Meditation Monday – New Horizons That Want to Be Seen

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

Tom and I have just returned from one of our quarterly retreats. This time we relaxed in a beautiful hotel on the beach at White Rock in B.C. Canada. Much of my time was spend contemplating the following passage from  To Bless the Space Betweenby John O’Donohue.

Before it occurs a beginning can be a longtime in preparation….

When the heart is ready for a fresh beginning unforeseen things can emerge. And in a sense, this is exactly what a beginning does. It is an opening for surprises. Surrounding the intention and the at of beginning there is always exciting possibilities. This inevitably excites artists. So much can actually happen between the moment the brush is taken into the hand and the moment it touches the canvas. Such beginnings have their own mind and they invite us to unveil new gifts and arrivals in one’s life. Beginnings are new horizons that want to be seen; they are not regressions or repetitions. Somehow they win clearness and become fiercely free of the grip of the past.

As I reflected on this I realized how often I confuse the start with the beginning. A new project, a new vision, a new idea does not begin until it is fully formed and clarified in our minds. Yet the idea has started long before that.

As many of you know I am entering a new stage of life with a new vision and a new pathway. I am impatient for all the pieces to come together. I am ready to begin, but it is not yet time. God has reminded me that this is still a time of refreshment, relaxation and renewal. It is a time to wait for God to begin, to continue to compose the song of life that God has placed within my soul and allow it to be heard in new melodies when God has fully formed it. I am excited by what I see starting to emerge and look forward to sharing my new beginnings with you in the coming months.

What Is Your Response

As I continue this walk I find myself asking some new questions that you might like to reflect on too:

  1. What is my unique God given gift that the world needs to see?
  2. What is the new joy filled horizon God has placed within me that wants to be seen?
  3. How am I choosing to cultivate that gift and enable myself to move towards that choice?

Each day is a new beginning for all of us, a time in which unforeseen and sometimes surprising things can emerge. Sometimes these are small and seemingly mundane things like the emergence of a new flower in our garden or the visit of a friend. Sometimes they are monumental like the emergence of a new vision or direction in life as I am experiencing.

Whatever the beginnings that are before you take time to prepare and to reflect. Look back over your last couple of days: What unforeseen and surprising things emerged in them? Write them down. What new gifts have they unveiled for you? Write these down and offer a prayer of thanks to God.

Now look ahead to the coming days and imagine with joy and anticipation the new things that God is preparing for you: What is the new horizon in you that wants to be seen?

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Ruth May 1, 2017 - 2:33 am

“What is my unique God given gift that the world needs to see?” I have just moments ago read these words in another book and quoted them to a friend.. then your blog post drops into my inbox. I have also spent the weekend with John O Donohue (a long time valued spiritual companion) Bless the Space Between Us, although not that particular passage.
I too am in a similar place to yourself.

Sometimes God seems to highlight things in neon…

Many thanks for this and being part of God’s timing.
Many blessings in your new beginnings.

Christine Sine May 1, 2017 - 11:04 am

Thanks Ruth and you are right – sometimes God highlights things in neon, at other times more of a gentle glow. May we be able to see both at the right time. Blessings on you in your new beginnings too.

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