freerangefriday: All Saint’s Day! Happy November!

by Lilly Lewin

by Lilly Lewin

Welcome to November! a new month…moving us closer to a new year! Advent begins the new year of the church calendar, and celtic advent starts even earlier, on November 15 (really at sunset on November 14th) and runs the 40 days before Christmas. Wow! That’s a wee bit scary! I’m still somewhere back in September. I blinked and October is gone!  And don’t forget Thanksgiving! Check out the Gratitude Scavenger Hunt to help you get in a grateful space for the month.

Today is All Saint’s Day…a day to remember those who have gone before us into God’s presence. Christine has a great post from last week with beautiful prayers and reflection on this holiday. Here are a few of my ideas to help us remember this weekend.

Light a candle and keep it burning today in remembrance of someone in your life who has died in the past year. This can be a friend, family member, or someone who has impacted your life that you might not have known personally.

Remembering can be hard and sometimes painful work…so be kind to yourself as you reflect on your friends and family members who have died this year. Grief is a holy thing that takes on many forms. Give yourself time to heal and to be in this space of loss.

Cook or bake a recipe from a family member whom you’d like to remember.

Share stories around the table about a favorite family member or friend who has impacted your life. They can be someone who has gone to be with God or someone still on earth.

Spend some quiet time remembering a friend, family member, author, or other person who has impacted your life. Write a poem, prayer, or story about them.

Look through old photos and take time to remember.

Who are some of the “Saints of Old” who have impacted your life or your faith?
Who are some current Saints who are helping you grow and making you think or change or deepen your faith? Spend some time thanking God for them. Take some time to Learn more about them.

Who are the people who have impacted your life for God and been an encouragement to you?
Are these Saints still living or have they gone on to be with God? What are other ways you can remember them today?

Many churches have All Saint’s Services this weekend that you might find helpful.

As you take time to reflect and remember this weekend, allow God to hold you in the the palm of God’s hand. Know that Jesus is with you in your joy and in your sorrow and in your remembering.

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