Prayers for the Journey

by Christine Sine
earth touches heaven

Earth touches heaven – photo by Coe Hutchison

My weekly round up of prayers that are posted each morning on facebook at Light for the Journey and on twitter.

Lord Jesus Christ,

All things come from you,

In whom the ways of life are hidden.

All things hold together in you,

In whom the fulness of God dwells.

All things are reconciled through you,

In whom all things in heaven and earth find peace.

Thanks and praise and glory to you, Lord Christ,

You are the way the truth and the life.


May your kingdom come O Lord,

On earth as it is in heaven,

May our words proclaim it,

And our deeds reveal it

May your kingdom come,

Through me, through us,

This day and every day,

May we feel its heartbeat of love.


May we give thanks today,

For the wonder of love poured out,

For the beauty of life that is given,

For the joy of salvation received,

For the abundance of provision that is shared,

For the richness of friendship we enjoy,

For the glimmer of faith in the midst of doubt,

For light at the end of the tunnel,

For the glory of God in every thought and every moment,

We praise and than our God today.


Lord may I come with all my heart,

And see it centred in you.

May I come with all my mind,

And allow it to be transformed.

May I come with all my being,

And welcome your life in all its fullness.


Jesus expand the borders of our love,

That we might care for friends and strangers.

Jesus increase the love within our hearts,

Thant we might share with neighbours near and far.

Jesus bind us with your cords of love,

That we might be transformed into your image.


God may we look and see what you have placed in our hands,

Five loaves, two fishes, a banquet feast for thousands,

Generosity overflowing, an inexhaustible supply,

May we taste and see, and have faith to share,

Your abundance will never run dry.


I also thought that some of you might enjoy this prayer that comes from Prayer Changes Things 


I pray today for ~

Those who are homeless to find Shelter.

Those who are depressed to discover Joy.

Those who are addicted to find Release.

Those who are lonely to find Friend.

Those who are confused or lost to find a Path.

Those who are Heartbroken to know that it will Pass.

Those who are sick to find Healing.

Those who live in darkness to be covered in Light.

Those who are Dying

to know that they have Lived.

I pray today for Peace where there is Unrest,

for love to prevail over All. In The Name Of God Amen…

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