Rest Points; A Poem

by Christine Sine
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by Ana Lisa de Jong

I’m going to tell you a little secret,
a little hard-learned truth,
gained upon through long labour,
and an endless broken walk.

I’m going to tell you a whisper,
a revelation to the heart,
of an ease you cannot discover
but for the pain of the path.

Do not torture yourself.
We don’t come to ourselves
through failed works, but
through a kindness that turns in on itself.

There is no more proof required.
We are – in our shambling states –
circling for higher footholds –

right here in the midst of ourselves.

There, in our earnest quest for
betterment, for earning mercy,
is a place we had from the start,
deep inside, marked for rest.

It never disappeared,
we were always worthy of it –
just didn’t know of it,
without the winding road

ahead, behind.

Ana Lisa de Jong
Living Tree Poetry
May 2020

You have burrowed deep into Me, child, into My peace. Deep, deep, deeper still to go. I lead you on always into even greater peace. Peace in any and every situation. Undisturbed, untroubled, well-being. That is where I want you to live your life, deep in the peace with Me.

“And He said to her, Daughter, your faith has made you well! Go (enter) into peace (untroubled, undisturbed, well-being).”
Luke 8:48

~ Pamela Steinke

In Duality, there is choice and exclusion. In Trinity, there is balance, flow, and harmony.
Duality is the realm of fallen mankind. Trinity is the realm of our spiritual revival, renewal, and restoration in Our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All spirituality is incarnational, transforming us from the inside out and from the bottom up.

~ Bob Holmes

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