101 Joyful Affirmations for 2023

by Christine Sine
Small white flowers in vase under titles 101 Joyful Affirmations for 2023

by Jenneth Graser

I recently enjoyed the blessing of attending the Godspace Following the Star Retreat led by Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin. It was facilitated with such hospitality and inclusion, a gentle creative approach to what can be a somewhat daunting feeling at the beginning of a new year, with all of the expectations we tend to build up about what we are finally going to achieve.

We were encouraged to make New Year’s intentions instead of resolutions, which felt like more of an invitation towards contemplating possibilities and encouraging a more focussed awareness of what is truly important to us, to guide the way forward. It was wonderful to hear from Christine and Lilly as well as the sharing of participants in such a way that we felt as though we were in one room, not separated by continents and borders. 

Afterwards, this got me to thinking about affirmations for the year ahead and as I got started I almost couldn’t stop writing! In South Africa we have been having ongoing load shedding (blackouts) which can last for 2 and up to 4 hours at a time where we live. And this can go on throughout the day depending on which stage of load shedding we’re in, with sessions in the morning, afternoon, evening and on and off throughout the night. I particularly felt it would be helpful to go back to affirmations in the light of this situation (or lack of light!) in our country. It is that one extra thing that can cause me to feel tired when I can’t do the things I need electricity for and must come up with another plan! As my husband Karl says, we need to practice the Serenity Prayer at this time. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” I can practice peace and gratitude, learning to rest in Jesus, knowing he has our lives in the palms of his hands. And one of the ways I can do that is by making a list of affirmations to help me centre myself in God.

May this list of 101 Joyful Affirmations be a blessing to you and may you be inspired to write your own affirmations for the year, keeping them in sight together with your New Year’s intentions and words for the year. These all help us to keep our true north in Spirit as we continue abiding in the heart of God for us, guiding us faithfully through it all.

  1. I abide in the centre of God
  2. I shed the weight of the past
  3. I practice the fine art of being and becoming
  4. I belong in God’s love
  5. I live intentionally
  6. I make time for positive movement
  7. I eat mindfully in support of health
  8. I release what hasn’t happened yet
  9. I embrace what God is doing
  10. I love myself supportively
  11. I come up with good ideas
  12. I intercede for my family, friends, my nation and the world
  13. I am curious to learn new things
  14. I make space for reading
  15. I take time to appreciate nature
  16. I am aware of God’s creation
  17. I make room for God to move
  18. I am open to miracles
  19. I listen to others carefully and with presence
  20. I listen more than I speak
  21. I am not in a hurry to get somewhere
  22. I spend, save and give money wisely
  23. I am thoughtful of others
  24. I do not try to fix what’s not mine to fix
  25. I laugh often and heartily
  26. I do not partner with depression
  27. I am open to new ways of doing things
  28. I am not rigid in my ways
  29. I release past offenses and regrets
  30. I forgive and let go
  31. I hold sacred my precious memories
  32. I nurture all forms of hope
  33. I am available for God’s desires
  34. I listen to the Holy Spirit daily
  35. I breathe deeply and well
  36. I worship from my heart
  37. I don’t do things out of obligation
  38. I make wise choices and decisions
  39. I enjoy the simple things of life
  40. I make time for what is important to me
  41. I celebrate the beauty of life
  42. I ease into the day without striving
  43. I sleep deeply and well
  44. I receive wisdom from my dreams
  45. I am open-hearted
  46. I live in a clear space, free of clutter
  47. My friendships are fulfilling
  48. I make room for creative expression
  49. I am calm and peaceful
  50. I trust in Jesus
  51. I step out and take risks
  52. I am not easily angered
  53. I lean back into grace
  54. I am open to receive
  55. I am self regulated
  56. I am present to the now moment
  57. I will not worry about the future
  58. I live more slowly and mindfully
  59. I come to Jesus for rest
  60. I listen to sound wisdom and advice
  61. I am confident and capable
  62. I am well-balanced
  63. I make room for connection
  64. I take a step back before responding
  65. I follow inspiring mentors
  66. I encourage as a daily practice
  67. I bless others generously
  68. I engage in joyful prayer practices
  69. I do not restrict myself by past expectations of what is possible
  70. I am open to enter new doors of opportunity
  71. I accept myself graciously
  72. I depend upon the goodness of God
  73. I am close to Jesus
  74. I share my gifts and talents without restriction
  75. I embrace a teachable humble spirit
  76. I learn from others
  77. I grow in wisdom and grace
  78. My paths are ordered by the Lord
  79. I look forward to God’s best plans for my future
  80. There is no obstacle holding me back
  81. God is generous towards me
  82. I have more than enough to give generously
  83. I do not fret for it leads only to evil
  84. I live in harmony with God’s purposes
  85. God has plans to prosper and not to harm me
  86. I live a blessed life
  87. I belong in the kindness of God
  88. I live in alignment with God’s heart
  89. I practice daily rhythms of grace
  90. There is more than enough time for everything
  91. I see from a broader perspective
  92. I live in God’s best plans for today
  93. I will see the puzzle pieces come together
  94. People’s intentions towards me are good
  95. I live from a joyful centre
  96. I delight in small and delicate things of beauty
  97. I make time for silence and quiet
  98. I listen to inspiring uplifting music
  99. I connect deeply with my family
  100. I look forward to surprises
  101. Anything is possible!

Watch 101 Joyful Affirmations for 2023 on my YouTube channel here.
A free printable of 101 Joyful Affirmations for 2023 is also available here.

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