I’m on a pilgrimage of sorts…a trip celebrating our 35-38th Anniversaries(thanks to covid ) with two of our oldest friends from our college and our newlywed days…
It’s not a designated pilgrimage journey, but I believe strongly in being a pilgrim rather than just a tourist whenever I travel so it’s been fun to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me and see where the Spirit leads! An aspect of being a pilgrim is to be free to receive the gifts along the journey….to be open to whatever happens and to watch for, and pay attention to signs Jesus might give us. I have been led this pilgrimage by pink flowers which represent God’s love and presence with me, the color turquoise because it brings me joy and reminds me to pray for my friend Jerusalem, and seeking out churches, especially those where God has been worshiped since the early centuries of the faith.
St. Sebald or Sebaldus, was an 8th-century hermit, missionary and patron saint of Nuremberg. I wanted to see the Church of St. Sebald in Nuremberg… but the first tour on our journey didn’t allow time for it. Happily, the guide on our second trip into the city was a big fan of this church and even led tours here as a volunteer.
We walked into the church and were greeted by beautiful strings filling the large sanctuary with music! WOW! The Spirit was so alive with the music. I think everyone felt it.

strings from tel aviv
While we didn’t have nearly enough time to experience the church …I had a chance to find the CROSS OF NAILS from Coventry Cathedral. This is a CROSS of RECONCILIATION that the cathedral in England sent as a symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation after the horrific bombing in WWII.

Cross of Nails
This Cross is one of the Crosses of Reconciliation that sparked a movement of forgiveness and wholeness between churches and believers in Germany and England and Beyond! READ MUCH MORE ABOUT THIS HERE.

st sebald nuremberg
With all that is going on in our world, with so much brokenness and division due to war, politics and racist actions, we need to pray this prayer of reconciliation now more and than ever!
The Litany of Reconciliation
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
The hatred which divides nation from nation, race from are, lass from class. FATHER FORGIVE
The covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own. FATHER FORGIVE
The Greed which exploited the work of human hands and lays waste the earth. FATHER FORGIVE
Our envy of welfare and happiness of others. FATHER FORGIVE
Our indifference to the plight of imprisoned, the homeless, the refugee. FATHER FORGIVE
The lust which dishonors the bodies of men, women, and children. FATHER FORGIVE
The pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God. FATHER FORGIVE
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each others, just as in Christ, God forgave you! AMEN
It just happened that the musicians playing in the Church were from Israel….another beautiful sign of healing and reconciliation, and another beautiful gift along my pilgrim journey!
more soon!
©lillylewin and freerangeworship.com
We are collecting recipes across our Godspace community for our first-ever cookbook. Send your recipe written in your own words, where it came from, and why it’s special to you to godspacelight@gmail.com – if you send 3 or more recipes in, you will receive a FREE digital copy of the finished cookbook! For more information check out this post: https://godspacelight.com/2022/08/03/the-great-godspace-cookbook-gathering/