Prayers for the Journey

by Christine Sine

Lord I thought I should arise

Life is full of sacred moments
waiting to be explored.
Whispers of love,
Spaces of solitude,
Fragrance breathing prayer.
May we uncover them,
rejoice in them,
walk in their life giving light.
And find in them the glory of God,
which shines over all the earth.

Christine Sine

I sometimes wonder if it’s easier to write prayers of adoration when the sun is shining, and those of confession when the clouds gather. No guesses as to the weather forecast in Wales for today!

For the love that you have shown us
since the moment of our birth
and the path you open for us
as your servants here on earth.
For the footsteps that we follow,
and your words that we shall say
as seed that we shall scatter
as we walk this chosen way.
For the harvest you shall gather
on that great and glorious day,
O Lord to you we offer
this our sacrifice of praise

We celebrate the God of light,
who is the source of all warmth, direction and hope
We have been embraced in Your love,
restored in Your grace,
and welcomed into the fellowship of Your people.
You are the One in whom there is no shadow of turning;
Who walks with us through moments of uncertainty,
aiding our steps, and reassuring us of Your promise.

Read the entire prayer:

Forgive us, Lord,
when we forget,
struggling in darkness,
searching for answers,
relying on our own strength
and falling down again.
Remind us, Lord,
you are the strength
on whom we can call,
the power to endure,
the answer we seek,
the one in whose arms
we can safely rest.
Forgive us, Lord
when we forget.


Lord Thank you for creating beauty from fallen things



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Thomas Fortier June 10, 2013 - 3:06 am

And thank you for knowing these prayers and sharing them

Christine Sine June 10, 2013 - 3:38 pm

Your welcome

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