photos and writings by June Friesen,
As one ponders this phrase it can bring many things to mind as well as it can cause one to feel many emotions. Life is seasonal yet so often we find ourselves unsettled and maybe even ‘wanting’ for another thing or something else…in the summer one tends to complain about the ‘hot’ days, in the fall there are times one complains about the ‘frost’, in the winter one may complain about the blinding snowstorm/frigid weather and in spring it may be feeling overwhelmed with so much to get done such as preparing for planting and planting itself. The writer of Ecclesiastes took particular time to draw his readers’ attention to ‘time’/’times’ –
Ecclesiastes 3:
3 There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:
2-8 A right time for birth and another for death,
A right time to plant and another to reap,
A right time to kill and another to heal,
A right time to destroy and another to construct,
A right time to cry and another to laugh,
A right time to lament and another to cheer,
A right time to make love and another to abstain,
A right time to embrace and another to part,
A right time to search and another to count your losses,
A right time to hold on and another to let go,
A right time to rip out and another to mend,
A right time to shut up and another to speak up,
A right time to love and another to hate,
A right time to wage war and another to make peace.9-13 But in the end, does it really make a difference what anyone does? I’ve had a good look at what God has given us to do—busywork, mostly. True, God made everything beautiful in itself and in its time—but he’s left us in the dark, so we can never know what God is up to, whether he’s coming or going. I’ve decided that there’s nothing better to do than go ahead and have a good time and get the most we can out of life. That’s it—eat, drink, and make the most of your job. It’s God’s gift.
14 I’ve also concluded that whatever God does, that’s the way it’s going to be, always. No addition, no subtraction. God’s done it and that’s it. That’s so we’ll quit asking questions and simply worship in holy fear.

by June Friesen
I am not sure what phrase/verse may have caught your attention or eye but this time when I read it the last phrase stood out: ‘simply worship in holy fear.’ Ah… to simply worship God… in/with acceptance of what is and/or where I happen to be. How might that change my perspective in life/in my life in particular? Over the many years of my life and experiences, some things have been good, some great, some not so good, and some I even think back on as just not so good at all. However, that being said, I have also learned many years ago that the most important thing that I can do is to remember that God is in charge 24/7, every day, every week, every year so long as I have physical life on this earth. How practical this became in my life goes back to a response to an experience I had 12 years ago hiking in a valley when I stepped off a path to go down to a creek and in the thick underbrush was a branch that snapped. I fell, shattering my ankle. I remember laying back on the ground, looking up through the treetops towards the sun with this prayer, “God, You alone know all that I have to do in the next two months; I am Yours and this situation I give to You. It is now Your problem.” That changed my response to everything, and God did a miraculous healing even though it took some time. At 72 years I now can still run. I have a daily reminder of two scars. On one side the scar appears as praying hands and on the other side a heart.
God, as one ponders the beauty of the harvest time,
One sees the colors change;
While the changing colors are actually preparing for a time of rest –
Rest for several weeks/months, we embrace them with thankful spirits.
We see the sprigs of remaining flowers decorating a few spaces,
Soon to be just empty stalks and then no more.
We see the trees heavy with fruit for harvest,
Some to be enjoyed by humans and some for the animals’ nourishment.
We see the gardens with the last harvests ready of
Potatoes, corn, tomatoes, and more that will be prepared for winter food.
As one ponders with gratitude the four seasons of nature
We too should remember that there are seasons of gratitude in one’s life –
There are times of quiet, stillness –
When God desires that we just ‘be’
As He prepares us for new beginnings and life.
There are times of struggle and maybe even some frustration, maybe even some rebellion…
When God is doing a new beginning, a new growing in our life.
There are times when there is a flourish of activity and so many things/people are calling
And God gives wisdom, strength, and knowledge to share as well as to nurture self and others,
There are times when there is harvesting – seeing others around us bursting forth
With new beginnings, new careers, education plans,
Reaping the benefits of hard work, nurturing received, and now maturation.
And so it is that the seasons will begin all over again
In new ways, with new things, with new people as well as the same people –
In ourself hopefully, we will begin to see that embracing the present season in the moment
Will bring great blessing when the process of life is completed.
Thanks be to God for designing seasons in nature
But also designing seasons of life and giving us the grace and wisdom to live through them.
Amen and amen.
June Friesen 2021
Want to experience more of the awe and wonder that God offers us? Check out the Gift of Wonder Online Retreat by Christine Sine. This retreat allows for 180 days of access for only $39.99 so you can move through the sessions at your own pace.
by Rev Sheila Hamil,
I was reading Luke 5:1-11, in our church’s set reading for today: (020921) when some words jumped out at me. “Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch!”
