By Lilly Lewin
Grab a cup cake or a cookie and blow out a candle! Pentecost is here and we celebrate the birthday of the Church!
The day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the people, God’s promise Fulfilled. The Holy Spirit arrives with wind!
The Holy Spirit arrives with fire!
The Holy Spirit arrives with Power
And the People are never the same! Open your heart today!
Allow God to speak to you!
Open your heart, be willing to receive more of the Holy Spirit!
Like the people in ACTS 2,
Be Open to the Great Adventure that lies ahead!
ACTS 2:1-21 NIV
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language?
9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,[b] 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”
13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”
14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17 “‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
19 I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20 The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21 And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
1.The Disciples and Followers of Jesus were beginning a whole new season, a NEW adventure in their lives with Jesus. They were never the same after Pentecost…they were no longer uncertain about who Jesus is. They were no longer afraid. They were ready for what was next.
How are you feeling as you start this new season?
What are the fears you need to lay aside?
What are the uncertainties that you need to give to Jesus?
Spend time talking to Jesus about these things and invite the Holy Spirit to FILL YOU AGAIN.
2.These Followers in Acts 2, received the Holy Spirit and were able to speak in other languages. The people in the streets heard the news of God’s love for them in their own language and were amazed and changed.
Who in your life needs to know about Jesus? What “language” do you need to know in order to tell them about God’s love for them? What things and what ways could you personally use to tell others about the love of Jesus? Not just words.
Who are the people it is hard for you to tell about the love of Jesus? Talk to Jesus about this. Pray for this person/ persons or this group of people.
3. When we celebrate a birthday, we make a wish and blow out the candles.
Since it’s the birthday of the Church, What is your wish, your prayer, for the church this year? What is your wish, your prayer for your church community and the Church at large? Take some time to pray for these things.

What is your PRAYER/WISH for the Church?
Watch my husband, Rob Lewin’s video on his new insight from ACTS 2…What is your response?
Check out Rob’s website Confessions of a Racial First Grader and join first grade.
©lillylewin and
by April Yamasaki,
After twenty-five years of pastoral ministry, I sensed a new wind of the Spirit blowing in my life, leading me to invest more deeply in my writing and speaking beyond the local congregation. I still loved the church and still loved pastoral ministry, but I also knew from the movement of the Spirit that it was time for me to move on.
Yet I knew that my husband and I would still need a Christian community around us. My writing had always been grounded in the church and for the church—both my local congregation and the church at large. I was grateful for the opportunity to test ideas in sermons and in small groups, to know that church members were praying for my ministry both within and beyond our congregation.
So when the time came for “our” church to become “our former” church, I’m grateful that we found a new church home. Instead of pastoring full-time, I now serve as resident author for a smaller congregation where I preach just once a month, plus another two or three times a month for other churches and in other settings. I continue to write for both online and in print publications. And I continue to be grateful for a church community that responds to sermons and prays for me, and so helps shape my writing and speaking ministry.
At the same time, I realize that my community is bigger than my local congregation. As a writer, I’ve heard over and over again that I need to know my readers, to write directly to them, to go where my readers are on social media. That standard advice to connect with readers has been invaluable to me over the years. I love the readers who leave comments and likes, who send emails, who share the blog posts and books I’ve written with others. And I love the quiet ones too, who I may never hear from directly, but who read and ponder and think deep thoughts of their own. As I write, I think of them as part of my community too.
Lately I’ve also been thinking about how much I value having a community of writers. Writing can be a lonely occupation, with hours spent alone each day with pen and paper or in front of a computer screen, not knowing whether anyone will ever read or hear or appreciate the thoughts I struggle to put into words. But somehow knowing that other writers share this same journey encourages me.
I haven’t met many of the people listed as part of the Godspace Writers’ Community, but I sense their kindred spirit around the themes of spirituality, sustainability, and social justice. I look forward to their reflections, prayers, poetry, and other contributions on the Godspace blog. They nourish me, surprise me, challenge me. As Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Thank you, God, for the gift of community—in the church, as readers, as writers, in person, online, around the world. As we seek to love you and love our neighbor, let us do so in community with one another.
