by Christine Sine
I have been in Chicago for the last few days and this afternoon following my final meeting decided go for a walk. The oak trees lining the street where I am living are magnificent and as I walked I admired their beauty and reflected on the richness of my experiences.
What a week. It is good to take time after an intensive like this not just to reflect back on what has been done but also to give thanks for it, so I thought that I would apply the questions I put together for the gratitude scavenger hunt to help me process the wonderful experiences that I have had.
I am grateful for friends

Grateful for Al and Janice Tizon
I know that this not one of the questions but being a relational person I have to start with giving thanks for friends. I love it when I am able to combine a time of ministry like this with time with friends – on this trip long term friends that have enriched my life over many years, as well as the son of my best friend whom I rarely see. He lives in Chicago and was able to free up time Friday night to be with me.
Name someone that makes your life better.
There are so many people who have made my life better this week that it is hard to select just one but at the top of the list is Lori Neff the marketing manager at IVP who arranged for me to visit their office, organized a podcast interview, made it possible for me to meet the staff and brainstormed ideas for how to continue getting the word out about The Gift of Wonder.
Name something you are particularly proud of.
I am very grateful for and proud of the opportunities I have to share what God has placed on my heart. I loved doing this workshop at Grace Covenant church on Saturday. It was such fun.

Workshop participants
What makes you laugh?
When we went on our awe and wonder walk during the workshop all I picked up was a few leaves, but one of the participants returned with a cognac bottle another with a bag of marihuana. At least that’s what they told us. Evidently there was still some cognac in the bottle when it was picked up but it was empty when it got back to the church…. and we never saw the bag of marihuana at all. It just disappeared. I am not sure if this qualifies for a gratitude moment, but it certainly made me laugh and I think that all laughter qualifies for gratitude.
Name one beautiful thing you are grateful for.

Beautiful tree lined street
I am very grateful for the magnificent trees along the street that I am staying and for the health and resilience to walk admiring the beauty.
What are you grateful for that you would like to share with someone else?

Grateful for creativity in all its diverse forms
I am grateful for the creativity of participants at my workshop. Watching people paint, doodle, whittle and color was fascinating.
What is something unusual you are grateful for?

Drying Linden flower
This was a hard one for me. Unusual or just different, I am still grateful for the fallen leaves splotched with black spots of virus and for the linden flower, now dry but still with its unusual formation all of which show the incredible creativity of our God
What is something unique that you are grateful for?

Unique creativity of each person
I am amazed by how uniquely each person expresses their creativity. We are all different, gifted with unique gifts from God.
This has been a wonderful way to finish off my visit to Chicago. As I back my back ready to fly home tomorrow I am filled with gratitude for all I have done and all I have seen.
What about you? Have you done your gratitude hunt this week?
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