It took me back to a time when my husband and I were on our first ever, and our only, ‘exotic holiday’, following our retirement. We were both snorkelling on a coral reef in the sunshine, amazed at finding such a wonderful variety of fish beneath the surface of the water, and it was all so exciting, so colourful; a brand new experience for us both.
One morning though, I became adventurous, and I decided to move on out from the reef into deep water! I glided into a brand new world, out in the blue beyond, and I entered a totally surreal environment. At first I was elated. I had the strangest sensation that I was taking off from a cliff in slow motion, out into nothingness, all stretched out and soaring, wonderfully supported by the vast water beneath me.
It was so freeing and exhilarating!
The experience didn’t last very long though, because all of a sudden, I became aware that I had left the warm shallow waters behind me, and was entering a noiseless expanse where I felt a sudden chill on my skin. My entire body had become cold, and I began to feel afraid. After all, what strange creatures were lurking in the shadows? I turned myself round, and immediately headed straight back to where I felt safe and warm, and where everything was familiar once more.
In our reading, ‘the deep’ is where Jesus says his fish are to be found, way out there, not in the shallows; in other words not in the safety of our homes or churches, but in the world outside.
During lockdown we’ve grown accustomed to the comfort and protection of worship at home, by way of Zoom or by streaming in real time, where absolutely nothing is demanded of us. All we’ve had to do is switch on the power, click onto the given link, look in and worship.
Perhaps it’s time to consider going out once more, where it isn’t comfortable, where it doesn’t feel safe, and where bigger challenges lurk menacingly like unknown monsters from the deep. But to be able to become fishers of people, we need to do it together, supporting one another, and in fellowship with others. Jesus calls us not to remain forever in the warm shallows of our own existence, but to get out there where the poor, the needy, the lonely, and the exile are already enveloped in the chill waters. Perhaps we’re being called again to swim alongside them. (But let’s not forget to put our protective masks on though!)
There’s a saying:
‘Ships are safe in the harbour, but that’s not what ships are for!”
The song above ‘Stir into Flame’ was inspired by 2 Timothy Chapter 1:6
More music videos on:-
Feature photo by SGR on Unsplash
The Spirituality of Gardening Online Course is available for 180 days of access for only $39.99. This interactive course includes video sessions with Christine Sine as well as 8 other guest gardeners. Visit our store page for more information.
Book release post for Jeannie Kendall,
Jeannie Kendall explores the value of tears in the Bible and in our lives today in her new book Held in Your Bottle publishing this September with Authentic Media.
There are a myriad of tears shed by various characters in the Bible. What might we learn from them about what it means to be fully human?
Whether we are crying tears of regret, loss, gratitude, or anger, the Bible says that God holds them all in his bottle. We can draw comfort from the fact that no tear goes unseen by him. Jeannie Kendall explores a rich variety of emotions in her new book Held in Your Bottle. Modern-day testimonies are related alongside a retelling of a relevant Bible character’s experience of the same emotion, and then honest and insightful reflections help us understand the issues raised.
‘Our emotions are as God-created as our bodies and minds. As such they are to be celebrated, not feared or suppressed.’
The book’s inspiration came from an unlikely source: Jeannie saw a collection of photos of tears taken under a microscope from Rose-Lynn Fisher that showed that tears cried in various circumstances looked very different. ‘Looking at the extraordinary variety started me thinking about my own journey with tears as well as the wider complexity we share as people.’
The title comes from Psalm 56:8, which in some translations reads that God has collected our tears in a bottle. Jeannie says, ‘It has been my privilege in my previous roles as a counsellor and then minister to be with people who are deeply distressed and I have sometimes quoted the verse to them, as a way of helping them see their tears are not something to be ashamed of, but rather are precious to God.’
Jeannie’s own relationship with tears has by her own admission been ‘ambivalent’ in the past, mainly due to her upbringing, when it was just not the ‘done thing’ to cry. Learning to be more in tune with her emotions brings an authenticity to the book. What Jeannie has come to realise is that tears are both important for our wellbeing and to God. She says ‘Sitting on my emotions has never done me any favours, and I don’t think that is unique to me! I truly believe Jesus was the most truly emotional person who ever lived, because his emotions were as God intended. He cried – sobbed – at times, as I explore in the book. Learning to recognise and express our feelings in an appropriate way and a safe setting, including with tears, is part of God’s salvation – wholeness – and because he loves us so completely our emotions and tears really matter to him, so much so he collects each tear.’
