by Christine Sine
On Saturday I had the privilege of leading the afternoon liturgy for the Love Thy Neighbor Conference here in Seattle. I used two prayers for my liturgy – the one above and the one at the end of this post. I interspersed these with a time of quiet reflection.
It was a rich multicultural gathering led by Dr Leroy Barber. It was wonderful and challenging to grapple with issues of race, class and privilege and engage in a broad range of issues facing the future of the church.
Change is in the air, I realized as I looked around at this gathering of local pastors and church leaders all engaged with the desire to see unity come in the midst of our diversity. My own need for change was marked by new and compelling questions asked by presenters:
“Would your neighbourhood weep if you left?” asked Rene Notkin. Compelling words that forced me to think more deeply about what I bring to our own neighbourhood.
“What’s the last think you learned from a 15 year old?” asked Lina Thompson confronting me with the need to listen more frequently to young friends who can easily be overlooked.
“Who are the ones at the margins in your community who really understand who Jesus is?” asked Leroy Barber reminding me that Jesus is always most vividly modelled in the lives of the stranger, the outcast and the abandoned. How do I engage with such people is a question I know I need to continue to grapple with.
Notice the markers.
Change is in the air. Last week I picked up the first right red leaves of autumn. and watched the squirrels scampering furiously around gathering the last of their stores for the winter.
Change is in the air and I know I need to notice it and embrace it, not reject it.
What are the markers of change for you at this season of the year?
What needs to fall away?
The most obvious autumn change is the transformation of leaves from green to red and yellow – a bright flurry of breathtaking colour before the leaves fall stripping the trees to their bare bones.
“What needs to fall away in my life as I look towards the next season?” I wonder. It’s hard in some ways to let go of summer. I love the warmth, the riot of colourful blossoms, the beauty, the fragrance and the delightful sounds of bees and birds. I love the harvesting of tomatoes, squash and summer greens. Yet as Ecclesiastes reminds us “To everything there is a season.” Letting go and allow what needs to fall away to pass without regret is important if we are to embrace the new that God has for us.
What needs to be planted for future growth?
I am once more reminded that autumn is the best time to plant new shrubs and trees. Over the winter they may look barren and lifeless above ground, but deep down their roots are growing, reaching towards life giving water that will sustain them during next year’s dry summer months. Without this root growth future harvest will be small and spindly.
“What needs to be planted for future growth in my life?” I wonder. What are the shrubs I hope will produce a harvest in years to come that need the cold of winter to encourage deep, strong root growth?
What new buds have been formed that need to be protected?
Several years ago I was astounded to discover that the buds containing next year’s blossoms and leaves form in the autumn then wait patiently until the spring to green and grow. It is so easy to want to force new buds into bloom, like in a hot house. And sometimes we can produce spectacular blooms in this way. However I have also discovered that plants that are forced into bloom too soon will probably never recover. The blooms will be a one time spectacular display.
Is there something new in your life that needs to wait patiently in the dark until the greening season of next spring? How will you protect those buds from the coming cold?
What Is Your Response?
Prayerfully read through the prayer at the beginning fo this post. Here in the northern hemisphere we are all heading into autumn. In the southern hemisphere spring is just emerging. Wherever we are there is change in the air. Last year in our small community we painted leaves and decorated them as autumn began. I placed mine on the dining room table as a daily reminder of the changes of the season. I am getting ready to do the same thing this year. It was a wonderful way to mark the changing seasons for me, a reminder that change is indeed in the air.
What are markers of change in your life? Is there a word, a phrase, an image or perhaps something like my leaves that can act as markers of change for you? How could you display these as reminder of the changing seasons?
Take some time after you have identified your marker to pray and determine next steps for this season. At the end of your time pray the prayer below to finish your reflection time.
This week, I am in the midst of The Story Gathering here in Nashville. It’s a conference for creatives, artists, writers, etc who believe in the power of story to change the world. I love this gathering because it’s not a “Christian Conference,” but it’s hosted by followers of Jesus so there is a hopeful, life giving joy that fills the space. Yesterday we heard from a variety of story tellers and creatives. One of my heroes, Brad Montague encouraged us to get excited about the future because we are bringing good things to our world just by being in it! (see a bit of Brad below) And Kevin Carroll invited us to keep reading good books and not forget the joy and power of play! I loved that he found community on the playground and threw a red kick ball into the audience! He even gave away a stack of his favorite books! We heard from Yoko Sen who is changing the sounds in hospitals and asking people what the last sound they’d want to hear as they leave the world….and it’s not a bunch of beeping machines. We listened to the stories of film maker Abby Fuller (Netflix Chef’s Table ) who reminded us that we can break the “US vs THEM” mentality by creating empathy with our audience. Connection between people is key! We were invited to write by Allison Fallon! and to see ourselves as writers even if we write just 20 minutes, 4 days in a row, we can improve not just our mental health, but our physical health as well!
