Why does Jesus “wait 2 more days where he was” (Luke 11:5) after he heard that his good friend Lazarus was ill? After all he healed Jairus’s daughter and the unknown widow’s son immediately, yet he waits until he knew that Lazarus was dead before responding. Why come quickly to the death of a stranger, but slowly to the death of a friend?
Part of the reason I am sure is that he knew that the raising of Lazarus would have dire consequences for his own life. In fact it was this act that turned the tide for the Pharisees, triggering their plot to kill Jesus because. They were afraid that the Romans would destroy their nation because of Jesus’ “revolution” (Luke 11:48).
What Is Your Response?
To move slowly, to count the cost and consider the consequences of following Jesus is something we all need to do at transformational points in our lives. Look back on your own life. When was the last time that you “waited two days” to count the cost of the transformational work Jesus still wants to accomplish in your life?
When we visited Cyprus some years ago, I was surprised to see icons of the raising of Lazarus all over the place. According to Orthodox tradition, sometime after the resurrection of Christ, Lazarus was forced to flee Judea because of rumoured plots on his life. He came to Cyprus and was appointed by Paul and Barnabas as the first Bishop of Kition (present-day Larnaca). He is said to have lived for thirty more years and on his death was buried there for the second time.The Church of Agios Lazaros was built over his tomb.
Obviously, Lazarus resurrection not only had dire consequences for Jesus, it had huge implications for Lazarus too. Maybe Jesus didn’t just spend time thinking about what it meant for his own life. Maybe he was just as concerned about the disruption it would cause for Lazarus. I think that during those two days he counted the cost not just for himself but for Lazarus and his sisters too.
What is your response?
We long to see the lives of those we love transformed. We long to see them come out of the graves into resurrection life, but how often do we count the cost that this transformation could mean? It could alienate them from their family, or community. I could force them to flee their homeland. More importantly, how often do we accept the full responsibility of these consequences and commit ourselves to help those we love through the transformation of their lives?
Think about those whose lives you have touched in a transformational way. Is there someone who comes to mind for whom this transformation had disruptive consequences? How seriously did you take the responsibility of helping them through that transformation?
Perhaps someone comes to mind who is still struggling with the consequences of their commitment to Christ. Are there ways in which you could mentor them through this disruptive season?
Now watch the video below. Read through the lyrics and think about what it means not just to count the cost for yourself but also for those to whom you bring Christ’s resurrection power. Is there some new commitment God might ask of you?
What does it mean to be a pilgrim? To be a pilgrim means leaving behind the comfortable easy path in search of something more.
It means going beyond the known borders of my life in search of
what is real and true.
To have no permanent home here on earth
But to always, always
Be on the way…
A small knapsack, filled to the brim with essentials is all I have. Part of this journey is answering questions like:
What are my essentials?
What feeds my soul and gives me joy?
What can I let go of and give away?
How do I share the gifts God has given me?
How do I share the life God has given me?
I wonder who will be my companions on the way? Who will walk with me today? And with whom will I walk? Can I be a good companion loyal and true?
I’ve learned to accept those who come my way for a while and when they need to take a different path to let them go. I pray their pilgrim journey will lead them home. I hope the path is clearly marked and they will have good companions on the way.
True companions.
I hope my pilgrim journey leads me home as well and that I can be a true companion.
I follow one step at a time.
Sometimes I stand still for what seems like eternity.
Waiting, waiting for a sign that it is time to move on.
Other days I’ve hardly unpacked my few possessions and it’s time to pack up and depart again. Tired and weary the best I can do is trust there is a path and to seek to follow as best I can.
At times like this, when my journey follows unfamiliar, solitary and seemingly dark paths I feel lost, forgotten and afraid. The next steps seem risky and precarious. The way ahead is hidden and my motives unclear.
Yet, I know I don’t walk alone, Jesus, my hidden companion, and sometimes silent guide loves me and the path ahead is neither dark nor unknown to him. And though he is silent, the way dark, and the path unclear I trust there is a path and that Jesus directs my steps. Confident of his love, I wait when he tells me to wait and follow when he beckons me onward, seeking to follow as best I can and trusting him to lead, guide, protect and direct me to the right path. It’s often not the way I would choose. Given the chance I would choose the easy path, the clearly marked way. Yet, I press on trusting this particular way will lead me more quickly and safely to my journey’s end than any path I might choose.
