by Tom Sine, Are you one of those whose life has become totally DISRUPTED BY THESE TURBULENT 2020s? Would You Like to Join Those Looking for God’s Best in 2021?…
by Tom Sine Many of us are still struggling with all of the challenges of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, the closure of schools, parents searching for food to feed their…
by Tom Sine As we raced into 2020, we suddenly found ourselves dealing with the COVID 19-pandemic, disrupted school schedules, and Zoom church services. If all that wasn’t enough, COVID-19…
by Lisa DeRosa Home. What does that word mean to you? What feelings are elicited from its utterance? Taking a small step outside, how about neighborhood? Are these feelings different? Maybe…
Hey friend, I’m looking for a few folks who might be willing to help me launch our new book. 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating…
This third post in the series Reimagining Everyday Spirituality looks at our interaction with God’s world. When I first started doing spiritual workshops and retreats I would always ask the question What makes…
Story by Jim and Donna Mathwig Music by Aaron Strumpel, In Mansions and Church of the Beloved Reflection by Dr. Dwight Friesen Story by Jim and Donna Mathwig Music by…
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