by Christine Sine
Today I am looking out on a beautiful warm and sunny Seattle day, and I am hoping that the weather will continue warm long enough for our tomatoes to ripen. However I know that change is in the air. In a few short weeks summer’s splendour will give way to autumn’s vibrant colours. In the southern hemisphere, spring is on the horizon and I am very much looking forward to my glimpse of wattle and waratahs and grevillia when we head to Australia at the end of October.

Tomatoes of every color
New Theme on Godspace
On Godspace things are changing too. It is time for a new theme. Our Read Life Differently has provided many inspiring insights and ideas and I appreciate all who have contributed over the last couple of months, with posts, comments and their own experiences of different perspectives and understandings. I have even changed some of my own practices as a result, shedding my shoes and walking barefoot (not quite game enough to try Andy Wade’s idea of a barefoot walk round the neighborhood though). In Ucluelet on the west coast of Vancouver Island my beach combing adventures gained new significance as I gathered shells and sand dollars and pebbles. I would love to hear how it has changed your thinking, or if it has created a new practice for you too.
What does your soul long to do?, will be our theme for the next few months, a question that I feel requires soul nurture and discernment to answer. I am collating a new reading list on discernment and will start exploring this theme in more depth in the next couple of weeks. When the seasons change we need to change to so it seems an appropriate topic for times and people in transition.
Apologies Needed
We were just made aware this week that the store purchases have not been going through because of changes to Woo Commerce’s shipping requirements. Don’t you hate it when that kind of thing happens and no one lets you know? Anyhow we think we have it fixed now. So here are the link to the different card sets that some of you have been trying to order and please, please, please, if you have problems email us at and let us know.
Don’t forget to browse through for other options. All are available for discounted prices in bulk or as downloads – great for keeping on your smart phone when you travel.
And keep your eyes open for the new set of Advent & Christmas cards coming soon. I am really excited about these and hope you will be too.

On the go spiritual kit
On The Move.
I am getting ready for a busy travel schedule in the next few months, part of the reason for the travel kit I put together a couple of weeks ago. :
September 4-9 in Cinncinati
Thursday 5th 3-5pm at The Hive
Friday & Saturday 6 & 7 at Conspire
Sunday 8th with Mandy Smith at University Christian Church. We are going to have a fun time with creativity, making finger labyrinths and reflecting on our experience.
These are all open events so if you live in the Cincinnati area please come and join us
September 28th – ECW St Albans Seattle
October 4-6 Chicago
Friday evening 4th – The Perch
Saturday 5th & Sunday Morning with Mandy Olson at Grace Covenant
Cedar Park Church Ladner B.C. October 20th
Australia October 29-November 20th
Though this trip is mainly to visit family I have accepted a couple of invitations in relation to The Gift of Wonder
Sydney November 5th (evening)
Melbourne November 9 & 10
Newcastle November 16th.
Coming Up In 2020
Denver January 11th
L.A. and San Diego February 14-21
New Brunswick Canada May 2020.
There are several other events in the works to keep your eyes and ears open and if you are interested in facilitating an event let me know.
I really appreciate your prayers for this coming busy season.