Prayers for the Journey

by Christine Sine

Some of you may have noticed that this weekly post of Facebook prayers is a little late, going on retreat will do that and so I offer no apologies. I have already posted these morning and evening prayers. Here are the remainder for last week. The richness of the prayers continues to grow and I hope that they are both stirring your imagination and enriching your prayer life.

In the fading of the sun

In the fading of the sun –


Let our hope be centred,

In a God who calls for justice,

And a Christ who longs for peace.

Let our faith be centred,

In a God who seeks for freedom,

And a Christ who promises release.


Lord Jesus Christ you are my heart’s true home

The beginning and the end of my journey.

You are the one from whom all light comes,

The one in whom all will find rest.

Let me trust in you and never be afraid.


Lord Jesus Christ

Let your peace settle in our hearts,

Let your love bind us together,

Let your compassion flow from our hearts,

So that all that we are and all that we do,

Becomes an act of worship toward you.


O Lord,

Into the night of stars I go…

Walking the path of silence, to sleep and perchance, to dream.

Be with me on the moonlit way, as always You are.

Be with all others under this same moon or the sun in his orbit,

as always You are.


(B.Harr, 2012 ~


Like clay in the hand of a potter,

so we are to you, O Lord!

You take the imperfect

and make from it something new,

mold us into the image

of the people you would have us be.

In your hands we are restored,

perfected Lord, by you.

In your hands we are given new life,

made useful Lord, for you


Lord Jesus Christ your load is easy, your burden is light,

Create in us a new rhythm of life,

One that sustains and does not stress,

One that builds and does not destroy,

One that brings peace and not conflict,

Show us your path to eternal life.


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