Meditation Monday – Surrounded by the Embrace of God

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

Last week I set up a circle of candles around my sacred space where I do my devotions each morning. As I light them each day, a sense a special connection to the people, places and things that I feel God’s circle of light, revealed in the coming of Christ at this season, embraces for me.  As I light the candle in front of a family photo I thank God for the light that surrounds my family and friends. I progress from there to a candle surrounded by air plants. That connects me to the circle of God’s creation without which there would be no life on this plant. Then the candle on my altar, reminding me that God’s circle of light embraces all that is sacred and special in our world. From there to my office desk – God’s light embraces my work, and last but not least my “I choose joy” Advent garden where I sense to divine presence in all the inhabitants of our planet.


I sit in the middle of this circle, surrounded by the wonder of God’s love. I thank God for the circle of divine presence which embraces not just me and my family but my neighbours near and far. In fact it embraces all the peoples of the earth past, present and future. It embraces those who have lost homes to hurricanes, floods and fires this year. It embraces those who have fled from war and conflict and violence. It embraces those of us who have warm and comfortable homes to dwell in and abundant food to eat. It embraces those who live in poverty and in wealth. People from every race and nation and strata of society.

What I love about the circle of God’s light is that excludes no one and no thing. God’s light, the Christ child who comes to us at Christmas welcomes all of us into the circle of God’s family inviting us to surrender not just to the loving embrace of our God but also to the embrace of each other. God’s circle of light invites us to find unity and learn to care for each other as one global family.

Lord I sit in this circle of light,

surrounded by your love,

embraced by your peace,

infused with your joy.

Lord I sit in this circle of light,

with all the people of this world

secure in the wonder of your presence.


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