Monday Meditation – Attached to God By A String

by Christine Sine


God in heaven holds each person by a string. When you sin, you cut the string. Then God ties it up again, making a knot – and thereby bringing you a little closer to him. Again and again your sins cut the string – and with each knot God keeps drawing you closer and closer.

These words, written by Meister Eckhart, a thirteenth-fourteenth century philosopher, theologian, and mystic, form the basis for our meditation this week. His imagery has stirred my imagination and I hope it will yours too.


Find a piece of string or rope or yarn and hold one end in your hand. Like me you might like to use two pieces for comparisonStretch it out across your sacred space. Close your eyes and imagine that God is holding the other end. Alternatively tie this end to an image that reminds you of God. Sit quietly for a few moments sensing the security and love that flows between you and God along that string.



Now remind yourself of something you have done in the last few weeks that has made you feel as though the “string” that connects you to God has been cut. Cut the string that you hold in your hand and sit looking at it for a few moments. Imagine that before you cut the cord it was frayed. In this case you would not just need to cut the cord but to remove the entire frayed and weakened section before creating your knot.

What is your response: How does it feel to be disconnect from God? Are there areas in your life where you feel your connection to God is frayed? Are there things that need to be removed before the knot is tied? Is there a need for repentance? Is there something else you need to do to experience God’s forgiveness?


Now tie a knot in your string. Imagine yourself, forgiven and once more connected to God. Notice that the string is now shorter than it first was, and the more complex and beautiful the knot you tie is, the shorter the string becomes. Sit and hold it in your hands. Cut or break the cord in several places and tie knots. The cord has become even shorter. Sit and contemplate it for a few minutes.


What is your response: Where has God “tied the knot” for you in the last week? In what ways do you feel closer to God as a result. Sit and appreciate your closeness to God and offer prayers of gratitude. Think about the new and beautiful patterns that have been created in your life as a result.

Knotted strings can be crafted into patterns that are often not just strong but beautiful – braids, or knotted cords, jewelry and prayer beads. Think of objects you have around your home that are made from knotted cords. If there is something special that you think of take it out and contemplate it for a while. I pulled out my collection of braided bookmarks, collected around the world. They are reminders of friends I have known and people whose pain I have shared.


Notice too that often patterns like these are created by knotting or braiding many cords together. Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us a cord of three strands is not easily broken. Where in your life are you aware of the strengthening that others have brought to your connection with God without the need for cutting.

What is your response: Write down what you sense God is saying to you as you meditate on your string and knotted objects.

Watch the video below and think about how the knots that God has tied have become strong and beautiful patterns in your life.  Now, if you have time, take another piece of string or rope and make the Celtic love knot below. Imagine this is the love of God holding your life together. Sit secure in that love and enjoy the presence of God.

Suggested music. I love this John Michael Talbot song and it makes an excellent meditative background for this exercise. It is part of a collection of meditative music so you can continue listening to your heart’s content and for as long as you have time to set aside for the meditation.

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Gayl S. Wright October 20, 2014 - 12:00 pm

I love John Michael Talbot! This song is beautiful! I’ll come back to the meditation later. Thank you for making this space each Monday.

Christine Sine October 20, 2014 - 12:03 pm

Thanks Gayl. I love John Michael talbot too and I listened to his music as I put this exercise together so it seemed very appropriate to suggest it for others too

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