Meditation Monday – Living To A Sustainable Rhythm

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

Imagine what our lives would look like if they really flowed to the rhythm God intends for us. Imagine what a sustainable pace that allows time for work and rest, solitude and community, fasting feasting and fun would look like. These are some of the thoughts that revolve in my mind as I seek to live into a sustainable way of life.

Sustainability is not about cutting back on consumption and work, though that can be an outcome. Sustainability is primarily about living into life as God intends it to be.

This is one of my ruling passions. I first grappled with it when I contracted chronic fatigue syndrome 25 years ago. I was sure that stress, overwork and burnout were the chief causes and in my recovery began to explore a more sustainable rhythm of life. My first book about this – Godspace which gave birth to this blog, explored the rhythms of Jesus life and the balance he seemed to find between work and rest, community and solitude, feasting and fasting. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough. It was too intangible and it was still easy for me in our work oriented society to rationalize away the patterns that I felt God was leading me towards. Not surprisingly more overwork, stress and burnout followed.

There are two key questions that have helped me over the last few years to move towards a more sustainable way of life. Asking myself – what kind of God I believe in and what kind of rhythms does creation model.

Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

What Kind of God Do I Believe in?

Can you imagine a God who dances with shouts of joy, laughs, plays, enjoys life and invites us to join the fun? I couldn’t until recently. I grew up with a very serious, workaholic God who chastised me for not keeping busy 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Even though I knew this was not what God intended for me, I felt guilty when I slowed down, took a break or just went out and had some fun.

Unless you become like children you cannot enter the kingdom of God. These words riveted my attention a couple of years ago and I asked myself What are the childlike characteristics that make me fit for the kingdom? This question began a journey of discovery for me in which I started to explore the childlike characteristics that God sees as prerequisites to kingdom living. I posted on Facebook asking friends what qualities they believed are essential and slowly formulated a list. Playfulness, awe and wonder, imagination, creativity, curiosity, love of nature, compassion, gratitude, and unconditional trust all emerged as essential qualities of childlikeness. Yet we live in a world of play deprivation, nature deficit disorder, awe and wonder depletion and compassion fatigue. As a result I think we suffer from God deprivation too.

I am increasingly convinced that rediscovering our inner child is essential for our spiritual health. Awe and wonder, imagination and curiosity connect us to the God who is present in every moment and everything in a way that nothing else can. They enrich our contemplative core and expand our horizons to explore new aspects of our world and of our God.

Believing in a God who loves to get his hands dirty planting gardens, who makes mud pies to put on the eyes of the blind, and who does happy dances and sings with joy over all of humanity and in fact all of creation has revolutionized my faith. This is the theme of my upcoming book The Gift of Wonder, but there are a couple of steps you can take now to follow this path.

  1. Read some children’s books – maybe get back to the favorites from your childhood, or ask your kids, grandkids or friends kids which ones they enjoy most. Read them together or if you don’t have kids and grandkids volunteer at the local library or with friends to read stories.
  2. Spend time with kids – we all need kids in our lives. They ask us difficult questions and help us let go of our pretentious and often unrealistic expectations of ourselves and of others.
  3. Reconnect to your senses – kids view the world through all their senses, but we adults often limit ourselves to sight and sound and even these senses have very confining borders. Rediscovering the joy of smells, the wonder of textures, the delight of sunlight through trees opens us to a God of delight and rejoicing, a God who invites us to relax, to just sit in contentment and wonder or allow ourselves to be distracted by the beauty of a butterfly.

What Can Gardening Teach Us About God’s Rhythm?

Garden day

As I often say I read about the story of God in the Bible but in the garden I experience it. That is definitely true for the rhythms of God too. Working in the garden has given me permission to relax into a different pace of life a

We think of spring as the season of planting, but in God’s world seed is scattered in the autumn as seed heads mature and burst. Then the seed rests. Covered by a wintery coat it waits until the warmth of spring brings it to life.

The garden year has two seasons of rest and two of frantic activity. Winter is a time of preparation, when roots go down deep and pruning is done. Then comes spring, probably the busiest time in the garden. We plant, weed, fertilize, and mulch. We spend as much time as possible getting our garden ready for the coming season of growth, blossom and fruit. Then comes summer, vigorous growth, a riot of colorful flowers and rich fruit develop. Surprisingly this too is a season of rest – this time a rest of enjoyment and satisfaction. We watch the maturing of what we have planted, taking credit for it but really having little to do to bring it into being. I love to go out in the morning to see how the beans and zucchini have grown and how the tomatoes have ripened. I do a little weeding and maybe some watering but this is a time to enjoy the beauty, the fragrance and the delight of a hopefully well planned garden. Autumn is the next busy season when the full harvest overwhelms us with it is abundance. We work furiously to eat, preserve and store all that appears. We recruit friends and share harvest celebrations and then we collapse exhausted and grateful for the resting of winter months.

Recognizing that these patterns woven through all creation are God designed and God intended has been liberating for me. I find that my body too responds to these rhythms and if I ignore it I do fall into the trap of unsustainability again.

Pear blossom

How Sustainably is Your Rhythm?

I meet so many overworked, burnt out disillusioned Christians who have lost touch with the God of balance and sustainability. Are you one of them? Prayerfully take time today to reflect on your priorities and the rhythm that governs your life. Ask yourself:

Is this the rhythm God intends for me?

How could I develop a more sustainable way of life?

What would my life look like if I gave myself totally to God?

The God of rhythm and balance fill you with the flow of rest and work and enjoyment.
The God of fun and festivity surround you with laughter and play and delight.
The God of life and love enrich you with a future that brings satisfaction and joy and sustainability.
May you dance with the angels,
And shout with the children,
May you sing with all creation
Of the wonder of God’s presence.




Kirsty Lee April 16, 2018 - 6:29 am

Excellent reminder for me today.

Christine Sine April 16, 2018 - 8:48 am

Thank you

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