Prayers for the Journey Through Lent

by Christine Sine

Tom and I are just back from our quarterly retreat and I just realized I have not posted a Lenten reflection for the day. So I hope you will all forgive me if I just posts the Lenten prayers that have been added to Light for the Journey over the last week. So many of them carry a sense of our pilgrimage towards the Cross that it seemed an appropriate addition to our Lenten reflections.

God forgive us

God we were blind but you open our eyes,
To see your glory revealed,
The wonder of your Son Jesus Christ
Who died and rose again to lead us into life.
God we were deaf but you unstopped our ears,
To hear the power of your resurrection story,
Renewal, transformation and redemption in Christ.
God we were dumb but you set free our tongues,
To rejoice and sing with all the hosts of heaven,
Holy, holy, holy is the one
Who transfigures the world with the spirit of life.


Lord Jesus Christ we worship you today.
You who are a king like no other,
We give you praise.
Born as a human child,
Raised as a refugee,
Friend of prostitutes and the marginalized.
Not seeking power and privilege,
but willing to walk the path of suffering,
To die the death of shame,
Upon a cross, crowned with thorns.
A servant king washing feet, embracing kids,
A loving God,
holding close when we stumble,
A caring and forgiving saviour,
Transforming, renewing, making all things whole,
We stand in awe of you
And give you thanks.


Let God sweep you up into the eternal embrace today,
Let the Son drench you with the presence of the Holy One,
Let the Spirit fill you with the life of the all loving One.
Be graced with the forgiveness of God,
Assured of the redemption of the risen Christ,
Trusting in the infilling of the Spirit.
Remember the gft of God’s Son and give thanks.


You do not give up on us
though we might wander far,
you do not give up on us
but love us as we are
you do not give up on us
but died that we might know
you do not give up on us
because you love us so.

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