A New Year’s Prayer for 2016

by Christine Sine

New year's prayer.001

by Christine Sine

Yesterday I blogged about 3 new habits for 2016.  As I reflected on that this morning I realized I wanted my new year’s prayer for 2016 to reflect that as well. A little positive reinforcement is one way to inculcate new habits into our lives. Through gratitude, hope and joy I want to see the new life of God emerge in and around me this year in new ways and I want to do what I can to make it happen.

It is not by accident that my metaphors here are gardening ones. As the new year dawns I start to think about the garden and what I want to plant and nurture into life.

I know my dreams and hopes will be bigger than my ability to fulfill them but their inspiration will give birth to a new and nourishing garden – just as I hope this prayer will too.

What are you hoping for in 2016?

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Mark Salmon December 31, 2015 - 3:01 am

or possibly:

Child, as this New Year dawns,
Welcome into my world
And into my life.
Let me sow light into your hearts,
There, let it germinate and grow
And bring forth fruit,
Let me birth in you something new,
allow my peace to take root,
Nurture it,
Encourage it to flourish.
Let my love blossom
With the fragrance
Of patience and compassion.
Let it strengthen
Forgiveness and understanding
Let my life be expressed
In you, through you, around you,
Bringing newness to all it touches.

Christine Sine December 31, 2015 - 6:37 am

Thanks Mark – I appreciate your version – we are also celebrating Jesus’ naming day and continue to celebrate Christmas and his birth too. Blessings on you this Christmas/New year season.

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