-Paula Mitchell
It is good from time to time to reflect with God in prayer where we’ve been and where we are right now as followers of Jesus. Spend some time in prayer you might ask God for an image of your life at the present moment.
What kind of path are you currently on?
• Where does it seem to be leading?
• What’s your sense of Jesus as you walk this path?
• Who have been your companions on the way?
• When have you found yourself lost or off the path?
• Have you traveled other paths? Faced a fork in the road? Where have you/are you facing places of choice?
• Is anything weighing you down? What do you no longer need? What is essential for this stage of your journey?
• What do you need for the next stage in your journey?
Lord we grieve with the people of Paris.
We grieve,
for the lives lost in senseless violence.
Our tears are shed
for those who have been wounded.
Our hearts ache
for those who are consumed by hate.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy,
Lord have mercy.
Lord give wisdom,
to those who must make decisions.
Lord give your strength,
to those who seek to protect.
Lord give guidance,
to those who must respond.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy,
Lord have mercy.
I am already heartily sick of “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas” and other popular Christmas tunes. Fortunately, there are lots of alternatives. I am not an expert on music but thought that I would list a few of my favourites for this season. Focusing my own music choices on Advent themes rather than the Christmas carols that the secular culture grabs onto really helps me to keep my spiritual focus in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I love Advent chants, especially Gregorian chants, and also contemplative music so obviously this is the focus of my suggestions here.
This year, I found an Advent playlist on Spotify for you to enjoy. There is also this great list from Cedar Park church on their Advent playlist. An album to check out is Advent to Christmas by Page CXVI.
Gregorian Chants to Inspire Us.
Gregorian chants, especially during Advent, are a wonderful way to calm my soul and rest my spirit.
I also highly recommend acquiring is a set of Advent chants recorded by The Benedictines of Mary “Advent at Ephesus”. These hit the top of the classic music lists a couple of years ago and it is easy to see why.
And another favourite of mine is an hour of contemplative music from Hildegard of Bingen: Voice of the Living Light
And I just came across this amazing set of chants recorded in 1930:
Advent Songs from the Black Gospel Tradition.
Paul Neeley at Global Christian Worship, posted a link to this wonderful collection of inspirational African American gospel songs that are appropriate to Advent. It included this inspirational recording:
Celtic Music for the Season
My favourite Celtic style musician is Jeff Johnson. His Selah service meditations on Psalms are beautiful to listen to at this time of the year to help us maintain our peace. His Christmas album, A Quiet Knowing Christmas, is also one of my constant companions.
I put together a playlist on Spotify this year with an array of Celtic Advent music that you might like to listen to.
I also enjoy this great collection of instrumental Celtic Christmas music:
A Few More Traditional Christmas Suggestions.
If you are looking for more traditional Christmas Music here are some that are hard to beat:
Two songs that remind us of the season of Advent rather than Christmas:
- Three Tenors Christmas Concert Vienna 1999
- Andrea Bocelli Christmas songs
- Liturgical Folk released this Advent album in 2019.
- LiveAbout.com has a list of their top 100 Christmas songs
- And a fascinating list of 50 top Christmas Songs from TimeOut London.
- A great list of classical Christmas albums from Ranker.com.
- Sacred Choral Music for Advent and Christmas 2020
- Peace for Your Christmas by MountainCity
Looking for an International Christmas:
I love this Arabic Byzantine Hymn of the Nativity.
- Some beautiful songs for peace from Latin America
- African Christmas by Ed Jordan is a very powerful song to listen to at this time of the year.
- Betelehemu – a Nigerian Christmas song sung by the African Children’s Choir
- I was not able to find this song on YouTube, but one Asian carol I would recommend is The Hunger Carol with words by New Zealander Shirley Erena Murray and music by Taiwanese hymnologist I-to Loh
- And for more inspirational carols from around the world, you might like to do a Christmas search on the Global Christian Worship site. Check out the carols in Arabic, Yoruba (Nigeria), Pidgin from Papua New Guinea and many more languages.
Music and More
In past years, I produced Advent meditation videos with background music by Jeff Johnson.
From Advent 2015: Leaning Towards the Light
Below is the video from Advent 2014 called Lord, You Wait for Us.