Jeannie Kendall hopes that readers will find new ways to look at the Bible stories, learn more about their emotional lives, but above all, find out more about how much God understands and loves each one of us.
Held in Your Bottle will enable you to look at the Bible in a fresh way and help you better accept and understand your emotional life.
Bio for Jeannie Kendall
JEANNIE KENDALL is a Baptist minister, who has served in two churches and has extensive experience working within a pastoral and counselling setting. She is a former Spurgeon’s College president and currently teaches on the Pastoral Supervision course.
Held in Your Bottle: Exploring the Value of Tears in the Bible and in Our Lives Today by Jeannie Kendall was published on 10th September by Authentic Media, 9781788931717, £9.99, PB.
Join us on September 29th at 9am PST for the Facebook Live session with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin. The recording will be available on YouTube later today if you cannot join live.
by Christine Sine,
I am so enjoying getting ready for our upcoming retreat Gearing Up For a Season of Gratitude. What a wonderful preparation for my upcoming season of gratitude. As many of you know, ever since the year I celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada at the beginning of October, and American Thanksgiving at the end of November, I designate October and November as my gratitude months and I feel it should become a permanent season on the liturgical calendar. This year, I feel I need the season more than ever. The ongoing challenge of COVID, the impact of Hurricane Ida, the horrors of Afghanistan, and the struggles with racism and economic inequality weigh heavily on all of us. The practice of gratitude, interwoven with wonder, is one of the tools we all need to cope with the exhaustion and looming burnout that besets us.
Diana Butler Bass’s book, Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks continues to inspire me. As I mentioned in last week’s Meditation Monday, she helped me realize that one reason it is difficult for us to establish gratitude practices that stick is that we do not fully understand what gratitude is. She explains that gratitude involves both emotion and ethics (moral principles). We feel grateful when we see something beautiful or receive unexpected gifts from someone – that is definitely emotion. Writing a thank you note to show we appreciate the gift is a choice, an ethical decision that comes from our belief that thank you notes matter.
Most of us, she points out, have a distorted view of gratitude emphasizing only one aspect, usually relegating it to feel good emotions that come and go in our lives. It is this confusion that makes it so difficult for us to choose to practice gratitude as a way of life. When we get depressed or anxious or stressed, we are less likely to feel gratitude as an emotion.
Gratitude is not only the emotional response to random experiences, but even in the darkest times of life, gratitude waits to be seen, recognized and acted upon more thoughtfully and with a sense of purpose. Gratitude is a feeling, but it is also more than that. And it is much more than a spiritual technique to achieve peace of mind or prosperity. Gratitude is a habit of awareness that reshapes our self-understanding and the moral choices we make the world.” (Grateful, 60)
Don’t you love that? Gratitude is a habit of awareness that reshapes our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In other words, we can choose to be grateful people and establish practices that develop it into a lifelong habit. In the process, we become happier, healthier, and less stressed people. Gratitude as a way of life is, I think, an essential tool to help us overcome burnout.
Many of us, myself included, tried keeping gratitude journals that lasted a week and then got discarded. To be honest, making a list of things I am grateful for just did not seem to resonate with me, but I knew I needed something as well as my awe and wonder walks to help anchor me through this challenging season. Years ago, I read that there are three simple steps to make a routine into a lifelong practice: “Keep it simple, make it meaningful, stick to it”. Still good advice that certainly stood me in good stead as I developed my new practice.
Hopefully, my gratitude practice will help you too:
Gratitude Practice:
When I wake up in the morning I make a cup of tea and sit quietly in my sacred space for a few minutes enjoying the early morning sounds and sights. I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths in and out, and recite what became my morning mantra:
Thank you God for the gift of life
A wondrous gift so freely given.
I continue to sit quietly with eyes closed, breathing slowly in and out, receiving that gift, and allowing the wonder of it to sink down deep into my soul. Sometimes a list of gratitudes flows out – thankfulness for breath, sight, a warm house, thankfulness for a loving husband, a silly dog, and food on the table each day. Some days the list seems endless. On others, nothing comes to mind and I sit content in the presence of God knowing that if nothing else, the gift of life provides me with the opportunity to appreciate the glory of God and the wonder of the world in which I live.
When I sense my time of quiet contemplation is over, I open my eyes ready for the day. Then, if I feel prompted, I jot down what I felt thankful for that morning and end with the words:
Thank you God for you.
