church or book clubs and study groups, or any other place where you have influence and feel The Gift of Wonder might serve your people would be of tremendous value to me.  
  3. Would you do a review of the book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or other retail site you can think of? 
  4. Can you connect me to blogs, podcasts or potential speaking events that would be appropriate for the material in this book?
  5. Would you consider hosting an event in your hometown or church? I am already working on events in Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco but would love to get out and party in your neck of the woods too. 
  6. If there are other ways that you think you could help me launch this book I would love to hear your suggestions. 

So if you made it all the way through this post and if you say Yes to at least 2 of these I would love to sign you up on my launch team. As you can imagine there are limited spaces available so please do so ASAP. 

Just email your name, address and why you think you should join the launch team to me at and I will get back to you.

Blessings and thanks for your help.


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June Friesen January 15, 2019 - 7:18 am

I would like to sign up to help launch this book by Christine Sine

Christine Sine January 15, 2019 - 8:08 am

Thanks June for responding. Can you email me and let me know how you can contribute to the launching of the book.

Mary MacGillivray January 16, 2019 - 2:28 pm

I would be willing to help. I am giving a couple of talks in March and April to small groups of people and I would be willing to share the book with them. I can write a review for Amazon too.

Christine Sine January 16, 2019 - 4:17 pm

Thanks Mary can you email me your address?

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