Here is my weekly round up of prayers that I have posted on facebook. If you want to read these as they are posted each morning you can like the Light for the Journey page
May all things today draw us closer to Christ
May the love of God bubble up from within us
And overflow in acts of kindness, generosity and peace
Lord Jesus Christ you are faithful and true
You are righteous and holy
You are loving and merciful
May we join ourselves to you today and follow the paths of life
Let us always remember the wonder of God’ love
Let us always remember the beauty of God’s world
Let us always remember the joy of God’s faithfulness
Let us remember and give thanks
Let each breath that you take breathe in God
Let each step that you make live for God
Let each word that you say glorify the One who fills our world with life and love
Jesus teach us to pray as you did,
Not in thought and speech but in truth and action,
Jesus teach us to love as you did,
In compassion and mercy, with patience and kindness,
Jesus teach to live as you did,
Considering the needs of others as more important than your own.
Let the love of God soak into your heart,
Let the peace of God soak into your soul,
Let the life of God soak into your spirit,
May they transform you and make you whole.
Beautiful. Do you sometimes find yourself calling it “Faithbook”? (I do.)
No can’t say that I do – lovely term though