- Advent 2013: Coming Home to God
- Advent 2012: Alleluia The Christ Child Comes
- Advent 2011: Lord Jesus Christ Draw Close
- Advent 2010: Christ is Coming
- Advent 2009: The Coming of the Lord is Near
- Advent 2008: Jesus Christ Light of the World
- Advent 2007: Awaiting the Christ Child
This is part of a series on Christmas/Advent resources.
- Advent Activities for Families and Kids for 2020
- Helping Kids Give Back This Christmas
- Celebrate With Simplicity This Christmas
- Advent/Christmas Music from a Rich Array of Traditions
- Getting Ready for Advent/Christmas Worship Resources for the Season
- Choosing Your Scripture Readings for the Coming Year
- Who Will You Invite to the Manger?
- Advent Candle Light Liturgy
- What On Earth Are The O Antiphons
Resources from Godspace for Advent and Christmas
Godspace has a variety of resources available for celebrating this season.
- NEW DEVOTIONAL! Lean Towards the Light this Advent & Christmas + Advent Cards Bundle compiled by Christine Sine and Lisa DeRosa
- Lean Towards the Light Advent Retreat Online – video sessions by Christine Sine along with handouts to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child this Advent.
- A Journey Toward Home: Soul Travel For Advent to Lent compiled by Kristin Carroccino and Christine Sine
- Waiting for the Light: An Advent Devotional compiled by Ricci Kilmer, Susan Wade and Christine Sine
- Prayer Cards – more than Christmas gifts. These have been used for daily devotions, grief counselling, small groups and congregational prayers.
Check out the entire resource list here for more ideas for Advent and Christmas.
Godspace has a number of Advent resources available for both free download and purchase. Visit our store.
With our focus on pilgrimage and journey over the last couple of months I have thought a lot about what pilgrimage means. It is not not something to be entered into lightly. Nor is it something to be walked alone – but often our companions slow us down, they get lost, they walk into dry places, they lose their faith. And Jesus asks us to continue walking with them and with him.
This morning I read through Psalm 84 – probably one of the best psalms for pilgrims to read on a regular basis. To set our hearts on pilgrimage is to walk with others, and ourselves along the sometimes challenging but always rewarding pathway that lead towards God’s eternal kingdom.
This is one of several posts on Advent/Christmas resources that I have updated this year, that I hope will help. Check out other resource lists on the Godspace resource page.
For some, the observances revolve around the lighting of the Advent candles and the Eucharistic celebration. For others, it is the preaching of the gospel story and the Christmas pageant that take centre stage. Whatever your faith orientation, here are some of my favourite resource sites that I think you will find useful. I have tried to draw from any traditions and cultures.
Advent Resources Including Ones Specific to the Pandemic
- Discipleship Ministries – Music in the Midst of COVID-19
- United Methodist – FREE webinar series – The Promise of Advent
- The Salvation Army – Music & Creative Art Ministries – FREE Downloadable worship series
- Crosswalk.com – Advent Readings
- Ashley Danyew – A Modern Resource Guide for Advent Worship Planning
- Creative Communications for the Parish – Ideas for 2023!
- AMEC Publishing House – Worship at Home
- Sanctified Art – Resources for 2023
Liturgical Resource Sites for Advent and Christmas

Greek Patriarch celebrates Christmas liturgy photo by WAFA
- Advent resources from Ignatian Spirituality
- Christmas & Advent ideas from David Keen at Ideas, Resources and Donkey Rides
- Bosco Peters in New Zealand has great Advent and Christmas resources at liturgy.co.nz
- The Billabong is a helpful Australian site with resources for both kids and adults.
- John Birch has the most wonderful Celtic Advent liturgies available.
- The Text This Week always has an awesome array of resources for all seasons, but especially for Advent and Christmas.
- ECF Vital Practices has an excellent list of resources for parishes for Advent and Christmas including checklists and creative ideas.
- Lectionary Liturgies provides liturgies based on the RCL readings for each Sunday of the church year.
- Lent and Beyond – An Anglican Prayer blog also posts good seasonal resources.
- Anglicans Online Advent Worship Resources
- And the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese has some interesting icons and explanation of Christmas from an Orthodox perspective.
- Blue Eyed Ennis has a great list of Advent resources on her blog that are worth looking at.
Innovative Approaches to Worship
My favourites are:
- Interactive worship – for Advent: The Feeling of Waiting and Prayers of the People Station as well as this community made icon really inspired me.
