Celebrate With Godspace Resources.

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

Today’s post is written with a little trepidation and struggle. Black Friday and CyberMonday are my least favorite days of the year and I hate watching the rampant consumerism that is at its heart. I also struggle because I know that Consumerism Plays a Huge Role in Climate Change and I hate to see the way that this consumer frenzy takes our focus away from the true meaning of the Thanksgiving and Advent seasons. Yet I realize too that people need jobs to support their families. And I must confess that like most of us it is easy for me too to be drawn in by bargain prices for things that are on my shopping list for Christmas. Though I have noticed that my main purchases at this season are never on sale!

Here at Godspace we need income too so that we can continue to create the resources you appreciate on a daily basis for your ongoing faith walk. And that income comes from your purchases either through the Godspace store or through our being an Amazon Associate through which we receive a small amount for each book you purchase through a link to Amazon.

So as we celebrate Thanksgiving and prepare for the coming days of Advent I wanted to remind us of the resources that we have available through the Godspace store or on Amazon. I think that many of them make great Christmas gifts and resources.

And just a heads up – all our digital resources will be available at a discount price on Monday.

Obviously at the top of my list is:

The Gift of Wonder – both book and cards which several people have already told me they are giving to their friends and relatives this season. I hope you will consider joining them. I continue to be encouraged by feedback I get on the book. This week I heard from a pastor who has been using it in a small group study. One participant shared with her how much it has helped her notice the world around. It has also motivated her to paint rocks and leave them as encouragement for others

I also regularly use our prayer cards especially the Celtic cards (great stocking stuffers!!!)

Gifted Ana Lisa De Jong’s new book of poetry would be a great gift for those like me, who are fans of hers too.

Also we have some old, but still popular resources available:

To Garden With God continues to attract garden enthusiasts.

And Return to Our Senses the book that began my journey into creative spiritual practice still attracts attention from many of you

As does Rest in the Moment for those who are looking for a series of daily or weekly reflections for their devotional life. (This will be available last as a discounted pdf download on Monday too)

John Birch’s Advent Resources  are also worth a look. Available through his store not Godspace.  After reading about the power of music in our lives I am particularly attracted to his new book Singing the Story. 

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