To Garden With God + Celtic Prayer Cards Bundle – Download
$13.99This unique bundle includes our best selling book, To Garden with God and Celtic prayer cards (10 cards)
“No matter how many challenges there are, nothing can take away from the deep satisfaction of getting one’s hands into the earth, digging, planting and harvesting the bounty of God’s good creation. Nor can they detract from the joy that engulfs as as we experience the awe inspiring generosity of a God who wants to provide abundantly for all of humankind. The garden is a place of healing, of wholeness and of deeply spiritual encounters where God restores our bodies and our spirits in a way that is truly miraculous.” (from To Garden with God)
A Journey Into God’s Resurrection-created World – Download
$0.00Celebrate the Easter Season with this free download! Though originally published in 2009, the hope that comes from Resurrection Sunday and continues into Pentecost is always needed! We have made some small additions for a COVID-19 reality, but feel that many of the suggestions can be adapted. Christine invites us to Journey Into God’s Resurrection-created World as a way to celebrate this season. The joy that comes when we recognize what Jesus has done for us is infectious and this book outlines creative ways to invest in the lives of those around us, including those we normally disregard.
To Garden With God – Download
$7.99“No matter how many challenges there are, nothing can take away from the deep satisfaction of getting one’s hands into the earth, digging, planting and harvesting the bounty of God’s good creation. Nor can they detract from the joy that engulfs as as we experience the awe inspiring generosity of a God who wants to provide abundantly for all of humankind. The garden is a place of healing, of wholeness and of deeply spiritual encounters where God restores our bodies and our spirits in a way that is truly miraculous.” (from To Garden with God)
Return To Our Senses + Study Guide – Download
$7.99“What makes you feel closer to God?” When Christine Sine asked people this question, the answers she received surprised her. It wasn’t pipe organs and pulpits that most often opened people to God’s presence, but simple things in daily life. In Return to Our Senses, Christine Sine shows you how simple experiences – breathing, drinking a glass of water, walking amongst trees, shooting a photo, picking up a stone – can become “thin places” and pregnant moments in your daily life – helping you awaken to God’s presence, savor God’s nearness, and translate your experience of God into prayerful, compassionate action. It was written for those who hunger for a deeper, more life encompassing relationship with God.
Gift of Wonder Online Retreat
$39.99This online retreat is based on Christine Sine’s latest book The Gift of Wonder, but with much more! Going deeper into a discovery of new depths of awe to draw us closer to God. I invite you to reawaken your inner child and rediscover the depths of awe and wonder that reconnect us to our passionate God who delights in life, celebrates with joy and exudes a sense of awe and wonder. This interactive process will have us remembering our childhood stories, doodling for fun, painting on rocks and and relearning the awe and wonder of nature walks, joyspot sightings, compassion games and exercises that enable us to delight in God in new and creative ways. This course is offered for 180 days of access.
The Gift of Wonder book is required for this course. Click here to purchase.
What will you get?
- 180 days of access to this online course that you can progress through at your own pace
- Video sessions with Christine Sine (6 total)
- Interactive survey questions (answers seen by Christine only)
- Downloadable handouts to follow each video session
- Downloadable coloring templates to use throughout the course
- Illustrated prayers to nourish your inner life
Give as a Gift!
Interested in giving this course as a gift? See instructions below.- Click the “Buy for 180 days” button.
- Create an account using the email of the person to whom you are gifting and password.
- Input your payment information.
- The recipient of the course will receive an email letting them know they are enrolled. Be sure to share the password you created with them!
Have you purchased another Godspace course before? Please email us and we will provide a discount code for your purchase of this course!
Interested in doing this course with a group? We are offering a discount for 5+ people in the group. Please email us!
Gift of Wonder Book
$11.85“Can you imagine a God who dances with shouts of joy, laughs when you laugh, loves to play, enjoys life, and invites us to join the fun? I couldn’t until recently. I grew up with a very serious, workaholic God. Even when my theology changed, I struggled to live into my new way of thinking. Then Jesus words, ‘Unless you become like a child you cannot enter the kingdom’, began to resonate in my head.”
Note: This is currently available on Amazon, and therefore price may vary. As an Amazon Associate, the author benefits from the sale of this item.
Study Guide for Return To Our Senses – Download
$0.00Return to Our Senses explores approaches to prayer that connect our spiritual practices to everyday life, awakening all our senses to a deeper relationship to our loving God. Some of the practices have existed for centuries and only require us to tap into the rich knowledge and practices of ancient followers of Christ to access them. Others will be newly created, springing fresh from our imaginations and creativity, specially designed for intimacy with God in our present culture. This is a great book for group study.
This 6-session study guide can be used alongside a printed copy of Return To Our Senses as an individual devotional or for small group discussion.
Breath Prayer Cards (3 Sets)
$29.99We are all born knowing how to breathe, but often need to be taught how to breathe properly. Deep abdominal breathing for five minutes several ties a day where we consciously fill our lungs can reduce stress, calm our minds and help us center on the loving presence of God. Each breath that we take is a breathing in of the life of God.
