Leroy Barber’s new book Embrace: God’s Radical Shalom for a Divided World inspired me. Though I usually read through a book in a few days, this was one that demanded much more of my time and my attention. Its call to reconciliation across race, gender and social strata is both a challenging and an essential one. I am still grappling with statements like: Standing up for your enemy changes the rules in the room. It makes people rethink situations and give an opportunity for love to rule the moment. (116) It is easy for me to respond in words alone when deep down I know that action and engagement is required.
Leroy Barber does not just write about the need for reconciliation, it has been the center of his life journey. I love the way that he shares stories out of his own journey as a framework for challenging all of us to engage more fully in God’s bridge-building work of love and reconciliation.
The uncomfortable questions Leroy asks often had me rethinking how I engage the important issues he raises. The following passage in particular is one that I know I will be grappling with for a long time:
So can we create traditions and practices that are both kingdom focused and inclusive? Are there practices that we – as followers of Christ – might do to include our brothers and sisters that happen to look, talk, act, and worship differently than we do? Can we establish traditions that might bless those around us who are not followers of Christ, practices that might help us grow to know our neighbors and other members of our communities? Can we be intentional about creating opportunities for just being friends with the folks around us, even if they are not the people we would have chosen or the place isn’t where we’d really like to be?
What, I wonder, are the traditions I need to create and enable others to create in order to be more inclusive? How do I add new people to my sacred spaces so that those I have previously excluded become more human to me?
The call to be inclusive, to stand up for those that are different and to seek to bring true peace and unity to a world that desperately needs it is indeed a call to radical shalom living. This book is an essential read for anyone who takes the call to follow Jesus seriously.
This post is part of our October theme Living Into the Shalom of God and was sponsored by InterVarsity Press.

by Cynthia Helton
Today is my birthday. Because I’m blessed with a large family and many friends, I’m inundated with messages, loving gestures, etc. Even my “computer” wished me Happy Birthday when I logged on this morning – and I have to admit it was quite nice! An airline I’ve used in the past sent me a message too; as well as my insurance company!! Whew!!
But it made me start to think: there are some, perhaps many, people whose only acknowledgement of their “special day” comes from a computerized list – an automatically generated message based on info stored in their massive data banks. For these folks, who’s to say that in some small way, this too is the Shalom of God?
To be clear, “shalom” is a Hebrew word meaning peace, used as a greeting and a farewell. Actually, I had to look this up. It’s one of those words that you “think” you know, but that can also have some embedded meaning. Not wanting to misspeak prompted me to the dictionary. And glad I did because it opened up to me a bit more depth than a casual statement. For instance:
- A word meaning peace. What is peace? In a world filled to the brim with angst, fear mongering is the “soup de jour” for most everything we see and hear! It’s almost an addiction …it’s like we’re afraid NOT to hear about the worst, the most dreadful, the most ugly! Some think it’s the only way to “protect” themselves: be on the alert …know your enemy …SEE your enemy before you are harmed. Is “peace” somehow hiding your head in the sand? Is peace a brand of “Pollyanna naivety” that leaves you vulnerable?? …..OR is “peace” allowing yourself to be awake to the fact that “in this instant,” you’re okay, knowing that the “what ifs” of the future don’t exist. Even IF “in this instant” you’re suffering, peace allows you to remember that nothing lasts forever. Peace reminds you to stay in the moment, sit still and listen. Even your suffering can be your teacher if you can be calm enough to let it speak. This truly takes “God’s” peace to achieve – and that’s what Shalom means.
- A word meaning greeting. Just like my birthday messages, a greeting of hello says “I see you.” It says you are visible …you are worth being met at the door and led to the front row. It says you “matter;” you mean something to me; it says the world wouldn’t be the same without you. And if you think there’s no one to speak this to you …look at the sunrise! Listen to the birds! Feel the wind blow across your cheek! ALL are gestures of greeting – and that’s what Shalom means.
