What Bible Plan Will You Use In 2014

by Christine Sine


A couple of years ago I wrote this series of articles on reading the scriptures. I have just reread what I wrote and realized how much I need to take my own advice. As well as that, I need to know how to focus my scripture reading. Too many of us suffer from what I call chronic randomness. We lack the discipline to really dig into the scriptures in a consistent way. And then when we get down to it, we find that there are thousands of Bible reading plans available these days so how do we choose.

I grew up on scripture union reading plans and they still provide some great resources, especially if you want to consistently read through the entire bible over a period of time.

Biblegateway too is a great place to go for daily readings with the same purpose.

Ligonier Ministries has an amazing variety of Bible reading plans available for download which follow this type of system.

A few years ago though Tom & I discovered the beauty of reading through the liturgical calendar and following the readings set out in the Book of Common Prayer. It has been very enriching for us as it integrates the OT and NT readings for each day. There is heavy emphasis on psalms and gospel readings. My one frustration is that not all books of the Bible are covered in the 3 year plan. There are in fact a number of sites that provide versions of this. Here are a few that I know of:

The Voice is a great source for the daily scriptures of the liturgical year. I download the yearly schedule at the beginning of the year.

Readings from the Book of Common Prayer

Presbyterian USA daily readings

Readings from the Worldwide Chapel of Ease

Northumbria Community Daily Offices

Daily Prayer with the Irish Jesuits

Daily Prayer from the Catholic Church in Australia

Sacredise – Loving God/Loving the World – lectionary readings and reflections from John Van Der Laar in South Africa.

And of course there are just as many apps available for downloading daily scriptures. Would love to hear from those who use these as to which you would recommend.


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charlie1955 January 2, 2014 - 8:50 am

Thanks for the prod. I, too, need to practice what I preach. Mea culpa.

Christine Sine January 2, 2014 - 9:27 am

Your welcome

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