Meditation Monday – What Does a Gospel Reconciler Do?

by Christine Sine

St Columba's prayer.001

Many of you have already heard that our beautiful building, at the site of the Mustard Seed Village on Camano Island, has been violated by vandals. All the windows and doors have been smashed to smithereens. We are devastated. We have had vandalism before but usually nuisance interference. This is the first time it has been malicious and deliberately destructive.


Compared to the earthquake devastation in Nepal where some of my friends are now working, and to the tornado destruction in Van, Texas where I once lived, this seems minor. However, as you can imagine we are devastated and angry, initially wanting to lash out and demand retribtion. Yet as we prayed we realized that this is not God’s path for us. Our current emphasis as an organization is reconciliation and as the chair of our Board J.Paul Fridenmaker asked, the important questions for us are: What does a gospel reconciler do? and How do we approach reconciliation when the abusers are unseen?


Our inspiration for this year’s Celtic retreat August 7-9th  is St Columba of Iona, known as a great diplomat and reconciler. One of his beautiful prayers that has endured through the centuries is posted above.

It reminds me that the place we too need to begin is with silence and listening, seeking to discern what God is saying to us in the midst of our heartache.

What is your response.

I ask you to sit and listen with me this morning. Sit quietly and take some deep breaths in and out. Ask yourself: What does a gospel reconciler do? and How do we approach reconciliation when the abusers are unseen?

Future Mustard Seed Village Aerial View

Future Mustard Seed Village Aerial View

Loa Tzu: “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings…”

One of my Facebook friends posted this quote last week and it really caught my attention as I began my own process of discernment. I am sensing that we need to be open to the painful miracle of a new beginning.

The rest of the MSA team and Board have also begun the discernment process. Team member Forrest Inslee reflects:

I am convinced that, instead of the physical building being the first step, we need to establish the presence of people on the land. We need to plant the seeds of community. I think that this is an exciting and very achievable prospect. (Read more of Forrest’s thoughts here)

As part of the Mustard Seed community, we invite you to discern with us. Please take time to sit in silence and listen to God with us.

What is Your Response

Watch the video below from our last Celtic retreat and ask yourself: How do we establish the presence of people on the land and plant seeds of community?

We look forward to hearing from you as we discern and move forward together.

Help us rebuild

if you feel prompted to contribute to the costs of rebuilding we would really appreciate your support.

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charom July 2, 2015 - 7:25 am

lets do it

Christine Sine July 2, 2015 - 8:17 am


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