This is my second year to attend and I am once again encouraged and inspired to keep singing the song that God has created me to sing! To keep doing what I do, even when it doesn’t fit into a box or into an easy job description. One of the things I love about the Story Gathering is the creativity of the theme each year and how they bring us into a story through that theme. This year they are inviting us into the story of Alice in Wonderland, and reminding us that we too are invited to go down the rabbit hole into a world of wonder! We too, as story tellers, can bring that sense of childlike wonder to our friends, family, and to the places we live, work and lead. We can change the world by sharing good stories and telling good stories!
What story do you want to tell to the world? How do you want to tell it? Through art? Through music? Poetry? Preaching? Instagram? How can you experience a bit of story wonder this weekend? I encourage you to find a good story to watch or read. Or take time to investigate one of these speakers and be inspired! Take time to write a story of your own! Take 20 minutes and tell about your favorite childhood game (one of the questions we were encouraged to share with someone we didn’t know during Kevin Carroll’s talk) or what is your favorite food memory from childhood. Write it down and share it with a friend!
I’d love to hear your story!
Godspace just came out with a new set of beautiful Prayer Cards with prayers by Christine Sine, watercolor succulent design and contemplative imagery. You can download your pdf copy today and or pre-order physical sets (10 cards in each) that we will mail you in the next month. 1 set is $9.99 and 3 sets of cards for $25.99. Shipping in US only. For international orders of physical cards, please e-mail us with your pre-order request at
September is about to close and as we finish our Spirituality of Imperfect theme, here is a beautiful poem by Ana Lisa de Jong —
I am not perfect,
and neither are you.
I’m as not perfect
as the clouds,
in this setting sun,
shredded lengths edged by light.
I’m as not perfect
as a face that’s lived
and drawn itself
from a thousand daily impressions.
I’m as not perfect
as the Dogwood,
its blossoms scattered
by the spring winds.
I’m as not perfect
as the falling autumn leaves,
that shed themselves
to herald new birth.
Yes, I am not perfect,
and neither are you.
But we are to align ourselves with each
thing of beauty,
each quality of light,
each measure of good.
That the grace we behold
might be reflected in us.
By James Amadon —
Circlewood (a ministry of Mustard Seed Associates) recently brought together a group of 14 intrepid explorers for a 2-day vision and learning trip. We travelled from Kent, WA to Surrey, BC in search of people and places where Christian faith and care for the earth are brought together in powerful, creative ways. We were not disappointed…
Our first stop was at the Cloud Mountain Farm Center, a nonprofit teaching farm dedicated to building knowledge, experience, and community to expand dynamic local food systems. We had a tour from Danielle Humphries, an intern learning how to farm and working towards starting a farm of her own that can help Christians make connections between faith, food, and soil (you can read her story HERE).
“I often discover deep spiritual connections between being called to be a caretaker of the earth and my discipleship as a follower of Jesus.” – Danielle Humphries
From Cloud Mountain we crossed the border and arrived at the Brooksdale Environmental Center, one of the most dynamic Christian environmental centers in North America. Brooksdale’s 18-acre property is a living lab comprised of forests, a threatened river system, organic gardens, and heritage houses. We were given a tour by Leah Kostamo, one of the founders of Brooksdale and the author of Planted, a memoir about creation, calling, and community. Later that evening we heard from Rebecca Conner, who assisted with the trip and is an Environmental Studies major at North Park University.
Even the smallest actions for creation care have implications for the web that makes up our larger home.” – Leah Kostomo
On day two we drove down to Camano Island Coffee Roasters, a social enterprise that helps small farmers grow great coffee, become self-sustaining, and care for their land. We toured their roasting facility and heard from the founder, Jeff Ericson
“A good social enterprise is a system or a structure of different groups working together all while dedicated to solving the social, economic, and environmental problems that have long plagued humankind, like hunger, homelessness, disease and ignorance.” -Jeff Ericson
Circlewood is an affiliate partner of Camano Island Coffee Roasters. If you’d like to support their work (and ours), consider joining the Sustainable Coffee Club.
Our trip ended in Kent, WA at a joint project between Hillside Church of the Nazarene and World Relief Seattle. More than an acre of paved parking lot space has been transformed into a community garden where refugees, immigrants, and local community members gather to grow culturally appropriate foods that promote a healthier lifestyle, improve food access, foster economic independence, and build community. We had a tour from the project director, Tahmina Martelly, who impressed us with the complexity, creativity, and community that this project calls forth.
