Thank you, Godspace!

by Christine Sine
Thank You Godspace

by Lisa DeRosa,

Today’s post is bittersweet at best! I have finished my work at Godspace as Daniel and I move to California in a couple of weeks. While I am sad to say goodbye to helping Christine facilitate, create, and edit all that is Godspace, my heart is full of gratitude for this incredible opportunity! I am blessed by the writers and am inspired by their work. There were moments that I knew I received the post at the right time to be able to connect with God in that exact moment. I hope you experienced that with the posts on Godspace as well.

This community of writers is unique, gifted, and truly points me to Jesus. The encouragement and support I received for the work that I did were just beyond what I experienced in other workplaces. Though we communicate over email and the occasional Zoom call, I feel closer to them than folks that I physically worked with in office buildings of my past. Thank you to each individual writer that touched my heart and helped to draw me closer to Jesus. I am eternally grateful and will miss working with you!

My greatest thanks and gratitude goes out to Christine and Tom Sine who not only allowed me to work with them over the last 2+ years, but provided an amazing home and community for us while we lived in Seattle. We plan to carry the legacy of hospitality and spiritual practices that we learned with us to our family and friends in California. Not to mention some yummy recipes and gardening tips! There are so many things that I will miss about our time together, but I hold the memories near and dear to my heart. I could not ask for a better work environment of WiFi that reaches outside in the beautiful garden, coffee and tea prepared for me by the hospitable Christine, and countless hours of petting Goldie (the Sine’s golden retriever) while editing posts. Many, many blessings! I could go on and on, but like the acceptance speeches during award ceremonies, the music comes on and it is time for me to end.

Thank you, all, for the gift that Godspace is and continues to be as it provides ways to love God, love people, and love creation more and more each day.

The Spirituality of Gardening Online Course is available for 180 days of access for only $39.99. This interactive course includes video sessions with Christine Sine as well as 8 other guest gardeners. Visit our store page for more information.

Spirituality of Gardening Online Course

Facebook Live Gearing Up Wonder of Advent 4 2

Join Christine and Lilly for the next session of Facebook Live on Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 at 9am PT. If you are not able to join live, you can check out the recording on YouTube later.

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