If you’re interested in being part of the Godspace Writers’ Community, please check out the themes and contributor guidelines.
Build community with other Godspace readers during this virtual retreat experience Making Time for a Sacred Summer with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin!
Poem and photo by Ana Lisa de Jong,
Love is what we wake up to,
her hovering face.
We, birds in the nest,
cubs in their lair,
are protected
by warmth of fur,
interweaving of feathers.
Love is what enters us as morning breath,
that our shallow gasps upon waking,
our endless aches
are relieved by her mouth
giving sustenance,
her lifegiving attendance.
That we are without help,
is not the message of the morning.
This love note in sip of tea
sweetened by honey,
rush of warmth in the limbs,
freshness of recharged air.
And the everlasting arms which embrace
to set us anew upon our feet
with another chance at the day.
With her kiss upon the cheek,
her whispered encouragements,
her eternal faith.
And this day,
which is love also,
as a winding road stretching forwards –
now sunlit,
and rising up
as the birds.
For more poetry by Ana Lisa, please check out
Join us for Making Time for a Sacred Summer virtual retreat with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin!
by Carol Dixon,
There is not in the world a way of life more sweet nor more delightful than continual converse with God. (Brother Lawrence)
I always enjoy the long days of summer when the light in the north seems to last forever and I put together some worship resources that help me to celebrate summer. I hope you enjoy sharing them with me.
Summer Solstice
June is the month of summer solstice, the month of the sun. Sol + stice come from two Latin words meaning ‘sun’ and ‘stand still’. As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky. The Northern hemisphere celebrates in June, and the Southern hemisphere celebrates in December. While the druids worship at Stonehenge and other ancient stone circles, many Christians celebrate with prayers that honour the Creator rather than creation. As St Francis wrote in the 13th century in his Canticle for Brother Sun:
Praise be to you, my Lord, in all your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun,
Who makes the day and enlightens us through you.
He is lovely and radiant and grand, and he heralds you, his Most High Lord.
St Patrick also offer praises to God in his prayer God in All:
He inspires all, He gives life to all, He dominates all, He supports all,
He lights the light of the sun, He furnishes the light of the sun,
He furnishes the light of the night, He has made springs in dry land,
He is God of heaven and earth, of seas and rivers, of sun, moon and stars,
Of the lofty mountain and the lowly valley, the God above heaven,
And in heaven and under heaven. God of all, God in All.
The Psalmist many centuries before sings praise to God in Psalm 19 (Living Bible)
The heavens reveal the glory of God;
they are a marvellous display of his craftsmanship.
Day and night they keep on telling about God.
Without a sound or word, silent in the skies,
their message reaches out to all the world.
The sun lives in the heavens where God placed it
and moves out across the skies
as radiant as a bridegroom going to his wedding,
or as joyous as an athlete looking forward to a race!
The sun crosses the heavens from end to end,
and nothing can hide from its heat.
God’s laws are perfect: They protect us,
make us wise, and give us joy and light.
God’s laws are pure, eternal, just.
They are more desirable than gold.
They are sweeter than honey dripping from a honeycomb.
For they warn us away from harm
and give success to those who obey them.
May my spoken words and unspoken thoughts
be pleasing to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.
A Modern Prayer for Midsummer
(by Jan Berry – from Barefeet & Buttercups publ by Iona Wild Goose publications)
We give thanks for the joy of creation:
for all that is made and given;
for all that we shape and create;
for the springing forth of new vision.
We give thanks for the vitality of re-creation:
for times of rest and stillness that renew us
for time of play and laughter that refresh us
for all that nourishes and restores our spirits.
We give thanks for the depth of passion:
for the vision that inspires our longing
for the love that brings strength and tenderness
for all that touches our deepest core.
We give thanks for the rhythm of the seasons:
for all that grows, blossoms and fades
for the seeds that are buried and spring again
for the constant renewal of life from the earth.
