Say Goodbye to Uncertainty

by Christine Sine

by Sheila Hamil – Guest post

Why not come with us on our morning walk today around the Rising Sun Country Park, by way of a virtual tour on this video.

We usually wake up quite early. There are very few people around then, everything seems so fresh, and there’s more chance of seeing wildlife then. But you know the hardest part of our daily walk is probably taking the first step to get going.

It’s like this when a person is very low in spirit or depressed. The first step back on the road to recovery, is the hardest one too. When you’re depressed you feel like you’re the only one who is, and there’s no way out of the dark tunnel. But the truth is that many people feel, or have felt, this way, I know I have. It takes courage, to take that first step back on the road, and there is a light at the end of that tunnel! Hang in there.

Our song today is another one written and sung by our friend Steve Metcalf, who agreed to share the story behind his song, and how he struggled to find his way back to health and strength again.

Steve writes:

It’s strange reading the words for Say Goodbye To Uncertainty, it reminds me of how close to the edge I was with my mental health at the time. My father passed away in Dec 1997 and Mam was in a nursing home with dementia and at the same time we had a struggling business as the majority of our customers were coal miners and the mines were closing left right and centre. In 1999 we had had enough and decided to close the business and effectively make ourselves redundant. In a nut shell I said goodbye to my dad, I was watching my mother deteriorate, I’d had to put their little dog to sleep, and close the family business. How did I cope? Music and the folk clubs was the answer. Pouring my thoughts and feelings into songs and then listening to the audience singing along to them was the best therapy I think anyone could wish for. ‘Say Goodbye to Uncertainty’ came to me when I got a job, and so the pressure of feeding the family and paying the mortgage was taken away, and as the last verse says “My heads up now and I’m staring at the clouds there’s no one there to get in my way.”

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1 comment

Darlene Little July 22, 2020 - 11:18 am

This was exactly what I needed today. I have been feeling blocked, like something is between me and the rest of the universe. Taking the first step, resonates so much.

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