Water; A Poem

by Christine Sine
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by Ana Lisa de Jong

I think I remember last time,
you didn’t hear my prayer,

so I hesitate to trust.

Sometimes, when we have done
all we can,

we need you to carry the rest,
without spilling a drop.

But sometimes, even you,
let it overflow.

And so I ask,
what are the odds this time

that I can bend you
to my will?

And yours, is just too large
a pattern to discern.

But I will try to pray,
trusting you will hear.

My friend reminds me of
a glass half full,

that half full is enough.

Perhaps the best prayer in the end
is trust.

And a half full glass
will not spill a drop,

though we might pray
for water to the rim.

Ana Lisa de Jong
Living Tree Poetry
January 2020

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1 comment

Maren October 8, 2020 - 3:50 am

This is a perfect prayer-poem for me today … I don’t have to put that cup in the drainer just because it is half-full.

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