- A word meaning farewell. Bittersweet describes many a goodbye. Things change, and sometimes it’s hard to accept what once was wonderful or comfortable is somehow different now. Farewell, broken down, means may you “fare well” …may you “do well” until we meet again – and that’s what Shalom means.
As I wake this morning to my birthday, Shalom is hovering around me. It gives me peace in saying farewell to my 68th year, and greetings to what the 69th will bring. Shalom, then, seems to be much more than a word. It’s an embrace, an invitation, an opportunity in every moment to dance in the circle! What if that waltz could circle back and next year I’d be 68 again, then 67?? Maybe not chronologically, but in mind-set, in spirit, in anticipation of “what’s next” and never in dread of “what no longer can be.” That, too, is Shalom. And in that meaning, I wish Shalom to all of you.
This post is part of our October theme Living Into the Shalom of God.
“Cultivating Pathways of Shalom”. If there’s a theme God’s been working on in my life the past few years, this is it. This phrase first came to me when I redesigned our front yard with neighbors in mind. But as I’ve sat with this phrase it’s really blossomed in meaning for me.
Focusing originally outside myself, I was asking, “What does it mean to create new avenues for God’s shalom to flourish in the home, in the neighborhood, in various encounters and relationships along the way”. When I looked at my yard I realized there were all sorts of barriers to community: pathways locked behind fences, shrubbery blocking access to my yard, and generally a design that made clear what was “mine” and where you could stand.
So what does it mean to create new pathways for God’s shalom? It’s a good question and it’s been a fun and enlightening journey. Meandering this path, however, God began to reveal to me how many paths within myself are not really pathways of shalom. I needed to look inward. I needed to bring my attitudes, my assumptions, my “righteous indignation” before the Lord and listen to that still small voice of God.
God was beginning to reveal those places in my heart and mind which, quite contrary to what I voiced, were obstacles to the flowing of God’s shalom through me. Cultivating pathways of shalom requires internal change. The good news is that we don’t have to figure out all our internal issues before we embark on the external journey.
What are some typical internal barriers to shalom?
Fear: In many ways fear is the root of just about all the other obstacles we face. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of persecution and danger. Fear arising out of past traumatic events. The list goes on and is often crippling. Shalom is the opposite of these fears. In fact, God’s shalom is the antidote to them! One of the key aspects of God’s shalom is flourishing. Fear robs us of our ability to flourish and negatively impacts our ability to work for the flourishing of others.
Take time to honestly sit in God’s presence and ask, “What am I afraid of?” Invite the Holy Spirit to embrace you. Sense God’s love and protection. Imagine the Holy Spirit as God’s protection before and behind, above and below, to your right and to your left, and deep within. Whenever you sense fear beginning to take hold, bring this image of God’s surrounding presence to mind.
Unforgiveness: This bitter root often grows up right in the middle of the pathways we travel, tripping us up again and again. Unforgiveness can be a tough one for some of us. It can be difficult because we know exactly where unforgiveness is lodged in our lives, and we’re still so angry that we do not want to let it go. But it can also be difficult because we see ourselves as forgiving and accepting but at the same time have buried some past hurt deep inside where it festers, only to erupt at very surprising and unexpected times.
Take time to sit with God and ask, “Where is there unforgiveness in my heart?” Invite the Holy Spirit to revisit with you those times of broken trust, hate-filled words, and disagreements and to bring healing. As you pray, imagine Christ standing between you and the one(s) you have not forgiven, inviting you to join hands with them and to begin to walk together down a new road paved with shalom.
Prejudice, racism, and other forms of us vs. them thinking: I like to think of myself as a pretty open and accepting person. But when I really think about my actions and reactions I have to admit that I struggle in certain areas. We don’t need to beat ourselves up about this. What we need to do is to be honest with ourselves and with others and ask God and those around us for help to change.
