2020s Foresight is a Study Book

by Christine Sine
2020s Foresight book promo

by Tom Sine

“2020 is being thrown around almost like a swear word these days… It is riddled with anxiety, loss, grief, anger and depression for so many of us. We are left feeling helpless and hopeless.

How would this year have been different if we could have anticipated some of these challenges, reflected on our values, and created innovative ways to make it through this time? 2020s Foresight introduces a three step dance that helps address these feelings and move forward in a decade of accelerating change.” (quote by Lisa DeRosa)

The three new steps we offer Christian leaders is to learn from environmental planners and business innovators:

  1. How to anticipate some of the incoming waves of change so you, and those you work with, have lead time to creatively respond;
  2. How to broadly research a range of innovative ways to respond to the incoming waves of change;
  3. Select those innovative responses that not only most effectively engage the new challenges but also most fully reflect the ways of Jesus.

2020s Foresight… The Journey Together

We invite you to join those in this book who are not only anticipating new waves of change but are also discovering how to create their best lives, new forms of community-making, new kinds of change-making and church-making for these turbulent 2020s.

2020s Foresight:Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change is designed as a study book with questions at the end of each chapter. It can be used for study groups in churches, campus ministry groups, colleges and seminaries.

If your study group contacts Dwight Friesen or me, ahead of time, one of us might be available to Zoom in to meet with your study group and respond to both their good questions. We would also value hearing innovative ways they are creating to engage the incoming waves change in their lives, their neighborhoods or their congregations that reflect the shalom of God.

Contact me, we would value you sharing some of your innovative responses to these turbulent times as well as some of your struggles and your celebrations. We particularly would welcome the opportunity to share some of the innovative new responses of Gen Next who will take over the leadership of this troubled world in the coming decades.

Dwight Friesen, who has not only been a very creative co-author, but has also designed the stunning cover and has been responsible for the book achieving a very high ranking of 80 for “Christian Church Leadership” on Amazon as of September 4, 2020; three days after its release.

We invite those who read this book to take time to say a few kind words on Amazon… if you are inclined. If you really like it we would value a 5… or no number at all.

Joining those who are committed, as followers of Jesus, to creating their best life-making and change-making to leave this struggling world a better place for those that follow us.

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