Top Ten Tuesday – Creative Prayer and Practices in Ordinary Living

by Christine Sine


top.10.tuesdaysOver the years on both Godspace and our legacy blog on Mustard Seed Associates, we’ve explored creative ways to pray and creative spiritual practices. This week’s top ten list is a collection of these posts. Some of these are from a “Spiritual Practices” series on Godspace.

As I re-read these posts I realized how so much of spiritual practice is really a form of prayer. A big part of why we get into prayer ruts is that we narrow our understanding of what prayer is. We need to expand our vision and explore our imaginations. Prayer is a conversation with God. Starting from that basic premise our avenues into prayer are nearly limitless.

As you explore these posts you’ll see that I’ve chosen a wide variety of spiritual practices. Not all of these have obvious connections to creative prayer, but sit with them. What avenues to new forms of prayer open up to you as you read these posts? You might consider keeping a notepad nearby and jotting down ideas for new ways to pray as you explore the possibilities. Try something new… then share your experience!

  1. The Spirituality of the Long Distance Runner, Steven Fouch
  2. Spiritual Practices for Sitting in Front of the Screen, Lynne Baab
  3. Thirsting for Coffee with God, Richard Dahlstrom
  4. Creating an Advent Prayer Garden, Christine Sine
  5. The Spiritual Practice of Taking a Shower, Maryellen Young
  6. The Spirituality of Drinking Chinese Tea, Andy Wade
  7. Washing Dishes as a Spiritual Practice, Tim Dyer / Dan Cooper
  8. Is Breathing a Spiritual Practice?, Christine Sine
  9. Coloring as a Spiritual Practice, Danielle Grubb Shroyer

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