by Christine Sine
A couple of weeks ago in my post A New Song for a New Day, I talked about how the COVID-19 lockdown has changed my morning routine so that I no longer start with gratitude but with hallowing of the name of God. It is this that has written a new name on my heart. My devotional time now extends from a time of contemplation, through my awe and wonder walk to a time of gratitude and prayer at the breakfast table. It is the awe and wonder walks particularly that have become the mainstay of my spiritual life during this time. They give me peace in the midst of chaos, and strength when I feel overwhelmed.
I believe that we need wonder to grasp the reality that we rarely acknowledged – we are immersed in the presence of God. It is all around us, deep within us, always embracing us and available to us at every moment.
I think that I first became aware of this as I studied Celtic Christian spirituality. Creation shimmered for the Celts with the glory of God. I experience this in my daily awe and wonder walks and could not help but think of this as last week I read an interview with Alice Walker, the author of The Colour Purple. She says:
“I think the foundation of everything in my life is wonder. We were way out in the country, and why wouldn’t you just absolutely wonder at the splendor of nature? It’s true I had various sufferings, but nothing really compares to understanding that you live in a place that, moment by moment, is incredible. ” (Read the entire interview here)
Alice Walker reminds me of so many other joy-filled people who in spite of their pain and suffering still live in a state of constant joy and childlike wonder. People like Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama who are such an inspiration to me.
This is what I experience on my awe and wonder walks and I wanted to share a little of what I experience through this poem I have written and the video below that contains a collection of photos from my awe and wonder walks over the last couple of months. I hope that this draws you into the presence of our awe inspiring God and deeper into the embrace of the divine presence.
The Wonder of Today
I grasp the wonder of today
I am awed by the beauty of God’s world.
The miracles of God embrace me.
They surround me with joy.
Sun bright and shining through clouds.
Leaves dappled with purple and green and gold.
Not autumn this but fruit of every season.
Each glance new shapes and sizes and colours.
Each breath new fragrances to tantalize the senses.
It stops me in my tracks with gasps of delight.
In this sacred space called Earth
I entwine my heart with God’s
Love comes, Light shines
All that is eternal in me
Welcomes the wonder of this day.
I felt very blessed to be given permission by Richard Irwin to use his music for All Things Bright And Beautiful which I found on his site He even sent me a special high quality copy that has greatly enriched the recording.
Performance ℗ 2018 Richard M S Irwin. All rights reserved. It is used with permission.
For a more in depth study of awe and wonder check out my online course The Gift of Wonder.

Gift of Wonder Online Retreat
Enjoyed this wonder walk, Christine. My garden has been a place of peace and wonder where I connect with God and yet, in this season, I struggle there too. You reminded me of the gifts I once received there and that are still there when I remain open to them. Thank you.
You’re welcome. I think that sometimes looking back to the blessings of the past can help us cope with the struggles of the present and maybe of the future too.