I thought that some of you would appreciate an update from Mustard Seed Associates We are racing toward Advent, Christmas and the New Year, leaning forward towards an exciting season with much happening but tight deadlines.
Leaning Into the New Advent/Christmas Resource

Kristin King Carroccino designing the cover art for Journey Toward Home: Soul Travel For Advent Through Epiphany.
After months of work, Kristin King Carroccino has drawn together our new book, A Journey Toward Home: Soul Travel For Advent Through Epiphany. The pre-publication copies have been sent and the endorsements are flowing in:
Michael Frost author of Incarnate: The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement and professor at Morling College in Sydney, Australia commented:
Wow! What a beautiful resource. I’d love to get our community to use it this summer. Congrats on a superb guide. He goes on to say: This guide is sustenance for the soul. For those wanting to redeem their experience of Christmas from the soulless rush of commercialism so much a part of our modern-day festivities, A Journey Toward Home is a rich and nourishing resource that will bring the seasons of Advent through Epiphany alive to you again. Simply beautiful.
A Journey Toward Home should be available for you to pre-order October 22nd. We hope that, like Michael, you will consider using it with your friends and community this Advent season.
Leaning Into the New with Our E-course
On Monday evening I met with creativity consultant Ryan Marsh to put together the final touches on the first few modules of our e-course Reimagining How We Pray. I am delighted at what is coming together. Videoing will start October 25th and we expect the first two modules to be available for viewing November 15th. Each module will consist of a 2-3 minute prayer presentation; an 8-10 minute presentation and a 5 minute creativity exercise. Handouts and an opportunity for interaction will be included.
Leaning Into New Seasons on the Web
Godspace, with its emphasis on sustainable faith, continues to flourish and is increasingly known as a go to place for resources and reflections. Meditation Monday is a new venture that is attracting much attention and the ongoing reflections on spiritual direction like this recent one by Kathy Escobar, are rich and varied.
The MSA blog, focusing more on sustainable life, is also flourishing. Recent articles include:
The Sharing Neighbourhood, by Andy Wade.
- Colleges Got 12 Times More Expensive In One Generation, by Tom Sine.
Tom Sine is also leaning into new involvement with social media as he prepares to launch a new book, Join the Change Making Celebration, next year with Cascade Books. Encourage him by following him on twitter, and Facebook. And while you are at it you might also like to follow Mustard Seed Associates and Christine Sine as well, or like our Facebook pages: Light for the Journey for daily prayers, or Mustard Seed Associates for MSA updates, interesting articles and blog posts.
Leaning Into Our Upcoming Events
There is still time to join us for these upcoming events at the Mustard Seed House:
October 18th Andy Wade will facilitate a Justice At the Table seminar.
- November 15th I will facilitate a contemplative retreat day: Stop the Madness – Return to Our Senses for Advent. We once again invite you to prepare for Advent and Christmas by refocusing your life on what really matters.
- Save the Date: Our 2015 Celtic Retreat will be held August 8-10th on Camano Island. Plan ahead, and if you don’t like the idea of camping, check out Cama Beach cabins, which must be booked at least 9 months in advance, or Camano Island Inn.
Leaning Into Very Full Plates
Our plates are full to overflowing with new and exciting ventures that we invite you to join. There are many opportunities for our associates to collaborate in our projects and we invite you to participate. Partnering with MSA is a mutually collaborative venture that strengthens all of us in our faith as we grapple together to explore more of God’s purposes for our lives. Consider an internship for a week, a month or a year, or volunteer to help with an event or programme. Our summer intern Cory Adam Baker commented: My imagination has been sparked to a more creative vision of what God’s mission in the world is and can be. (Read his entire report here).
Leaning Into Sustainable Faith and Sustainable Life for the Future.
Together we are planting mustard seeds that help grow the kingdom of God. Thank you for your support and prayers as we move into this busy season.
Christine Sine
Executive Director Mustard Seed Associates