freerange friday: Live out Love Today!

by Lilly Lewin

By Lilly Lewin

Today I woke up before I was ready. It was one of those days where I felt behind before I even started. My “To Do” list wasn’t finished from yesterday and the list for today wasn’t overwhelming but it wasn’t short either. Then I read this quote from my friend Larry Warner who is a Spiritual Director and Retreat leader in California.

“There is nothing you will do, think or say today that can separate you from the love of God. God’s love for you knows no bounds and cannot be defeated by you. God is love and as such is predisposed to love you—in the stuff, messiness of your life and your own broke-ness (the dash is a reminder that God’s love and grace comes gushing into your broke-ness). Today let us live as those loved by God, a loved poured within us, a transforming-empowering love that enables us to love and serve others with courage, boldness and creativity. Let us live as those deeply and unconditionally loved by God—freely sharing that love with those we come in contact with as God leads and empowers us to do so. Let us be the love that we are, that God is—fleshing out Jesus in the daily living of our life.

Larry Warner

I needed to be reminded that I am greatly loved by God! Jesus really does love me despite myself and despite my to do list and despite the things I have left undone.

I am thankful for this!

When I actually remember and believe that I am loved by God, then I am able to live love out to other people.

So let’s live out love today.

Let’s start small and live love right where we are!

  • Be kind to the person who answers the phone when you are trying to fix something, like your insurance or your credit report.
  • Look around you. Notice your co-workers. Pray for people you see around you who look lonely to find friendship. Smile at them.
  • There are many restaurants that have community tables where people sit when they are by themselves or don’t have reservations. Make a point of sitting there and taking the time to say hello to someone next to you and actually take time to listen to them. Pray for the courage to do this!
  • Take time to really listen to your spouse, your roommate, your kids.
  • Give someone a hug today.
  • Smile at the person who checks you out at the grocery store, thank the person who bags your groceries. Actually acknowledge these people by name if they have on a name tag.
  • Open the door for someone, smile again.
  • Call someone you’ve been meaning to call. Don’t text them, actually call them and have a real conversation.
  • Send a letter or a card to someone far away that you’ve missed and encourage them and thank them for their friendship.
  • Buy someone a cup of coffee. Pay for the next person in line at Starbucks, or your local coffee place.
  • Buy some balloons at the dollar store, the helium kind, and give them away, just for fun.

Let’s pray as we get out of bed tomorrow, to be love and be light even when we’d rather pull the covers over our head and not get up.

Let’s start now to BE LOVE and shine LIGHT.

Hold out your hands and imagine Jesus filling your hands with love. Receive that love for you today!

Let God surprise you with LOVE today.

Ask God to show you how much you are loved so that you can share that love with others.

Let’s start together!

 “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you!” Mother Teresa



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