- Singing from the Lectionary has a huge range of music suggestions and worship resources, with a special emphasis on inclusive language.
- A Sacred Home – Advent & Christmas Box: Waiting
- Engage Worship has a great list of music for the season.
- Advent calendar in sound – something to recommend to your congregation for their daily reflections.
- Tweeted Grace Christmas by Numbers – a great idea put together by Jonny Baker and the people at Grace in London.
Looking for Art Work?
- Joy Paron has a beautiful set of daily reflections she put together using collage art work she created. It is well worth a visit.
- A rich array of Advent resources as well as Christmas and Epiphany from Churchyear.net
- Don’t forget to check out the Godspace Advent/Christmas prayer cards and reflections.
- We also have an Advent devotional available and sold together with the prayer cards.
Plan an Advent or Christmas Outreach
Christmas is the season when all of us think of giving to our favourite charities, the homeless and the poor, but there are other ways to that we can give at this season.
- United Methodist Church has some good ideas for an Advent outreach in this article – everything from scavenger hunt with random acts of kindness to Christmas Eve cookie give away for people who must work.
- Passionate homemaker also has some good ideas on how to reach out at this season.
Resources from Godspace for Advent and Christmas
Godspace has a variety of resources available for celebrating this season.
- Lean Towards the Light this Advent & Christmas + Advent Cards Bundle compiled by Christine Sine and Lisa DeRosa
- Lean Towards the Light Advent Retreat Online – video sessions by Christine Sine along with handouts to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child this Advent.
- A Journey Toward Home: Soul Travel For Advent to Lent compiled by Kristin Carroccino and Christine Sine
- Waiting for the Light: An Advent Devotional compiled by Ricci Kilmer, Susan Wade and Christine Sine
- Prayer Cards – more than Christmas gifts. These have been used for daily devotions, grief counselling, small groups and congregational prayers.
Check out the entire resource list here for more ideas for Advent and Christmas.
Godspace has a number of Advent resources available for both free download and purchase. Visit our store.
Ask yourself.
What direction do you want to take?
Smooth as water,
which knows its way;
or fighting the current
for wasted gain?
Let go.
Don’t hold on tight.
God’s river runs wide, and carries us all.
His blessings kept safe,
and His purpose sure,
in His river of deep shalom.
Don’t fight the tide.
Surrender to the waves that come.
Dive deep, to where the world grows dim.
It’s there you find your pathway clear,
gleaming as the sun.
Follow Him.
Believe He knows what is good.
He draws the ocean by the moon.
How much more has He determined,
your small affairs,
of great worth to Him.
Trust Him.
Ana Lisa de Jong
Living Tree Poetry
I felt this poem gathering momentum in my mind all day; as at work, I handled the normal stresses of the day, and tried to tap into God to keep my inner peace. I am fortunate in my work as an administrator for a Defence Chaplaincy department, to have a chapel to retreat to, and it was on my way home I took a few minutes out. I recall thinking how, even though we know better, we find ourselves feeling we need to work to please Him; or even find ourselves thinking maybe we should keep going our own way, until we have redeemed ourselves enough in our eyes to come into His presence.
On that thought, I picked up the Baptist Hymn Book and read these words from the hymn ‘Happy Band of Pilgrims’, written by John Mason Neale (1862).
‘The trials that beset you,
the sorrows ye endure,
the manifold temptations
that Death alone can cure,–
What are they, but his jewels
of right celestial worth?
What are they but the ladder,
set up to heaven on earth?’
I felt God impress on me the truth that we are to come into His presence, just as we are. Our struggles are of great import to Him, our humanity precious in His sight. By being real with God and open to Him, we find the way into His presence (as John Neale wrote, these things are but a ladder set up to heaven on earth). It’s in God’s presence we come to know Him, and know ourselves known by Him. It’s by abiding in God’s presence that we understand ourselves as His beloved, and know a deep sense of belonging. And we find ourselves transforming slowly to reflect Him; as our desire becomes more and more to please and honour Him. And if we believe ourselves to have failed in pleasing Him, it’s a soft landing – as we are held fast by God, in His river of grace.
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When referencing or quoting Godspace Light, please be sure to include the Author (Christine Sine unless otherwise noted), the Title of the article or resource, the Source link where appropriate, and ©Godspacelight.com. Thank you!