As Sand Through the Hourglass

by Christine Sine

— Andy Wade — kickstarter campaign ends Wednesday, 7:19 AM, PDT and we’re down to the final $585!  Here’s where your contribution, no matter the amount, can really make a difference.

Even if you’ve already given, you can still click on the link and “Manage Your Pledge” to increase your amount by $5, $10, or whatever you want!

I’m so excited about this new direction I just upped my donation to help us meet this goal.

I know, I work for Mustard Seed Associates so I have a personal interest in the kickstarter’s success. But it’s more than that. Over the years I’ve been inspired and nurtured by Christine and Tom’s writings. They have challenged me in areas I needed to be challenged, and encouraged and comforted me in times where that’s what I needed. Encountering these important resources in a new way and on a deeper level is an exciting prospect!

We are also expanding our resources and moving into new areas with new authors and areas of expertise. We want to make sure all of these tools are available in a variety of ways to meet the needs of those who want to use them.

With “associates” spread out across the globe, we’re also keenly aware of those who aren’t able to attend one of our workshops or retreats in the Pacific Northwest, and many churches and organizations don’t have the resources to have us visit. Online access is a wonderful alternative!

buttonSo please, contribute today. Give a little, give a lot, or up the ante! Your mustard seeds will be planted in fertile soil and well tended for a bountiful harvest!

Andy Wade is a staff writer and web & communications guy at Mustard Seed Associates. He is an ordained in the Mennonite Church, having pastored in the Seattle area and in Hong Kong, where he and his wife, Susan, served with Mennonite Mission Network for 12 years.

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