Here’s the challenging point for most of us. I think the majority of us are really accepting in some areas. This can make us feel proud, or at least self-satisfied, in our openness. Perhaps I’m very accepting of different races and cultures and, since that’s such a hot topic, I feel pretty good about myself. But then maybe when a woman gets up to teach I stop listening, thinking her ideas have less merit than a man’s. I may even not realize I’m doing it! I doubt there’s a person alive that doesn’t have some area of prejudice lurking within their thinking and actions. God would like to bring shalom into these areas and heal us.
We all need to sit before God and listen, asking, “Lord, reveal to me the areas in my life that betray attitudes that separate me from those around me. Show me how shalom remains not fully formed because I have counted others as somehow less deserving, less able, less capable.” Invite the Holy Spirit to tear down the dividing walls within your heart and mind and to nurture love that transcends those things that separate you from others.
Self-doubt and self-hate: Jesus commanded us to love others as we love ourselves. I’ve often been somewhat puzzled by that, since there are times in my life I’ve not loved myself very much. If I loved others the same as I feel about myself that would not be good at all! Self-doubt and self-hate trip us up along the shalom way because we bring into relationships an unhealthy perspective of God’s vision of us.
If my attitude is that God can love you but certainly not me, then my natural expression of that is to not fully enter into healthy relationship with you. I hold back a part of me, that part that I see as broken and unlovable. God’s vision of shalom is that of reconciling all things together in Christ. God’s shalom is for flourishing, healing, and a deep sense of community and belonging that we can have together in Jesus. When I am unable to love myself I exclude myself, and I’m actually refusing to join with the body of Christ. This can have a huge impact, hindering the work of God’s shalom in my family and community.
Take time to sit with God and listen. Ask God to reveal those areas of brokenness and doubt that make you feel unworthy or unacceptable. Invite the Holy Spirit to touch each of these places and bring healing and wholeness.
The Radical shalom of God is intentional. We see this play out throughout God’s story as we read scripture. God has a plan and unfolds that plan with deliberate precision. Then God calls us to walk into that shalom, to integrate it into our lives and to bring it with us into the world. It is now up to us to be intentional about this mission. Shalom is both an inward and an outward journey. Sometimes we travel these pathways of shalom internally, sometime externally, and sometimes both internally and externally at the same time. What does this look like for you? What does this look like for your community? These are questions that lead us to intentionality, to well thought out and deliberate steps to cultivate God’s shalom both within and without.
Next Thursday I’ll explore the external journey of cultivating pathways of shalom. I hope you’ll join me!
This post is part of our October Living Into the Shalom of God series.
by Shelby Selvidge

by Shelby Selvidge
That first month my dog curled at my side as I cried myself to sleep holding your sweater every night until your scent had faded from it. The second month I lay silently in the hammock watching the birds each morning as the tears slid down my cheeks. Seven months have past now and somedays I still grieve.
I lost something when you drove away that day. Our dreams that so perfectly seemed to fit together. The way when you spoke of your ideas it gave me hope that my dreams would come true too. The swing you promised to make me out of the old tree in you backyard. That you would be by my side if I ever decided to visit my Dad whom I have never known. Our dreams of getting married you spoke of with a twinkle in your eye and an excitement that was catchy. My dreams of having a forest wedding and walking down the isle to your loving gaze staring at me. Your promise that we’d marry someday and that ‘everyday you choose me’. Dancing to music when no one was around, water gun fights, sitting by the fire talking for hours, long walks in the park being silly, our favorite crackers and cheese, and all the romantic words that somehow flowed naturally out of your mouth without even trying, and just the way you looked at me and your eyes seemed endlessly full. I lost many things that day but mostly I lost the person I felt truly knew me and understood me, and still loved me. Someone who believed me to be capable of all of my wildest dreams. I lost my best friend, who saw me for who I truly am flaws and all and still believed me to be amazingly beautiful beyond comparison. I lost something that I am not sure I will ever get back.