A simple mantra like this does a lot to shift our thoughts from negative to positive. When we begin the day with gratitude, not only does our stress lift, but we are able to see the silver lining in clouds throughout the day. So I hope you will try this practice or something similar to begin your day and ward off the burnout that is hanging over us. Notice in this prayer that I wrote as a response a couple of days ago that my gratitude that welled up was not for what I have but rather for God and God’s wonderful image within me.
Thank you God for the gift of life,
A wondrous gift so freely given,
A gift of breath, and sight and movement.
Of light, and awe and beauty.
Thank you God for the gift of love,
For the joy of waking each morning
To the delight of new opportunity.
Thank you for the gift to see the world
More fully and deeply as you do
To become more aware of what is
And be grateful for what is now
To notice the unnoticed, unappreciated, disregarded.
To encourage what pushes forward not what holds me back,
To respond to the inner voice of the Spirit
Unveiling the goodness of God in my life and in our world.
Register and pay to join us for this virtual retreat experience with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin on September 25, 2021 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm PST. Check out our new sliding scale payment options. For more details, click on the image below.
A contemplative service with music in the spirit of Taize from St Andrews Episcopal Church Seattle. Carrie Grace Littauer, prayer leader, with music by Kester Limner and Andy Myers.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-710-756 with additional notes below:
“L’ajuda Em Vindra (I Lift up my Eyes to the Hills)” and “Surrexit Christus” are songs from the ecumenical Taize community in France. Copyright and all rights reserved by GIA/Les Presses de Taizé.
“On Christ the Solid Rock” is a Christian hymn in the public domain. Arrangement and additional verse by Kester Limner shared under the Creative Commons License, Attribution (CC-BY).
“Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord)” is a traditional Black American Spiritual. Folk arrangement by Kester Limner, shared under the Creative Commons license, attribution (CC-BY).
“Kyrie for September 12, 2021” – text and music by Kester Limner, shared under the Creative Commons License, Attribution (CC-BY).
Thank you for praying with us!
by Diane Woodrow,
The 11th September 2001 is a day that everyone over about 25 can say where they were and how those around them reacted. Yes, it was a day that changed the world. Iconic? That depends on how you use the word. From the destruction of the Twin Towers and the other plane attacks, terrorism came to America. From that one day, major government decisions were put in place which has led to the culmination of millions of Afghans now needing to be housed in safer parts of the world.
Terrorism was not a new thing. Many countries had endured it for centuries. Here in the UK, we had learned to live with the uncertainties of bombings by the IRA in our city centres. But I think it was the cunningness, the planning, the audacity, determination, tenacity, single focus, and utter belief in their cause that shocked so many. These men learned to pilot those specific planes with that specific airline so that on their maiden flight they took not only their own lives but the lives of many, many others.
For Christians, we talk of living for a higher purpose but, especially in the West, how often do we? We may get reprimanded for praying in our schools, hospitals, etc, which we moan about, put a post on social media, but are very rarely willing to, or even asked to, die for. Suddenly on 11th September 2001, we were confronted by a group of radical people who not only talked that talk but walked it too. Here were a people group who would literally stop at nothing, including the loss of their own lives, to achieve what they saw as a higher goal.
Twenty years on, we are still reeling from it. Still feeling the effects of it. I believe it is because of the Western government’s decisions back in September 2001 which has led to the collective need in the West to help the refugees from Afghanistan. A need unlike anything that has been felt for those fleeing African countries, South American countries, Middle Eastern countries. Very much like when the Twin Towers were hit people were shocked at the numbers who died but more died in poverty across the world, from AIDS-related illnesses, from abuse, on that one day than in the Twin Towers attack, and yet the focus was on the terrorists rather than the things that we could help with.
Over these last 18 months, we have had to face another unseen enemy – the coronavirus. We are not sure where it is or how it moves. We neither see it nor feel it until it is too late. Also, as with many issues in the rest of the world, if it doesn’t affect us and those we are close to then we want to pretend it does not exist and to be able to carry on as normal and let “them” deal with it. We only react then when it touches one of those we love when it hits home. This was the same twenty years ago. Terror attacks across the world did get a mention in the media but not for a prolonged period and did not have the same gut reaction as the Twin Towers. They were acts that happened “over there” not on our doorstep. We would only really hear of events if there was a Western person, someone of our nationality, affected by it. So like we are now with Covid-19.
To me with these two unseen things – terrorists who are willing to die for their cause and the coronavirus that keeps morphing so it can live – we have learned so little about ourselves. We are still only focused on what changes the lives of those we love and those we care for.