“It’s not just about food – it’s about being rooted in a place.” -Tahmina Martelly
Here are a few reflections from participants on the trip:
“I could feel God at the center of what they are doing and how it is touching people and showing His love.”
“I learned a lot and came away with a new appreciation for this movement.”
“It has really gotten my dreaming/vision juices flowing.”
Circlewood is developing programs and places like the ones described above to empower Christians to care for the earth. Learn more at You can also email Circlewood’s Executive Director, James Amadon, at
by Christine Sine
I love to read a psalm in the morning. I often find that a verse or a phrase resonates for me and stirs a prayer/poem within my spirit. Today’s prayer came out of reading Psalm 57. I will stir the sleepy dawn with praise, is the phrase that stood out for me inspiring my imagination and crafting the words for me. This is one of my favourite ways to meditate. Enjoy!
by Christine Sine
Last week I did a retreat with Springwater community in Portland. It was a great opportunity for me to preview some of the ideas I talk about in The Gift of Wonder. I experimented with new concepts and ideas, some of which worked and some of which didn’t. They were very direct with me, more what I expect from an Australian then an American audience. I loved it. I learned a lot from the experience and appreciate their willingness to help me shape what I do and how I present my material. Here three important lessons I learned.
Adapting to a Specific Audience Matters.

Awe and wonder in a sunset
I began the retreat by doing my own special awe and wonder walk around the property, capturing this beautiful sunset on the way.
The process itself began with sharing some of the childlike characteristics that I talk about in my book – playfulness, awe and wonder, curiosity, love of nature, acceptance of difference, and nostalgia to name a few. However it was only when I started to relate these to their specific community and how it interacts with the neighborhood that they really came alive.
Does your God laugh and play and have fun? How do you play together as a community and express that in your neighborhood? Where do you experience awe and wonder in your community and your neighborhood? were questions that particularly engaged their imaginations.
For most of us, awe and wonder conjures up images of spectacular mountain views and breathtaking waterfalls. I shared with them that Father Greg Boyle, in Barking to the Choir, suggests it isn’t just nature that gives us this sense of awe. We can embrace the marginalized with a sense of awe too. He comments beautifully: “Awe softens us for the thunder glance of God, then enables us to glance at others in just the same way.”
Seeing the awe and wonder of God revealed through the marginalized and the disadvantaged can be a breathtaking experience. It is something all of us need to reflect on.
I suggested to Springwater community that they do an awe and wonder walk around their neighborhood, which is one of the poorest areas of Portland, sharing what gives them a sense of awe in their neighbors. Perhaps you would like to do the same around your neighborhood. I think it will open your eyes to aspects of your community you have never noticed before. You might like to combine it with a prayer walk.
Interactive Presentations Work Well

Celtic cross – Shelby Selvidge
Lecture style presentations don’t work well these days. Audiences love interactive opportunities like the coloring templates Shelby Selvidge created for me a couple of years ago. Activities like these help people focus. Some colored, some drew creative designs, others used them as background material for contemplation. It de-stresses people, stirs imagination and opens all of us to new ideas and concepts. It provided an environment in which we could all learn from each other even when we disagreed.

Labyrinth with ants – template by Shelby Selvidge
All creative arts like this help us draw close to God and stir new revelations for us. When was the last time you engaged in a creative act that sharpened your focus and drew you into the divine presence? Perhaps you would like to try something like Lilly Lewin’s Paint Your Prayers this week to help move you in this direction.
Language Matters
Part of what this community helped me realize is that language matters. Not only do I need to adapt my Australianisms, but my ageisms for current audiences. Words that held traction in the 90s like “color-blindness” don’t necessarily communicate today. Being sensitive to my audience in this way is important. It can also be fun as it provoked us to joke back and forwards and brainstorm about appropriate language. I think we all learned something new.
When was the last time you stopped to consider the appropriateness of the language you use and how it impacts the people you talk to? Perhaps it is appropriate language for God that you need or for the people you are talking about.
We All Contribute to Community
The last exercise we participated in was drawing our hand prints on a large sheet of cardboard and writing on them what we felt each person contributed to community. We had the children participate too. Each member of the community was then invited to go around and write on someone else’s handprint what they thought this person contributed. It was a fun and inspiring exercise.
When was the last time you shared with your family, friends or community what you felt they contributed to your life? We all need affirmation and encouragement and this is a great way to offer it. Consider doing this exercise with those you love and live with.

What do you contribute to Your community?
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