Meditation Monday – I Entwine My Heart with God’s

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

I am often inspired by the scriptures I read each morning as well as by the books that I am constantly perusing. This week has been a particularly enriching one from this perspective. A quote from John O’Donohue’s To Bless The Space Between UsMay the eternal in me welcome the wonder of this day, and Psalm 25:3 in The Passion Translation I entwine my heart with God’s have both firmly lodged in my brain. Each morning I sit in their presence, savoring them, drinking in their richness and inviting them to to take root deep in my heart.

As I sit in this still dark, winter place I breathe in their fragrance and other words rise to meet them, resonating in my soul and spreading through my body.  Questions swirl though my mind and I invite you to join me in meditating on them:

What would happen if I did entwine my heart with God’s every morning.

What would it be like if I wrapped my life into God’s eternal purposes and allowed the divine breath to fill and inspire me? 

I wrote the words in my art journal and made a list of what came to mind. If I entwined my heart with God’s…

I would not fret or fear.

I would be attentive to every moment, to every person, and to every thing. I would notice what usually goes unnoticed and find joy in the simple everyday events of life. I would hold onto the love of God at the very centre of my being. I would invite this love to govern my every action and direct my every step.

It is easy for me to write these words, but hard for me to practice them. This week I will continue to recite what is becoming a timely mantra for me: I entwine my heart with God’s. The eternal in me welcomes the wonder of this day. I will sit in the stillness of these words each morning and allow them to penetrate my soul.

Here is the poem that my quiet reflection has already given birth to:

Awed I sit,
In the silence of the dawn
The miracles of God
embrace me.
Leaves dappled,
with purple and green and white.
Sunlight shining through the clouds.
Infinite variety,
Untold complexity.
Not autumn this
But fruit of every glance.
It stops me in my tracks
With gasps of delight.
I entwine my heart with God’s.
Love comes,
Light shines
The eternal in me
welcomes the wonder of this day.
(Christine Sine January 2020)

What words, scripture verses or images are nourishing your soul this week? 

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Steve Rush Garrett January 27, 2020 - 10:40 am

Thank you for this CS, one that comes to mind as I meditate with you are the words of Isaiah 26.3; You will keep him/her in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because WE TRUST IN YOU O LORD. The emphasis, and a brief comment are my own, as is any error.

Christine Sine January 27, 2020 - 11:46 am


Christine Sine January 28, 2020 - 6:54 am

Steve decided to meditate on your passage this morning. Here is how it is translated in The Passion Translation
Perfect, absolute peace surrounds[a] those
whose imaginations[b] are consumed with you;
they confidently trust in you.
4 Yes, trust in the Lord Yahweh forever and ever!
For Yah, the Lord God, is your Rock of Ages!

Linda Gothard January 28, 2020 - 2:11 am

Such beautiful words Chris just so loved reading this

Christine Sine January 28, 2020 - 6:51 am

Thank you Linda and how wonderful to hear from you. Many blessings

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