I remember one of the things said by the media after 9/11 was that the planes were aimed at the Twin Towers because they represented Western economy. I think God was trying to tell us all something then about our greed and fears, and how we view our resources, what we in the West saw as “enough”. I think with this pandemic, God has once again highlighted our global economy and how much is lacking in our care for others – something the group involved with the 9/11 atrocity felt a dramatic need to highlight. It has been the less developed nations that have lost most during this pandemic and yet it has been in the West that people have bemoaned many things we have got used to seeing a right not a privilege.
The questions arise again and again – are we willing to change? Are we willing to love all people whether they hurt us or not? Godspace’s focus at the moment is about the “new season.” Are we willing to move into a new season in how we view the world and realise how connected we are? My spending decisions affect someone in the Taliban as much as it affects someone in London, New York, the Philippines, etc.
So my prayers today, 11th September 2021, are that as we remember the loss of life at Ground Zero, and in the other attacks, we remember the immense bravery of the emergency services that day and the days following, the lives and livelihoods lost by so many connected with 9/11. I will also pray that we remember the loss of life – and livelihoods – of those from Covid-19, and also the immense bravery of the health services and other emergency services and support workers around the world over this time. I also pray that all of us, including myself, realise how much is “enough” and let go of our fears of sharing our “more than enough” with others – whether that be time, money, resources, but most especially our love and understanding. As one of my Youthshedz young people said, we cannot meet shame with shame. We cannot meet fear with fear and as Jesus said we cannot meet violence with violence.
So I pray we will let go of our fear of others and our fears of not having enough and share and share and share. And that with our sharing we can bring peace to a hurting world.
[There are many more blogs on this site that can signpost how to share and support those we do not have as much as we do]
Embark on this healing journey with Christine Sine, Lilly Lewin, and Bethany Dearborn Hiser with the Time to Heal Online Course. Each session is lead by one of our instructors and allows you 180 days of access for only $39.99. The goal of this course is to provide time, space, and tools to work toward healing.
I get inspired to pray by what I see sitting around in my kitchen….the apples were leftover from our thinplaceNASHVILLE Rosh Hashana celebration.
Last night, I walked the dog while wearing a sweatshirt.
It’s been cool and less humid in the mornings… glimpses of fall.
Glimpses that give me hope.
Last night, Rosh Hashanah ended.
The birth of a new year!
Another sign of hope!
Apples and Honey tasted.
Prayers to receive the sweetness of the New Year and the New Season!
Blessings of Fall!
Yet, in the shadows, not far away
lurks the pandemic.
Still here. Still raging.
Still stressful and exhausting.
It’s not easy to exist in two worlds at once. When people suffer because others are afraid.
Yet… there is hope.
Apples and Honey.
even in these days of uncertainty.
Hope …
even when we do not understand the ways of others.
Lord, give us ears to hear and eyes to see! Help us to see as you see… with eyes of compassion. Help us love as you love, even those we disagree with. Help us to believe and have hope! Help us receive this new season and this fresh start. Amen
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish high holiday, also known as the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23: 23-35 and Nehemiah 8:10-11) This is the Jewish New Year celebrating the sovereignty, faithfulness, and presence of God.
Rosh Hashanah is a time to confess our sins and start with a clean slate. We get a fresh start. A time to remember and look forward to the New Season with hope!
And if you are like me, we can all use a FRESH START!
What do you look forward to in this NEW SEASON? With God, your family, friends, work, etc.
Talk to Jesus about where you are and what you are dreaming about for this NEW season.

apples and honey
PRAYER PRACTICE: One of the traditions of Rosh Hashanah is eating apples and honey as a symbol of the newness and sweetness of the new year. Gather an apple and some honey. Slice up the apple and dip it in the honey and talk to Jesus about the things you’d like to see in your NEW YEAR, in this new season! You can do this as a family, with your housemates, small group, or entire church community.
As you eat your apples and dip them in the honey… if doing this as a group prayer practice, you can have everyone pause and pray/consider between bites of apple.
What Sweetness do you want Jesus to pour into your life?
What new flavor do you need in this new season ahead? Ask Jesus to show you.
What do you need Jesus to make BRAND NEW for you? Talk to him about this.
Each time you eat an apple this week or use honey in your tea or on your toast, use this as a reminder to practice gratitude and be grateful for all the sweet things God is doing in your life. Ask Jesus to remind you of the sweetness of his love and give you hope as you taste the sweetness of the apple and/or honey.
To learn more about Rosh Hashanah watch this…
©lillylewin and
Want to experience more of the awe and wonder that God offers us? Check out the Gift of Wonder Online Retreat by Christine Sine. This retreat allows for 180 days of access for only $39.99 so you can move through the sessions at your own pace.
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