And A Poem
(by Hilary Allen – from Barefeet & Buttercups ed Ruth Burgess publ by Iona Wild Goose
The lake was still, tranquil in the morning light.
I too was still, watching and listening,
What would God say to me today?
A dragonfly danced and darted,
Then rested beside me,
Amber -iridescent in the sun.
Being not doing.
God said I could be like that,
Being not doing,
Receiving his love.
[You may like to ask yourself:: What makes summer shine with God for me?]
A Midsummer Blessing:
(by Carol Dixon)
May God the Light-maker be with us
from the onset of the dawn chorus to the rising of the evening star,
May God the Night-bringer be with us
and grant us peace in our sleeping,
May God the Light of Life illuminate our hearts and minds
in sunlight and shadow, from the longest day to the shortest,
and forever. Amen.
And finally, a Song:
All creatures of our God & King (W H Draper 1855-1933 based on St Francis of Assisi)
A great way to prepare for celebrating your summer is by signing up for Making Time for a Sacred Summer retreat experience with Lilly Lewin and Christine Sine!
by Christine Sine
Has it ever occurred to you to transform your favourite pastime into a spiritual practice? Many years ago when I was a fledgeling writer, I asked Phillip Yancey for advice on my writing. “Write to your passion”, he advised. His suggestion has never led me astray. I would give the same advice about spiritual practices: “Pray from your passion”.
Whatever you are passionate about, be it gardening or knitting, or composing music, you can, and I might add, should, transform it into a spiritual practice. And by that I don’t mean pray about what you are most deeply concerned about, I mean shape those things you are most passionate about into a practice for contemplative or devotional prayer. That doesn’t mean that every time you indulge in that activity you feel obliged to pray, but it does mean you can use that passion as a doorway into closer relationship with God.
Over the years, I have transformed many daily activities into spiritual practices. Everything from walking in the rain to knitting has stirred my creative juices and encouraged me to craft new prayer practices. However, as a passionate gardener, nothing stirs me to pray quite as much as the garden does. Even an indoor plant with colourful patterned leaves or beautiful, delicate flowers can become the focus for my prayers. These activities often help me design templates for my prayers that has no proscribed boundaries and have the beauty of being both fluid and flexible. I have the freedom to continue modifying my practice to meet the needs of the moment. Today I might wander around the garden to pray. Tomorrow I might sit at my desk absorbed by the contemplative garden beside me.
All this helps keep my mind active, listening and learning. It encourages me to always be on the lookout for something new that God might want to point out. I am invited into a deeper relationship with my creator God who also has no boundaries or limits.
So today, I would encourage you, too, to think outside the box. Don’t settle for same old prayers and methods of prayer, design something that responds to your special needs for this season.
What is one thing you are passionate about, an activity you engage in frequently, that you would like to reshape into a spiritual practice? What about that activity inspires you and draws you towards God? Does it give you joy, bring peace or make you feel refreshed?
Close your eyes and imagine yourself engaging in that activity with eyes turned towards God. If this is a stationary activity do you own religious symbols like crosses, icons or labyrinths that could be incorporated into your new practice to help you focus? Do you have books or music you would like to use as part of your practice? Do you want to add candles or lights? Perhaps you would like to create a table centrepiece like Lilly Lewin suggests as part of her Holy Week practice. Or like me, you might like to create a meditation garden with plants and words that help you focus.
If you are thinking of a non-stationary activity you may find inspiration from lectio divina, visio divina or lectio tierra practices.
The sky is the limit where spiritual practices are concerned, but if you are designing a practice you hope to use for a season don’t rush the process. Here are a few tools that might help.
- Going on retreat – My husband Tom and I have just returned from our regular quarterly retreat. This set aside time for reflection and renewal is a great time to get creative and plan to refresh your spiritual life by developing a new practice.
