by Christine Sine
Over the weekend I set a circle of light around my sacred space. I replaced the batteries in the many candles that fill my corner and provide a welcoming circle of light in the early morning darkness. This is something I do every year as the days shorten and the darkness fills my early morning rituals.

Like the Celts of old, I love circles and am particularly drawn not just to the circle on the Celtic cross and its symbolism of the wholeness of creation, but also to the idea that the monasteries were often surrounded by a circle of crosses for protection and support . In the last few years I have added a circle of crosses as well as lights to my special place. There is something very comforting and nourishing about being surrounded by both the lights and the crosses.
At this time of year, as I sit in my special corner enjoying my circle of lights, I often greet the day with the soft glow of the sunrise reflected on the Olympic mountains outside my window, and say goodbye to the day with the even more breathtaking colors of the sunset over the mountains. It makes me feel as though I am indeed surrounded by God’s light. God’s embracing presence gives me strength, comfort and security in the midst of the ongoing trauma of our world.

Over the weekend I also performed another ritual that marks the changing of the seasons. I planted spring bulbs. I sat in the sun, soaking up the last few days of summer goodness, and planted seven pots full of tulips, others with alliums, and camassias. I didn’t need to plant more daffodils. They multiply prolifically in my garden. In the next week I will plant other shrubs and bulbs in preparation for the coming year. It is a wonderful reminder that hidden in the dying of autumn is the promise of new life.
I love rituals like this. The first bring comfort for the season ahead. The second gives hope and promise for the days after the darkness. And as we struggle here in the U.S. with the chaos of political turmoil, and the ongoing violence of war in the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan, we need rituals that give us hope and help ground us in the promises of God.
What are the rituals that ground you at this season? For those getting ready for the season of darkness, how do you prepare? For those welcoming the beauty of spring how do you enter into the nourishing life that is bursting out around you?
Let me end with one of my favourite circling prayers. You might like to sit quietly, take some deep breaths in and out and enter into the comforting presence of God as you read it.
Today, we stand in God’s circle of light,
Breathing in, breathing out.
Today we stand in God’s circle of light,
Light before, light behind,
Light on left, light on right,
Light buried deep within.
Today, we stand in God’s circle of light,
With friends and family, neighbours and strangers,
With all the people of the world.
Together we stand in God’s everlasting light.
Encircled, embraced,
United into one family,
From every nation and culture and creed.
Let this circle hold us,
Let this circle sustain us,
Let this circle surround us,
With the bright and shiny presence
Of the Eternal One,
Who leads us into light.
© Christine Sine September 2020