Blue Season; A Poem

by Hilary Horn

By Ana Lisa de Jong

Are you waiting in the blue?
Is blue the colour of your heart.

Or blue the light that
falls upon your path.

Is blue the weight
that sits upon your frame.

Or blue the echo to resonate
within your chest.

Is blue the hue that covers you like snow,
or clouds carrying rain.

Is blue the light that envelops you,
or in the pain that pushes at your chest.

Remember blue is another colour with which
you are held close.

Loss lengthening like shadows in the longest night,
is always the underside of life lived to its full.

Until its treasure all consumed for now,
is wrung out like rain washed clothes.

Then blue is the light that covers you,
while what is waiting in the wings takes some unseen shape.

Grows ready like the burning sun to come round,
and burn through the vestiges of what remains.

Blue, the space between the old and new,
is the gentle pallbearer of your pain,

whose job is done when life
restored enters in,

to lift the covering edge
and do its alchemy of love,

absorbing the blue
in its rainbow hues.

Yes, are you walking blue?
Has blue become the weight in your step.

Grief that knows its season
will recede back, to greet the sun.

And if not yet,
then be assured of shortening nights to come.

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Michael Moore January 4, 2020 - 10:39 am

During these dark days and nights with assassinations, calls to war, and devastating fires ravaging Australia (naming only three of the many crises in this world) I look to the Prince of Peace. My prayer is that this season of blue will be transformed by the light of peace. Then the blue skies above with sunshine will reveal the hope and the peace God offers.

Christine Sine January 4, 2020 - 10:55 am

Amen and Amen – a beautiful prayer for this season.

Michael Moore January 4, 2020 - 10:42 am

Thank you so much for sharing these words, Ana Lisa!

Evelyn Saal January 7, 2020 - 11:56 am

I was very moved by the poem and especially the hope extended i the last lines! Thank you.

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