Uniquely designed with a breath word and prayer, each card will help lead you into a powerful meditation. Set of 12 prayers designed by Hilary Horn, text and photographs by Christine Sine.
Return to Our Senses + Breath Prayer Cards Bundle
$23.99We all long for more of God’s presence and find ourselves feeling weary and worn out from the daily tasks, stresses and pain of this life. It is not impossible to steal moments away with God, to stop and breath in the abundant life Yahweh promises. This bundle of Return to Our Senses and the Breathe Prayer cards can help to facilitate moments like these throughout your day and enable you to practice entering into the serenity that God offers you.
This bundle includes one set of our beautiful Breath Prayer Cards and Return to Our Senses: Reimagining How We Pray Book.
Breath Prayer Cards – Download
$6.99We are all born knowing how to breathe, but often need to be taught how to breathe properly. Deep abdominal breathing for five minutes several ties a day where we consciously fill our lungs can reduce stress, calm our minds and help us center on the loving presence of God. Each breath that we take is a breathing in of the life of God.
This downloadable version of the Breath Prayer Card includes a set of 12 prayers designed by Hilary Horn, text and photographs by Christine Sine.
Breath Prayer Cards (1 Set)
$11.99We are all born knowing how to breathe, but often need to be taught how to breathe properly. Deep abdominal breathing for five minutes several ties a day where we consciously fill our lungs can reduce stress, calm our minds and help us center on the loving presence of God. Each breath that we take is a breathing in of the life of God.
Uniquely designed with a breath word and prayer, each card will help lead you into a powerful meditation. Set of 12 prayers designed by Hilary Horn, text and photographs by Christine Sine.
Gift of Wonder – Bonus Packet Download
$0.00I find that many of my readers are craving more. More details to help them practice the exercises explained in the book effectively. More exercises to help them continue the work they have done as a result of their reading.
This resource is a special bonus download intended to help you more effectively use some of the existing exercises or take advantage of the new ideas that have come out of suggestions that have been sent to me
Advent Prayer Cards – Download
$5.99Digital Download of our Advent Prayer Cards.
Christmas is a 12 day celebration of this joyful event. It culminates in the celebration of the Eve of Epiphany January 6th which commemorates the coming of the Magi. This set of 12 cards will help you reflect on the Advent and Christmas story. They begin with Celtic Advent so there are 6 for Advent, 1 for Christmas Eve, 4 for the Christmas season and 1 for the Eve of Epiphany.
Bundle: A Journey Toward Home: Soul Travel from Advent to Lent + Advent Prayer Cards
$23.99An Advent bundle package including Advent Prayer Card Set and a copy of A Journey Toward Home: Soul Travel from Advent to Lent. See below for description!
Bundle: Waiting for the Light + Advent Prayer Cards
$23.99A giftable Advent Bundle including the Advent Prayer Card Set and a copy of Waiting for the Light: An Advent Devotional. See below for individual descriptions!
Advent Prayer Cards (3 Sets)
$29.99This set of 12 cards will help you reflect on the Advent and Christmas story. They begin with Celtic Advent so there are 6 for Advent, 1 for Christmas Eve, 4 for the Christmas season and 1 for the Eve of Epiphany.
Advent Prayer Cards (1 Set)
$11.99This set of 12 cards will help you reflect on the Advent and Christmas story. They begin with Celtic Advent so there are 6 for Advent, 1 for Christmas Eve, 4 for the Christmas season and 1 for the Eve of Epiphany.
The Gate to Heaven: Poems for Contemplation – Download
$0.00Free book of poems by one of our community writers, Ana Lisa de Jong called “The Gate to Heaven: Poems for Contemplation”. Enjoy this collection of beautiful, contemplative poems.
Gift of Wonder Book + Prayer Cards Bundle
$21.99Order your copy of The Gift of Wonder and we will include a printed set of prayer cards that compliment your reading.
Gift of Wonder Prayer Cards (3 Sets)
$29.99We have created a special set of Gift of Wonder prayer cards which incorporate some of the prayers from the book with personal photos and short reflections. These cards capture the essence of the feeling of awe and wonder. Each prayer is beautifully written to focus our thoughts, feelings, and hearts towards our loving God.
Gift of Wonder Prayer Cards (1 Set)
$11.99We have created a special set of Gift of Wonder prayer cards which incorporate some of the prayers from the book with personal photos and short reflections. These cards capture the essence of the feeling of awe and wonder. Each prayer is beautifully written to focus our thoughts, feelings, and hearts towards our loving God.
Gift of Wonder Prayer Cards – Download
$5.99We have created a special set of Gift of Wonder prayer cards which incorporate some of the prayers from the book with personal photos and short reflections.
Broken Into Wholeness; Poems for Recovery – Download
$0.00This download includes a free book of poems by Ana Lisa DeJong called “Broken Into Wholeness; Poems for Recovery”. Ana Lisa has graciously allowed us to offer this collection as a download for our store.
Ashes: Poems for Loss – Download
$0.00Beautiful, touching, and emotion provoking poems for grieving and loss. We are blessed by Ana Lisa for sharing these amazing poems with us as a free digital download.
Updated by Ana Lisa de Jong for 2023.