Book Launch Team: 2020s Foresight!

by Christine Sine

Hey friend,

I’m looking for a few folks who might be willing to help me launch our new book. 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change will be released by Fortress Press on September 1, 2020, I could really use your help getting the word out. Email me if you’re interested.

With COVID-19 putting the breaks on our ability to tour in support of its release, we’re hoping that you and a few other friends might help us spread the word out.

2020s Foresight is designed to enable you to anticipate and creatively respond to the turbulent 2020s… by creating your best lives, communities and churches… for this decade of accelerating change!

Join Launch Team

Just contact me and I’ll gladly send you more info about our launch plan, and you’ll receive a personal invite to our Zoom launch kick-off parties. Or you can visit the book’s Facebook page to see how you can get involved. Or if you wish, you can just help promo. Feel free to use any of the images on this page and here are a few things that would be really helpful:

1. Buy it on Amazon on September 1st, sharing images of the book online

2. When the book arrives, post a picture of you holding it on social media

3. Read it, & post a 5 star review on Amazon, if you find it worthy… say a few nice things in any case

BTW… If you decide to read the book with a few friends, let me know… either myself or my co-author, Dwight Friesen may be able to Zoom into your group and join your conversation. It is designed to be a study book with questions at the end of each chapter. We would value your feedback.

Please help us spread the word about this timely and vital book. Here are some images that can be shared:

For more images and information about 2020s Foresight, check out

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