RU Ready for 2021 & Beyond?

by Christine Sine
Start Book Study

by Tom Sine

Many of us are still struggling with all of the challenges of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, the closure of schools, parents searching for food to feed their children and Zoom worship instead of gathering with friends.

All of a sudden, we find ourselves racing into 2021. What are some of the new challenges we are likely to face in 2021 and beyond?

2021 RU Ready? This is your opportunity to anticipate the new waves of change for this New Year with a small group of friends sharing in a discussion of: 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change, written by Dr. Tom Sine & Dr. Dwight Friesen.

We invite you to host a small Zoom book study group to enable you and your friends to not only identify some of the new challenges that are likely to face you in 2021 and beyond but we will show you how to create some innovative ways to respond that reflect the ways of Jesus.

Interested? Organize your Zoom study group and we will offer some resources to support you at no cost to you and your friends. First, we will provide a free 45 minute webinar called 2021 RU Ready? in which Dwight and I will introduce you to the focus and format of 2020s Foresight. In this webinar, we will show you:

  1. How to anticipate some of huge waves that are likely to come our way in 2021 and beyond;
  2. How to research innovative ways to respond to these waves in our lives, families, neighborhoods and churches;
  3. How to select innovative ways to live and make a difference that reflect the life and teachings of Jesus.

The webinar will show your group creative ways to create your best life-making, community-making, change-making and church-making… for times like these.

Second, Tom Sine will also be available to join your group in one of your sessions, at no charge, to answer your questions and discuss your group’s creative new possibilities for your lives and communities. Simply arrange a time for him to Zoom into your group. There are questions at the end of each chapter to help you move easily through 2020s Foresight.

It all begins with you organizing your group, ordering the books and contacting Tom Sine to send you the webinar and setting a time for his Zoom visit. Contact Tom here.

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