Preparation for Pentecost and Beyond

by Melissa Taft
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Hard to believe it, but Easter Season is almost over! Ascension Day is just around the corner, and in a little over two weeks, Pentecost Sunday will be here. If you are not ready to let go of Easter Season, you may want to check out this free resource by Christine Sine – A Journey into God’s Resurrection-created World: A Celebration of the Easter Season.

Many of you are already preparing for Pentecost, or looking beyond Ordinary Times. You can find resources for Ascension Day, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and more on our Pentecost & Ordinary Time Resource Page. For example, just recently we updated our Resources for Pentecost post for 2022! If you are looking for a liturgy, you might enjoy this Pentecost Liturgy by John Birch. Perhaps you are looking for personal inspiration; you may enjoy one of many poems we have such as this Ascension Day poem by Rowan Wyatt, or this reflection on Making Space for Pentecost by Lilly Lewin.

If you aren’t sure what Ordinary Times is all about, we suggest starting with this post Introduction to the Liturgical Calendar -a fabulous resource list. However you choose to embrace the last few weeks of Easter Season and the coming shift, we hope we be a resource and blessing to you.

Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash

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