Whether you have lost some one to death, moving, falling out of touch, divorce, breakup, whatever the cause of the loss of relationship you have lost something and that is hard. Sometimes it may not be someone but something- maybe a loss of childhood, a season, or a piece of yourself. Grief is the natural reaction to loss. And grief can not be rushed, jumped over, skirted under, or walked around. Grief must be walked through and the feeling of the loss must be felt to continue life. Feelings and wounds not dealt with will inhibit us from growth, healthy relationships, new opportunities, and most importantly fully experiencing and dwelling in God’s love. As uncomfortable and time consuming it is “the best way out is always through” as Sarah Dessen wrote in one of her novels in which a young girl was dealing with depression. Her words are true the best way out is always through.
The beautiful part of going through the hurts of loss and sitting with it is God’s grace and goodness amidst those times. He is so gentle and loving towards us. Upon remembering a particularly challenging time I had as a child I asked Jesus to reveal his presence there in that moment to me. I saw him holding my small child body as his wings covered me with his comfort and protection. This is a beautiful image of what God is doing as we go through the pains of grief. He is there with his wings over us and his arms surrounding us with comfort and strength. When I remember God’s goodness in my hardest times I am in awe of the simple yet extraordinary care he took in giving me just what I needed. I challenge you as you go through the loss, grief, and the challenges of this life that you don’t rush it. Sit with it and allow the feelings to come-God won’t allow them to crush you. Give him the opportunity to meet you in those moments of grief. Ask him to reveal his Shalom to you in those moments- what he is doing and what he is speaking.
I leave you with a quote from Andy Raine and then a prayer from Shane Claiborne’s book of Common Prayer.
“Do not hurry as you walk with grief; it does not help the journey. Walk slowly, pausing often: do not hurry as you walk with grief. Be not disturbed by memories that come unbidden. Swiftly forgive; and let Christ speak for your unspoken words. Unfinished conversation will be resolved by him. Be not disturbed. Be gentle with one who walks with grief. If it is you, be gentle with yourself. Swiftly forgive; walk slowly, pausing often. Take time, be gentle as you walk with grief.”
Lord, as the seasons turn, creation teaches us of grief, patience, and renewal. Make us good students of these rhythms that we might not hurry the work of grief but receive the gift of your presence in our time of need. Amen.
This post is part of our October theme Living Into The Shalom of God.
Q&A with Brenda Salter McNeil
You have been tackling reconciliation issues for a long time. What brought about the idea for this particular book, Roadmap to Reconciliation?
Brenda Salter McNeil: This is the book I wish I had as an emerging reconciler. There are many who have been doing this work of reconciliation but don’t have a resource for how to define what it is or how to do it. There is also a growing sense of motivation in the church, but a lack of direction, tools and guidance.
Who is Roadmap to Reconciliation for?
Salter McNeil: This book is for established and emerging leaders in the realm of reconciliation. The divisions in our society across race, class and gender are more substantial than ever, and our world is in desperate need of thoughtful, credible, Spirit-led reconcilers. I see young leaders across our country who have heard the call of God to step into this void, but are consistently frustrated by the lack of viable resources for them to grow and succeed as leaders. My prayer is that Roadmap to Reconciliation will become a gift to those leaders.
What is the main idea you hope to convey to readers?
Salter McNeil: Roadmap to Reconciliation is a one-stop resource to inspire, equip and train an emerging generation of leaders. Reconciliation leaders will walk away from this book with a clearer sense of vision based on a proven model, a deeper theology to teach and lead from, a more coherent language with which to talk about it, a guiding set of principles from which to orient themselves along the journey, numerous real-life examples to be inspired by, and a comprehensive plan for approaching this call from a Christ-centered, missional perspective.
What do you hope readers learn or take away from Roadmap to Reconciliation?
