Merry Christmas from MSA

by Christine Sine

Frozen Little Free LibraryIt’s a beautiful, chilly day here in Hood River, Oregon. I’m looking out my window at a fresh blanket of snow and dreaming of a white Christmas. Meanwhile, Tom and Christine Sine are half-way around the world visiting family and friends in Australia. They’ll be recieving this email while basking in what’s forcast to be a 91 degree F afternoon (32.8 C) while I’m sleeping with temperatures outside hovering around 10 degrees F (-12 C).

Whatever your Christmas looks like, whether it’s winter or summer, white or green, cold, hot, or somewhere in between, all of us at Mustard Seed Associates wish you a joy-filled celebration of the birth of our Lord. 

We are thankful for each one of you, our family and friends all around the world. As mustard seeds in God’s garden, we celebrate your presence where you are, your partnership with us, and the beautiful global community we create together.

May God’s shalom, made flesh in Jesus, fill your home and community with joy and hope.

— Andy

Greetings from Australia

Tom and Christine in AustraliaChristmas greetings from Australia, where Tom and I are visiting friends and family in Sydney and Melbourne. I am amazed at how many of the people we have talked to rely on Godspace resources for church services, personal devotions and retreats.

I am overwhelmed by the incredible impact of the website. It is a lifeline for many around the world. Thank you for considering supporting MSA and helping us grow this important resource into the future.

— Christine and Tom

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