- Consult a soul friend – “an intimate bond where two people opened their hearts to one another, sharing their doubts and fears, their struggles and successes, encouraging one another on the journey.” I am privileged to have several good friends who provide soul friendship for me, some of whom have done so for decades. It is part of what has given my faith resilience through the tough times I have passed through. They are always great go to people for advice when I suspect the ideas bubbling up inside me are meant to be shaped into a new practice.
- Have some fun – It is only in the last few years, and particularly as I worked on The Gift of Wonder, that I came to believe in a God who loves fun, laughs frequently and delights in me and whom I am created to be. According to play expert Dr Stuart Brown, “nothing lights up the brain like play”. He believes that play might be God’s greatest gift to humankind. Nurturing my relationship with this fun loving God through the creation of fun out of the box practices has refreshed my soul and given me permission to enjoy life in every season.
These out of the box practices continue to inspire me and draw me closer to God. I hope they will do the same for you.
Join us for Making Time for a Sacred Summer on June 5, 2021 with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin!
A contemplative service with music in the style-of-Taize. Carrie Grace Littauer, prayer leader, with music by Kester Limner and Andy Myers.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-710-756 with additional notes below:
“Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit),” “Christe Lux Mundi” (Christ You are Light), and “Atme in Uns” (Breathe in Us) are songs from the ecumenical Taize community in France. Copyright and all rights reserved by GIA/Les Presses de Taizé.
“Kyrie” is composed and performed by Kester Limner, Creative Commons License, Attribution (CC-BY).
“Be Thou My Vision” is a traditional Irish hymn in the public domain. Arrangement by Andrew Myers and Kester Limner, shared under the Creative Commons License 0.
by Christine Sine
Churching is changing, the world is changing, and we are changing and it seems that everywhere we turn we are being reminded of these changes. In the Northern Hemisphere, as we rush towards the summer, many of us are conflicted about returning to the church building or enjoying a season of travel, hospitality, and fun while continuing to join our church communities on Zoom.
Yet, God’s eyes guide me in the midst of all these activities as I talked about in my Meditation Monday last week. All we need is a little help in connecting all the wonderful, joy-filled moments of the season to our faith. We need to slow down, observe and take notice.
In the midst of all change, we need points of stability and security. This is something I realized years ago during my often destabilizing experiences on the Mercy Ship M/V Anastasis. Working in villages where children were dying of malnutrition, screening patients with deforming cleft lip and palate abnormalities, and working with refugees were often overwhelming. On top of that, my life was filled with travel, and in the midst I realized the need for what I called “at home” items. It was then that I created my first portable sacred space, a travel kit of sacred objects I could take with me no matter where I was. I have continued to created sacred spaces for my life ever since.
At our retreat Making Time for A Sacred Summer, Lilly Lewin and I will help all of us create sacred spaces that can form points of stability for the season ahead. Portable sacred spaces for our travel and sacred centerpieces for our desks, dining room tables, or even our gardens. Whether you are heading into summer or winter, these are incredibly important for our lives. I hope you will join us for this time of refreshment and renewal and find points of stability for your life too.
As we are preparing for this retreat and for our new theme on Godspace: Making Time for a Sacred Summer or Winter, we wanted to look back at some of our favorite posts about Summer (or Winter) practices. Check out some of our posts below:
Meditation Mondays by Christine Sine
- Beach Combing As Spiritual Discernment
- For Love of Lavender
- Biblical Insights from the Garden – Was the Dogwood used for the Cross of Christ?
- Doodling As Spiritual Practice
- Walking with Awe
- Should We Get People Back In Church Or Out Into The Garden?
- The Gift of Strawberries
- The Spiritual Practice of Going Barefoot
Free Range Fridays by Lilly Lewin
- Summer Practice
- Summer Prayer Tools
- The Sunflower
- The Practice of Play!
- Answering the Question
- What’s the Gardener up to in Your Garden?
- Peacemaking and the 4th of July
- Let Jesus Hold Stuff for You!
Sign up to join us for this virtual retreat experience Making Time for a Sacred Summer with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin!
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