Salter McNeil:
- to inspire those who have heard the voice of God calling them to the ministry of reconciliation to proceed boldly with courage and conviction
- to equip reconcilers by deepening the theological roots for reconciliation while also developing a concrete model with applicable tools for the task ahead
- to frame reconciliation as an ongoing journey, and develop language that can chart progress and name landmarks as reconcilers progress down this path
- to increase the capacity of reconcilers to fuse both personal relationships and structural justice into a comprehensive approach
- to see that reconciliation is a deeply spiritual endeavor, and encourage them as they learn to be led by the Spirit and renewed daily by the power of God
This post is part of our October series Living Into the Shalom of God, and was sponsored by InterVarsity Press.
The garden is the initial core location of God’s presence on earth; this is where God’s presence is first manifest, both in giving instructions to humanity (2:15-17) and in declaring judgement (3:8-19). The garden is thus the link between earth and heaven, at least at the beginning of human history. The implication is that as the human race faithfully tended this garden or cultivated the earth, the garden would spread, until the entire earthly realm was transformed into a fit habitation for humanity. But it would thereby also become a fit habitation for God. Richard Middleton A New Heaven and A New Earth
This last weekend I was in British Columbia at A Rocha, facilitating a seminar on creating hospitality in the garden. I asked participants: How do we create a fit habitation for God? What do we need to do to invite God back into this garden which is our planet earth? Then I asked: How do we create a fit habitation for humanity? In other words how do we create glimpses of a world of shalom in which God once more feels comfortable to walk with humankind and enjoy the beauty and delight of creation.
Part of what I talked about is how our own gardens or homes can become a microcosm in which we create a fitting place for both humanity and God to dwell. Often our actions and advocacy for God’s shalom world are only outside the homes. Bringing these principles into our homes is something we are more hesitant to do. But the challenge of Jesus does not separate private and public spaces. We invite God into all parts of our lives and by inference into all spaces we inhabit.
Creating A Fit Place For God to Dwell.
There are many types of places that invite God’s presence into our homes and gardens. Places for reflection, for prayer, for rest, for celebration and hospitality. What kind of place would you like to create in which to invite the presence of God? Sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Think of your home and/or garden. Where do you think God would feel welcomed and comfortable? Where would God feel uncomfortable.? Why
Now imagine yourself creating a place that you think God would feel both welcomed to and comfortable in. Where would it be? What would it look like? What structures would it incorporate? What senses would it stir? What would its purpose be?
A couple of years ago I wrote a series of posts on creating sacred space in the garden. Those were the foundations out of which I created new areas for meditation and hospitality. I also added a few more plants to stir my senses of touch and taste as well as a water feature with the delightful sound of water over rocks. All of these invite the presence of God into our gardens and our homes and give us a glimpse of the shalom world that God plans to reestablish.
Creating a Fit Place for Humanity to Dwell.
When I think of a fit place for humanity to dwell I think not just of beauty but of abundance and generosity, not just of justice but of fellowship and mutual care. I think of a place without pollution where all have housing, jobs and medical care. The question is how can we create such spaces in our gardens and our homes? Sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed and imagine ways that you can invite others into your garden? Are there new possibilities for hospitality? Sharing of garden produce? Offering housing to the unhoused? In what ways is God inviting you to create a fitting place for humanity to dwell in your own home and garden?
My colleague Andy Wade has helped me with this through his inspiring posts on cultivating hospitality in the front yard and What If: a Garden Meditation which you might like to read as you consider this question. Some of his ideas which capture my imagination are still in the future but it is wonderful to have ongoing inspiration like this to work with.
Over the last couple of years as a result of grappling with these questions I have invited others into my garden in a variety of ways. First I have invited others to come and garden with me and take home some of the produce. And in the last couple of years we have held apple processing days when we sat out in the backyard, cut and peeled apples and then sent everyone how with bags of apples for pies, sauce and more. It is a fun time of fellowship and an opportunity to catch up with friends we have not seen for a while. We also have lots of BBQs and other gatherings at our house and have invited the neighbourhood kids to come and play on the swings in the backyard.
The creation of such a place demands our acceptance of the responsibility God has given us to steward creation, but it is far more than that. It also implies an open handed, open hearted generosity that is willing to take risks.
What do you do to invite God into your garden and your home?
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It’s time for the followers of Jesus to embark on the prophetic journey that leads to reconciliation and transformation around the world. Many of us may already be aware of the need for reconciliation in our own backyard. We understand the realities playing out in our own neighborhood, our school, workplace, political system and culture at large. But a lot of us don’t recognize the prophetic role we can play both at home and abroad. We aren’t yet fully aware of injustices and inequality in our communities, and this understanding and awareness is absolutely essential if we are to be God’s agents of reconciliation. We cannot ignore the plight of the people around us, and as globalization continues its relentless march onward, we cannot turn a blind eye to the world beyond our national borders either. We have to face the realities here at home, and we must also embrace the stories of people all around the world.
There is a growing group of young Christian leaders who long to heed this prophetic call to local and global reconciliation. And many of us have tried desperately over the years to build communities of reconciliation on our own, relying on “trial and error” and a mix of reconciliation models like “embracing cultural diversity” and “tolerance-based education.” But these models haven’t been sustainable in the long run and have left Christian leaders feeling depleted and doubting that we can actually lead people to the kingdom vision of racial, ethnic and gender reconciliation.
We need a clear sense of direction. Where are we going and how will we get there? We can see the inequality and the injustice in our lives and in the world, and we are ready to rise up. But . . . how? How, exactly, do we do this? How, exactly, does one reconcile? What is the process? What are the practical steps? We see the need, and we believe we have been called to reconciliation, but we don’t know how to go about it. We lack the tools, models and practical examples that can show us the way forward. We don’t know where to start or what the process entails. We need a roadmap to guide us through common points of interest and past the social terrain and political boundaries that will arise as we journey together and encounter challenging questions like these:
- How do we reconcile with our next-door neighbor?
- How do we reconcile with our coworkers or the folks at church?
- How do we respond to current events?
- How do we hold differing life experiences in tension?
- How do we embrace diversity in our communities?
- How do we reconcile with laborers in other countries who are being paid an unfair wage to make our clothes? Or the aid workers and missionaries abroad who might be doing more harm than good? How do we reconcile with people in India or Pakistan or Russia whom we have never met but whose lives intersect with ours in ways both big and small through our consumerism and social media?
With more than twenty-five years of consulting experience with churches, colleges and organizations, I’ve been calling people to reconciliation for a long time, but in some ways I’ve been remiss because I haven’t fully explained how to go about it. It’s like telling your kids that they need to make their own dinner when you’ve never taught them how to cook! So I’ve developed a groundbreaking model that I call the Reconciliation Roadmap. Certainly there have been various methods used for reaching harmony before this one, but this approach is a proven process that is based on years of research, practical experience and qualitative data. While I believe it can be applied to all areas of reconciliation, I will focus in this book on the specifics of racial and ethnic reconciliation.
The Reconciliation Roadmap is both individual and systemic. It deals with personal relationships and larger social realities. I’ve used spiritual, psychological, cultural and social strategies to build this model with a practical framework that will help people participate in God’s reconciling work together.
This is the book I always wished I had when working in reconciliation. Much of what I learned about leading people in this process was gained through trial and error. Now I want to share the principles I’ve learned to empower you, the everyday reconciler—the person of God who understands the need for reconciliation and wants to take action. This is also a prophetic call to the church for this time and this unique season. My hope is that this model will illuminate and energize our imagination for what is possible, so together we can create a new reality of reconciliation in various communities around the world.
—Adapted from the Introduction to: Roadmap to Reconciliation: Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness and Justice
This post is part of our October series Living Into the Shalom of God, and was sponsored by InterVarsity Press.
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